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1.play 2.work 3.on 4.young 5.built 【解析】 1.根据音标/pleI/故填play 2.根据音标/wз:k/故填work 3.根据音标/n/故填on 4.根据音标/j??/故填young 5.根据音标/bIlt/故填built

科目:初中英语 来源:冀教版七年级英语下册Unit 1 A Trip to the Silk Road 单元检测卷 题型:单选题

Mimi is _____ cat.

A. Lucy's and Lily's B. Lucy and Lily C. Lucy's and Lily D. Lucy and Lily's

D 【解析】句意:Mimi是露西和莉莉的猫。考查所有格辨析。含有两人以上的所有格,分两种情况:一是共有某物,在最后一人后面加+’s;二是分别拥有(即各是各的),需在每一个人名后加+’s。本句Mimi是被露西和莉莉共有的一只cat,只需在Lily后面加所有格即可;故选D。


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年北京市中考英语题型专项复习题库:书面表达20篇 题型:话题作文


提示词语:water the trees and flowers, collect the waste, happy, important

提示问题:●What did you do in the activity?

●How did you feel after the activity?

●What do you think of protecting the environment?

At my school, we held a practical activity about how to make a green school last week.


At my school, we held a practical activity about how to take a green school last week. In the activity,I watered the trees and flowers. And I collected waste which can be recycled or used again. I als...


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年徐州市中考总复习专项练习-词语运用 题型:语法填空


Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark, came back from university to find that his father, the old king, was dead. And a friend told him, "Your mother 1. (marry) your father's brother, Claudius, who is now king."

Soon, a ghost was seen2. (walk) on the castle walls. When Hamlet saw the ghost, he was told that it was the ghost of his father. It told him that Hamlet's father 3. (murder) by his brother, Claudius.

Hamlet became very sad, and he: thought about killing himself: "To be or not to be--that is the question." Claudius soon noticed that Hamlet4. (behave) strangely those days, so he asked Hamlet's girlfriend, Ophelia 5. (get) close to him. After Hamlet knew the truth, he was very angry and said, "I 6. (break) up with you...

1.has married 2.walking 3.was murdered 4.was behaving 5.to get 6.will break 【解析】本文主要内容:哈姆雷特,从大学回来,发现他的父亲,老国王死了。一个朋友告诉他:“你母亲嫁给了你的叔叔克劳迪亚斯,现在的国王。”不久,有人看见一个鬼魂在城堡的墙上行走。那是他父亲的鬼魂。它告诉哈姆雷特他的父...


科目:初中英语 来源:浙江省外研版七年级英语下册同步测试:Module9 Life history Unit 2 He decided to be an actor. 题型:语法填空


George Stephenson was born in 1781 in a poor family. He had to start work 1.he was only eight.When George was fourteen, he2.(become) his father’s helper. He spent a lot of time 3.(learn) about the engine(发动机). And on holidays he often took one into pieces and studied each 4.(piece) carefully. Soon he became a very good5.(work), though(尽管) he could not read 6.write. He began to learn the English letters when he 7.seventeen years old. Every day after he did twelve hours of hard work, he walked a long way to have lessons from a young school teacher. On his eighteenth birthday, he8.(write) his own name for the first time in his life. George invented(发明) many things9.his life. The train was the greatest one of 10.(they).

Today when we watch or take trains from one place to another, we’ll think of this great man—George Stephenson.

1.when 2.became 3.learning 4.piece 5.worker 6.or 7.was 8.wrote 9.in 10.them 【解析】文章介绍了George Stephenson事迹。 1.句意:当他8岁的时候,他不得不开始工作。when 当---时候,引导时间状语从句;根据句意故填when 2.句意...


科目:初中英语 来源:浙江省外研版七年级英语下册同步测试:Module6 Around town Unit 2 The London Eye is on your right. 题型:句型转换


1.They often go to Beijing by plane. (改为同义句)

They often__________ _________ _________ to Beijing.

2.There is a museum. In it there are lots of famous paintings. (合并为一句)

There is a museum____________lots of famous paintings.

3.The tower is 135 metres high. (对画线部分提问)

____________ _____________ is the tower?

4.It will take me two hours to get there. (对画线部分提问)

____________ __________will it take you to get there?

5.You can get to the park by underground. (对画线部分提问)

_________can____________get to the park?

1.take a plane 2.with 3.How high 4.Howlong 5.Howwe/I 【解析】 1.They often go to Beijing by plane. (改为同义句)根据go to---by plane=take a plane to---乘飞机去某地;故填(1). take (2). a (3). plane 2.T...


科目:初中英语 来源:浙江省外研版七年级英语下册同步测试:Module5 Shopping Unit 1 What can I do for you 题型:根据音标写单词







1.take 2.sale 3.may 4.biscuit 5.certainly 【解析】 1.省略 2.省略 3.省略 4.省略 5.省略


科目:初中英语 来源:外研版八年级下册Module 2单元测试含答案 题型:单选题

—Where's Peter? —He _______ to Nanjing.

A. is going B. has been C. has gone D. went

C 【解析】句意:彼得在哪儿?他去南京了。A.is going在去,要去。现在进行时态;B.has been去过某地(已回);C. has gone 去了某地(未回);D.went去,一般过去时态。根据本句的句意可知动作已经发生,找不到彼得了,说明他去了…,对现在造成的影响是人已不在再这儿,所以用现在完成时。用have/has gone to结构;主语是he,所以用has。故答案选C。 ...


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年沈阳市中考英语题型复习训练:完形填空 题型:完型填空

Long ago, people lived happily under the rule of a king. The people of the kingdom were very _____ as they were wealthy and had no problems.

Once, the king decided to travel and visit far-away places of great historic importance. He chose to travel on foot, _____ he wanted to talk to his people. People of distant places were very happy to have a _____ with their king. They were proud that their king had a kind heart.

After several weeks of travel, the king _____ to the palace. He was quite happy to visit many places and see his people. _____, he felt a lot of pain in his feet as it was his first trip on foot covering a long distance. He _____ to his ministers that the roads were covered with stones and weren’t _____. He said that he was very worried about _____ people who walked along them.

He ordered to cover the roads in the whole country with _____ in order that the people of his kingdom could walk comfortably. The king’s ministers were very surprised to hear his order as thousands of cows would have to be ______ for leather. And it would also cost a lot of money.

Finally, a wise man from the ministry came to the king and said that ______ had a better idea. The minister said, “Instead of covering the roads with leather, why not just have a piece of leather cut in the right ______ to cover your feet?”

The king was ______ by his idea and praised the minister. He ordered a pair of leather shoes for himself and requested all his countrymen also to wear shoes.

Changes are unavoidable, and they should come ______ ourselves. We cannot or should not __depend on others to make them. That means, instead of trying to change the world, we ______ try to change ourselves.

1.A. crazy B. polite C. happy D. smart

2.A. though B. because C. until D. unless

3.A. business B. trip C. discussion D. conversation

4.A. came B. returned C. hurried D. headed

5.A. Besides B. Also C. However D. Instead

6.A. shouted B. apologized C. explained D. complained

7.A. safe B. comfortable C. straight D. convenient

8.A. a B. an C. the D. (不填)

9.A. dirt B. sand C. wood D. leather

10.A. killed B. sold C. raised D. exchanged

11.A. he B. she C. we D. they

12.A. place B. position C. shape D. order

13.A. confused B. disappointed C. heard D. surprised

14.A. of B. from C. for D. with

15.A. should B. may C. must D. would

1.C 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.D 9.D 10.A 11.A 12.C 13.D 14.B 15.A 【解析】本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了一位国王在自己的国家徒步旅游的途中发现地上满是石头而不能行走,他命令在地上铺上皮革以便于人们舒适地行走,大臣们听后觉得这个命令行不通,因为这需要许...

