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Here are this month’s best magazines for you! Ready for you, Now!


The most popular magazine for those who want to raise smart and loving children. It has a complete child development plan, the advice on your child’s health and safety, and the best way to encourage your child’s learning.

Its cover price is $26.00. Our price is $12.00.

Fashion Guide

The shopping magazine with the best buys, and the fashion advice. You’ll need them before you go to the stores. What makes it really special is that it gives you the information you need before anyone else has it.

Its cover price is $18.50. Our price is $15.50.

Best Weekend Projects

The projects are chosen from 80 special ideas to create an unusual living space. They will change your home and yard and can be made on weekends. And the most important of all, they are easy to follow.

Its cover price is $17.95. Our price is $13.90.

Off the Beaten Cart Path

The best – selling travel book which includes over 200 new places of interest, over 200 new full – color photos, and all – new, up – to – date maps. It includes over 1,000 of the United States most must – see destinations(目的地).

Its cover price is $30.00. Our price is $19.80.


1.Which of the magazines has the lowest cover price?

A.Off the Beaten Cart Path. B.Best Weekend Projects C.Fashion Guide

2.After reading Parents, you will get advice on ___________.

A.children’s best weekend

B.how to take parents on a trip

C.children’s health and safety

3.The projects in Best weekend Projects will change your ________.

A.living space B.fashion ideas C.learning plans

4.If Mr. Huang wants to buy each one of these four magazines, how much should he pay?

A.$92.45 B.$61.20 C.$70.90

5.What can we know from the passage?

A.Fashion guide gives you advice on opening stores.

B.Parents offers you the best ways to encourage your children to travel.

C.There are lots of photos and maps in Off the Beaten Cart Path.


科目:初中英语 来源:湖南省2019-2020学年七年级下学期3月在线学习检测英语试卷 题型:语篇翻译

Amy is a student of No . 1 Middle School. She likes her school very much. Her home is far from her school. (1)So she usually gets up early in the morning. She goes to school at 6:40. The morning reading class is from 7:30 to 8:00. (2) 在那之后,她从 8 10 分到 11 50 有四节课

Amy usually has lunch at school. (3)She often talks with her classmates at lunchtime. Sometimes her math teacher helps her with her math because she isn’ t good at it.

In the afternoon, Amy has three lessons. She is in the school volleyball club. (4)她每天放学后打 1 小时排球。

At about 6:00 she goes home. She does her homework after dinner. She often watches TV for half an hour after she finishes her homework. 5)She usually goes to bed at 10:30.







科目:初中英语 来源:2020年广西柳州市鱼峰区九年级第一次教学质量检测英语试卷 题型:将所给单词连成句子

me, my mother, lovely, a, dog, gave(妈妈送给我一个可爱的小狗。)



科目:初中英语 来源:2020年广西柳州市鱼峰区九年级第一次教学质量检测英语试卷 题型:单选题

-What do you usually do before going to bed?

--I ___________

A. used to write diaries B. am used to sleeping C. am used to reading


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年黑龙江省哈尔滨市升学考试模拟英语试卷 题型:多任务混合问题



Foot, quick, other, draw, win, leave, one, go away

One day a rich man invited his friends to a party and they drank a lot of wine. At last there was only a pot of wine ___________. Who could get it? They thought of an idea and decided to have a match. The person who finished the painting of a snake ___________ could drink the wine, so they began drawing.

One of them drew _________. After he finished, he saw others were still busy _________. He said, “How slow you are! I am the first to finish the painting. I still have enough time to draw something else.” So he added _________ to the snake. However, before he could finish the feet, _________ man also finished drawing. He took away the pot and said. “Who has ever seen a snake with feet. Snakes have no feet, so yours is not a snake. I am the _________. I will get the wine.” With the words, he _________. The man looked at his drawing and regretted doing that.



Overwork is one of the main reasons why so many students feel tired and stressed. There are some ways for you to learn to relax. Such as reducing(减少)some of the jobs you do each day. So you can leave time for relaxing and fun activities, like reading a good book, listening to a sweet music, going for a walk or taking a relaxing bath.

Secondly, get a good night’s sleep. Getting enough sleep will help you to keep your body and mind in the best form. If you stay up late and need to get up early for school the next day, you may not be able to pay much attention to the things you need to do.

Next, eat healthy. You’d better eat as little junk food as possible.

Another way is getting to know pleasant people. Some people are optimistic, while others not. Choose optimistic people as your friends and spend more time with them. Then you’ll be as happy as them.

At last, learn to keep calm when you face problems. You know that you can probably solve the problems, and it is a good way to build up your self – confidence.


c_________ not excited, nervous or upset

a____________ the act of listening to, looking at or thinking about sth./sb. carefully


You’d better eat as little junk food as possible.

You’d better eat as little junk food as ______________ ________________.


Why do lots of students feel stressed and tired?


How can the students keep their bodies and minds in the best form?


How many ways for students to relax are mentioned in this passage?



New Year’s Eve is a different time for people in different countries.

In England, we usually have a party with our friends and family. We turn the TV on and wait for Big Ben to hit 12. We form a circle and sing a very old song. And then we all wish each other “Happy New Year”. We make New Year’s resolutions, too. For example, travel more or spend more time with family.

In Spain, when the clock hits 12, people eat 12 grapes. Twelve grapes means the 12 months in a year. It is believed that if you eat the grapes, you will have good luck for the whole year.

In Greece, lots of children get money for the New Year. When midnight falls, children or the head of the family is sent out of the house and told to walk back in. People believe this brings good luck.


Different ____________ to Celebrate New Year’s Eve

In England

·People usually have a party with their friends and family.

·They wait for Big Ben to hit 12 and sing a very old song.

·They____________ make New Year’s resolutions.

In Spain

·People eat ____________ when the clock hits 12. It is believed that ____________

them brings good luck for the whole year.

In Greece

·Many children are given money for the New Year.

·When midnight falls, people ____________ children or the head of the family

out of the house and ask them to walk back in.






















科目:初中英语 来源:2020年黑龙江省哈尔滨市升学考试模拟英语试卷 题型:单选题

—Do you know the boy over there?

—The one __________ is holding a ball? Oh, that’s my neighbor Phil.

A./ B.which C.who


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年黑龙江省哈尔滨市升学考试模拟英语试卷 题型:单选题

—More and more people prefer to walk rather than ride in cars.

—______________. Walking is good for health.

A.So they are B.So are they C.So they do


科目:初中英语 来源:重庆市校2019-2020学年九年级下学期阶段测试英语试卷九 题型:回答问题

Belinda George, 42, a principal (校长) at Homer Drive Elementary in Beaumont, Southeast Texas, opens Facebook live on her phone at 7:30 p.m. each Tuesday. As she reads a children's book in her living room, anyone who goes to the school's Facebook page can watch live. Each Tuesday she wears a pair of nightclothes and reads to her students herself, which soon gets a lot attention. As she reads, everyone watches carefully. After watching Belinda and listening to her energetic voice, students will come up to her and share their favorite part and ask where they can find the book in the school library. Since Belinda has gotten some media attention, parents and children from across the country also join in.

Many parents watch along with students. It's also interactive because Belinda asks questions as she reads full of passion. Since she became principal this school year, students have read more and written better. "We've already seen progress," she said, "I have deep understanding of growing up in a poor family. I understand some of these kids will never go to college, but I want them to feel like they are successful. Whatever you choose, just good at it. You are a cleaner, be the best cleaner there is." She doesn't want to let her students down if they don't end up attending college. "If children feel loved, they will try their best."

1.How often does Belinda George open Facebook live?


2.Do the students like to watch Belinda George read stories?


3.According to Belinda, what is the most important to kids from poor families?


4.Do you think it's necessary for every student to attend college? Why or why not?



科目:初中英语 来源:山东省滨州市博兴县2018-2019学年八年级下学期期末英语试卷 题型:汉译英:整句

自从来到这个新班级,我已经交了好多朋友。(ever since)


