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(英译汉) how often


科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年辽宁丹东市九年级上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Two farmers were on their way home one evening after a hard day's work. Both were tired. They happened to look up at the sky and saw a black cloud overhead.

"Ah!" said one farmer, "tomorrow we shall have rain and the rice will grow well." The second answered, "Nonsense (胡说), the rain will only kill the crops (庄稼)."

So they began to quarrel (争吵). Just then a third farmer came along and asked them why they were quarreling. Both farmers explained about the black cloud.

"What cloud?" asked the third farmer. They all looked at the sky. The cloud was no longer there.


1. The two farmers were going _____________.

2.They happened to look up at the sky and saw a black cloud overhead.


3.Who quarrelled  in the text ?________________________

4.The third farmer came along and said to the other two. He wanted to___________________.

5.How many farmers were there in the text?_____________



科目:初中英语 来源:河北省期末题 题型:阅读理解

     Some countries have large numbers of earthquakes. Japan is one of them. One of the most serious
earthquakes in world history took place in Japan in 1923. The shock and fires caused by it destroyed
much of Tokyo and Yokohama and left more than 7000 dead. Other countries do not have many. For
examples, there are few earthquakes in Brirain, France, Germany.
    There is often a great noise during an earthquake, but it is not always. The earth rocks. Houses fall
down. Railway lines are broken. Sometimes many people are killed in an earthquake. People think
earthquakes often happen near volcanoes (火山), but this is not always true. The centers of some are
under the sea. The bottom of the sea suddenly moves. The powerful forces inside the earth break the
rocks. The coast is rocking and great waves are caused there. These waves travel long distances and
rush over the land when they reach it. They are strong enough to break down houses and other buildings:
sometimes they break more buildings than earthquake itself.
     What kind of building stands up best in an earthquake? A building with concrete (水泥) walls is
perhaps the best. A steel frame (框架) will make it even stronger. The frame holds the different parts
together and the walls do not easily fall. There is less chance of fire because concrete and steel (钢材)
does not burn. This kind of building is the safest. Today modern concrete and steel apartment buildings
are commonly seen in cities of Japan.
1.The text mainly tells us how to protect ourselves when the earthquake happens.
2.Why do we say that an earthquake is terrible?
3.What kind of building stands up best in an earthquake?
4.In which country are modern concrete and steel apartment buildings commonly seen?
5.There is often a great noise during an earthquake, but it is not always.


科目:初中英语 来源:河北省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     Many children act in TV shows. They work several hours every day, so they can not go to regular
 school. How do they get an education?
     In Hollywood many TV shows are made. About forty teachers give lessons for the children in the
 shows. They teach wherever their pupils are working. The teachers' job is very important. They are
 responsible for making sure that the children only the permitted hours each week. They are also
  responsible for making sure that children learn the required subjects. They make sure, too, that the
 children get enough rest and play, along with their education.          
     Child actors are required to attend classes twenty hours each week. California law says they must be
  taught from September to June. If they do not make much progress in school, they are not permitted to
 continue working in TV shows. TV children are usually good pupils, and most of their teachers like this
 special kind of work. Their classes are often held in some wonderful places.
     Sometimes the "classroom" is a Mississippi river boat. Sometimes it is the inside of a spaceship. Often
 the pupils will become famous stars.
1. Child actors can't get enough rest or play because they have to work and study all day.( 判断正误)
2. Put the underlined sentence (in Paragraph 3) into Chinese. ( 英译汉)
3. Where is Hollywood ? (简略回答问题 )
4. Why can't child actors go to regular school for their study?  (简略回答问题 ) 
5. What must the children do if they want to go on working in TV shows?   (简略回答问题 ) 


科目:初中英语 来源:河北省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

    Recently, children's literature (文学) has become more and more popular. In fact, children's literature has
been welcomed by both children and adults. People have tried to find out why adults love children's literature
just like children themselves. But there is no final answer.
    Children's literature is very different from adults' literature. Most of it is fantasy (幻想). That means children
can use their imagination. They can enjoy the fantasy world, which is never boring. The most important thing
is that the world is bright and hopeful. In the fantasy world dead people can be alive again and broken legs can
grow once more. Right always beats wrong in the end.
    Children's literature can also influence children a lot in education. When they read, their knowledge is increase
d and children know more about the truth. For a child who just learns to read, understanding the meaning of a
word may be greater than learning the word itself.
    Children's literature is not only for children. A large number of adults like it too. Not only young adults,
parents and teachers, but also other people of all ages enjoy it. Both children and adults who love children's
literature can get much pleasure from it.
判断正误、英译汉及回答问题。(1为判断正误(T or F);2为翻译;3-5为回答问题)
1. Children's literature is full of fantasy, just like adults' literature. (  )
2. What does the underlined sentence (in paragraph 2) mean in Chinese?
3. What's the fantasy world like?
4. How does children's literature influence children in education?
5. How do the people feel when they read children's literature?


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省期中题 题型:翻译题

1. 你准备和谁去.
    __________ are you ____________ with?
2. 如果牙疼你应该去看牙医.
   You should see a ____________ if you have a ______________.
3. 比尔每天花费半个小时做作业.
   It takes Bill half an hour _________ _________ his homework every day.
4. 养成一种健康的生活方式是非常困难的.
   ________ very difficult _______ have a healthy lifestyle.
5. 我喜欢使我发笑的朋友.
   I like the friend who_______ me _______.
6. 这次我想做不同的事情.(汉译英)
7. 我不得不为考试而学.(汉译英)
8. I don't think differences are important in a friendship. ( 英译汉)
9. How far is it from your home to school? ( 英译汉)
10. That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus. ( 英译汉)

