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下面有几条从 “美国中学生守则”中摘录的校规。请你参照这些内容,给你们学校制定一条校规,并用事实说明制定该校规的理由。
American school rules
1. Don’t cheat while taking a test.
2. You may talk to your teacher in your seat.
3. Please raise your hand when answering questions.
I want to make a school rule. It is
One possible version:
I want to make a school rule. It’s “Don’t take mobile phones to school.”
Many of my classmates take mobile phones to school. They use them to play games. Sometimes they send messages to each other in class. Sometimes they read novels at night and often feel tired and sleepy in class the next day. Sometimes they even use phones to cheat in exams.
So I think it’s bad for students to take mobile phones to school. It affects not only themselves but also other students. What’s more, the students with phones may not be concentrated on their studies. Phones cost their parents money. (90words)
Possible version(2)
I want to make a school rule. It is “Don’t take mobile phones to school.”
Phones are more and more widely used, but in my opinion it’s not necessary for students to take mobile phones to school. I still remember one day in a math class, our math teacher was explaining a math problem when one of the boy students’ phone rang. All the other students turned to him. The teacher had to stop.
It not only affected the teacher but also affected ourselves in class. On the other hand, it costs parents money to buy the phones and they have to pay for their children to use the phone. (94 words)

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:写作题

请以“We Learn More Outside the Classroom”为题,从你的个人角度,谈谈你对课堂内外知识与实践的看法。
提示:1. 你认为,从课外学到的东西比在课堂上学到的要多,对你将来的成长更有用。
2. 在课堂上,我们知识学到了怎样学习,而不会实践。
3. 希望不能把自己限制在课堂上,……


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:写作题

假如你是李华,你的美国笔友Daniel计划今年暑假来江西度假,他向你了解江西城市生活和农村生活的情况,以便选择度假地点,请根据下图提供的关键词,给他写一封邮件,先介绍城市生活和农村生活的相同点和不同点,然后说说你自己更喜欢哪种生活,并说明理由 。
supermarket. restaurant. apartment. car. bus. cinema. club. park
vegetable. rice. house. motorbike. bicycle. visiting neighbors


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:写作题



科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:写作题

假如你是张文,八年级四班的班长。你们班排练了一部英文课本剧(an English textbook play),准备本周六下午4:00在学校礼堂(the school hall)演出。请你用英语给学校的外籍教师Terry写一封80字左右的E-mail,邀请他来观看演出,并在演出结束时发言。
注意:1. 可增加细节,使文章连贯完整;2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Terry,
Hi, I’m Zhang Wen, monitor of Class 4, Grade 8.
We are all looking forward to your coming.
Zhang Wen


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:写作题

Write a passage in about 100 words with the help of the following points about Zhanghua’s life       change. The first sentence has been given.
Zhanghua as a child
Zhuanghua now
used to have much time
used to spend a lot of time playing games with his friends
used to watch TV or chat with his grandma in the evening
used to go to concerts with his father.
Is too busy
gets up early and stays in school all day.
hasn't any more time to play games with his
does his homework and goes to bed late,
hardly has time for concerts.
misses the old days.
Zhuanghua's life has changed a lot in the last few years.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:写作题



科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:写作题

(要求:1. 80词左右 2.不要出现你的真实姓名)

