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Do you eat the right food?

Stephen Robinson, a government adviser on food and diet, is worried about the diet of young British people today. In a recent statement he said that young people in the UK ate too much junk food(不利健康的小吃). He added that young children especially didn’t eat enough fruit and vege tables. One inventive(有创造力)food company has started to produce a range(一系列)of vegeta- bles with “trendy” flavoursto make them more attractive to children.

The government is now preparing to carry out a food survey(调查)of young people. It is training interviewers to visit young people at home or at school and discuss their diet with them, and also to show them how to prepare a “food diary” for seven days. The idea is that the govern- ment can then find out exactly what is in the diet of young people. If necessary, they can then encourage young people to include the right balance of protein(蛋白质), fat, and carbohydrat(碳水化合物)in their diet. Perhaps we will have a healthier population in the future!


1. Why is Stephen Robinson worried about the diet of young British people?

2. What are the interviewers for the food survey going to do?

3. What will the government find out from the survey?



1.Because young people in the UK ate too much junk food, young children especially didn't eat enough fruit and vegetables.

2.They are going to visit young people at home or at school and discuss their diet with them, and also to show them how to prepare” food diary” for seven days

3.The government can find out what is in the diet of young people.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Time Temp Glasses
Are you a person who wants to know the time and temperature during the day? You might like Temp Glasses. These special glasses show the time above your right eye and the temperature your left eye. It is surely easier than wearing a wristwatch, and you never have to guess the Tature.
Alarm() Fork
Do you eat too quickly? Do you eat too much? How can the Alarm Fork help you? Aren't you is (好奇的)? Well, this special fork has two lights: one green and one red. When the green is on, it's OK to eat a piece of food. The fork "knows" when you eat a piece, and soon the red goes on. Wait for the green light before you eat another piece.
Smell This
Sow do you know if your breath smells nice, or if it smells bad? It's difficult It) know, because it’s very hard to smell the air that comes out of your own mouth. Smell This is useful for this ion. Smell This covers your nose and your mouth. Docs your breath smell nice, or do you need a piece of gum(口香糖)?
Banana Suitcase(手提箱)
Has this ever happened to you? You put a banana in your bag lunch in the morning, and when pen the bag at noon, the banana looks like someone drove a car over it. If you put your banana Banana Suitcase, this will never happen. It keeps a banana safe, delicious, and looking like a m!
【小题1】The writer thinks that the four inventions are_.
A.dangerousB.uselessC.unusual D.expensive
【小题2】A person who wants to lose weight may be interested in_.
A.Time Temp GlassesB.Alarm ForkC.Smell ThisD.Banana Suitcase
【小题3】Which invention is most helpful for someone waiting for a train?
A.Time Temp Glasses.B.Alarm I ink.C.Smell This.D.Banana Suitcase.
【小题4】If you want to know how your breath is. you may buy _.
A.Time Temp GlassesB.Alarm ForkC.Smell ThisD.Banana Suitcase
【小题5】Who might use the Banana Suitcase?
A.A person who eats bananas only at home.
B.Someone who needs to throw away a banana.
C.A person who has little interest in eating bananas.
D.Someone who loves bananas and brings lunch to school every day.


科目:初中英语 来源:2012年初中毕业升学考试(天津卷)英语(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Some children are afraid to go to the dentist, but not me. I’m a boy of 8 and I have a funny dentist. His name is Dr. Smileyface. I don’t think that’s his real name, but that’s what he tells all the children who come to see him.
He has a cool waiting room. It has video games and a big toy box. Dr. Smileyface always wears funny hats. Sometimes he has his face painted. He asks funny questions like “Are you married yet?” and “Do you eat flowers to make your breath smell so sweet?” That makes me laugh. One time, he told me this joke, “What has lots of teeth but never goes to the dentist? A comb!” When I laughed, he pulled my tooth. It didn’t hurt at all! He also teaches me how to take care of my teeth in an interesting way. Before I leave, he always gives me a surprise. Last week he gave me a toy ship and I liked it very much.
【小题1】 How does the writer feel when he goes to the dentist?

【小题2】What does Dr. Smileyface teach the writer to do?
A.How to laugh.
B.How to take care of his teeth.
C.To eat flowers.
D.To paint his face.
【小题3】 What did Dr. Smileyface give the writer last week?
A.A toy ship.B.A toy box.C.A comb.D.Flowers.


科目:初中英语 来源:2015届安徽省芜湖县八年级上学期期中五校联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


A: Excuse me, may I ask you some questions?

B: Yes, of course.

A:     1.          .

B: Every day.

A:       2.     .

B: Because the doctor says it’s good for my health.

A: Do you like junk food?

B:      3.    .But I try to eat it only once a month.

A: Why?

B:      4.      .

A: How many hours do you sleep every night?

B:       5.       .

A: Oh, I think you must be in good health .

A. Why do you eat them every day?

B. Yes ,I do.

C. Every day.

D. About eight hours.

E. How often do you eat fruit and vegetables?

F. The doctors tells me it’s bad for my health.

G. Eight hours a week.



科目:初中英语 来源:2011年广西钦州市中考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Time Temp Glasses

Are you a person who wants to know the time and temperature during the day? You might like Temp Glasses. These special glasses show the time above your right eye and the temperature your left eye. It is surely easier than wearing a wristwatch, and you never have to guess the Tature.

Alarm() Fork

Do you eat too quickly? Do you eat too much? How can the Alarm Fork help you? Aren't you is (好奇的)? Well, this special fork has two lights: one green and one red. When the green is on, it's OK to eat a piece of food. The fork "knows" when you eat a piece, and soon the red goes on. Wait for the green light before you eat another piece.

Smell This

Sow do you know if your breath smells nice, or if it smells bad? It's difficult It) know, because it’s very hard to smell the air that comes out of your own mouth. Smell This is useful for this ion. Smell This covers your nose and your mouth. Docs your breath smell nice, or do you need a piece of gum(口香糖)?

Banana Suitcase(手提箱)

Has this ever happened to you? You put a banana in your bag lunch in the morning, and when pen the bag at noon, the banana looks like someone drove a car over it. If you put your banana Banana Suitcase, this will never happen. It keeps a banana safe, delicious, and looking like a m!

1.The writer thinks that the four inventions are_.

A. dangerous          B. useless        C. unusual         D. expensive

2.A person who wants to lose weight may be interested in_.

A. Time Temp Glasses        B. Alarm Fork       C. Smell This  D. Banana Suitcase

3.Which invention is most helpful for someone waiting for a train?

A. Time Temp Glasses.       B. Alarm I ink.       C. Smell This.        D. Banana Suitcase.

4.If you want to know how your breath is. you may buy _.

A. Time Temp Glasses        B. Alarm Fork       C. Smell This D. Banana Suitcase

5.Who might use the Banana Suitcase?

A. A person who eats bananas only at home.

B. Someone who needs to throw away a banana.

C. A person who has little interest in eating bananas.

D. Someone who loves bananas and brings lunch to school every day.



科目:初中英语 来源:2013届山西省大同市初二第一次月考英语试卷 题型:选词填空


1.Maybe they are not in the library.(同义句转换)

They                       in the library..

2.Dick is watching Tv now.(用sometimes改写句子)

Dick                   sometimes.

3.I believe chickens can swim.(改为否定句)

I                  chickens        swim.

4.They did it two days ago.(对划线部分提问)

                       they       it?

5.I eat junk food two or three times a week.( 对划线部分提问) 

                  do you eat junk food?

6.To sleep for eight hours every night is important.( 同义句转换)

                     to sleep eight hours every night.

7.You should eat some Chinese medicine.(改为否定句)

You          eat         Chinese medicine.

8.The boy didn’t stand up before the teacher came in.( 同义句转换)

The boy         stand up          the teacher came in.

9.she, what, doing, vacation, is, for, week, next?(连词成句)



