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4. Don’t forget to return the magazines next Monday.

   A. look up   B. learn about

   C. give back   D. look for

4. C 

retum = give back,意为“归还”,故答案为C。

题目来源:2016年5年中考3年模拟初中英语七年级下册沪教牛津版 > 单元检测


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

4. (2014 江苏建湖期中,31.★★☆) The funny story made all of us       .

   A. laugh   B. laughing

   C. to laugh   D. laughed


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

6. (2011 黑龙江哈尔滨,27, ★★☆) Each of us has       life goals,which will guide us to a bright future. Without life goals,we may waste our lifetime.

   A. a little   B. few   C. a few


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

9. In our school       students like English,but       of them can speak English smoothly.

   A. a little;a few   B. a few;few

   C. a few;little   D. a little;few 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

      Natural resources are things that we use and they come from the Earth .Our natural resources are limited (有限的) . This means that they will not 16 forever.Some are renewable,like trees. We can plant a new tree when we 17 one down.Others are not renewable,like coal (煤) . When we dig coal out of the 18 and it is used,it is gone.

      People realize the 19 that the Earths natural resources are limited,and that they can do things to help conserve (节约) those resources. 20 you try to conserve a natural resource,you try to use less of it so it does not get used up so 21 One way that people conserve fuel,like gasoline,is by riding a bicycle or walking when the 22 is short instead of driving.

      Water is a very important natural resource because we all need it to stay 23 We can conserve water 24 making sure that our pipes and taps do not leak (漏) .We can also make 25 choices to conserve water. Everyone can make contributions to protecting natural resources.

16. A. last   B. spread   C. burn   D. change

17. A. turn   B. cut   C. put   D. move

18. A. station   B. building   C. ground   D. brick

19. A. news   B. plan   C. decision   D. fact

20. A. When   B. Although   C. Whatever   D. Whether 

21 .A. slowly   B. hard   C. regularly   D. fast

22. A. money   B. space   C. place   D. distance

23. A. alive   B. alone   C. asleep   D. awake

24. A. about   B. for   C. by   D. with

25. A. generous   B. funny   C. wise   D. surprising


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

7. 打开      

8. 早点儿上床睡觉      

9. 告诉人们做什么      


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1. 这张照片是我奶奶的。

The photo is                      .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

3. 早起不容易。

                           get up early.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

60. 我爸爸每月给我十美元零用钱。

My father gives me ten dollars a month for             .

