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根据句意用所给动词的正确形式填空 (5分)
小题1:He was late for school because of ___________(get) up late.
小题2:Their team ________ (win) the basketball final yesterday.
小题3:I decided            (make) Millie a birthday card by myself.
小题4:We kept            (run) on the playground last Monday afternoon.
小题5:You'd better         (go) to bed early. It's good for your health.

小题3:to make

小题1:句意:他上学迟到是因为起晚了。because of为介词短语,后面跟动词时要用动词的ing形式,故答案为getting。
小题3:句意:我决定亲自为米莉制作一张生日卡片。decide to do意为“决定做某事”;故答案为to make。
小题4:句意:上周一下午我们一直在操场上跑步。keep doing sth意为“一直做某事”;故答案为running。
小题5:句意:你最好早些上床睡觉。这样对你的健康有好处。had better do sth意为“最好做某事”,故答案为go。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:When to go climbing _______________ (decide) by us last night.
小题2:The police said that they _______________ (remind) parents not to let their children go out alone on TV the next day.
小题3:While I was watching a football match on TV, my twin brother _______________ (pack) for the next day’s trip to Qingdao.  
小题4:Nothing much should ____________ (do) at the moment. All we can do now is to wait.
小题5:The goal of this lesson is ____________ (learn) how to make telephone calls in English.
小题6:They met happily yesterday. In fact, they ______ (not meet) each other for many years.
小题7:He seemed to have difficulty _______________ (control) his actions.
小题8:Why can’t you just believe me? I _____________(tell) you everything I know!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A: Hi, James! Come in, please.
B: Hi, What are you doing?
A: I’m looking for 小题1:______________ about Sydney on the Internet. I’m going to Sydney for my holiday.
B: Aren’t you lucky? Have you ever been there before?
A: No, but my father has been there. So I know there are many 小题2:______________ of interest there.
B: What time are you leaving?
A: I’m leaving at 9 a.m. on Thursday, July 26.
B: Will you go there by plane?
A: Of course. I have never 小题3:______________ in a plane before.
B: You must be very excited when you fly in a plane.
A: Really, I can’t 小题4:______________ for it.
B: How long will you stay there?
A: Two weeks. I’m sure I will have a 小题5:______________ time there.
B: You will.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

they       potato      cry     excite      suggest
小题1:I’d like to buy a kilo of ________ and beef.
小题2:—What do you think of the soccer game today?
—It was very _________. We had a lot of fun.
小题3: The work is so difficult. They can’t do it by __________.
小题4:Follow the doctor’s _________, and you’ll get well soon.
小题5:Let’s do something to stop the girl from _________.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:It is raining outside. You'd better   (not go)out
小题2: If you   (not be)free tomorrow,1 will ask others.
小题3: What a good time they are having   (discuss)about the film.
小题4:   (cut)the cakes into two halves, please.
小题5: We should spend as much time as we can   (practise)reading English
小题6:Children can't wait   (open)the birthday presents.
小题7: They   (climb)the hills next week, are they?
小题8: My parents decided to stay at home instead of   (travel)to Guangdong.
小题9: Listen! How nice the music   (sound).
小题10:I hope you   (win)in the writing competition.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

solve; design; go; take; learn; deal; change
小题1:He wasn’t allowed __________ swimming after school.
小题2:Books can not be __________ out of the reading room.
小题3:How _____________ with this problem is very hard. We all need a good way.
小题4:We often _____________ our problems by ourselves in the past.
小题5:He’s been ________________ English for nearly six years.
小题6:My life _______________ a lot in the last few years.
小题7:_______________ our own home is a very exciting thing.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

动词填空 (8分)
小题1:She'll stop to rest as soon as the work ________________ (finish).
小题2:Do you know what ___________ (happen) in a hundred years? ---Sorry, I don’t.
小题3: The life we were used to ___________________ (change) since 1978.
小题4: His family _______________ (argue) about the football final last night when I came in.
小题5: You                   (give) some advice if you ask your teacher for some.
小题6: Mum                (buy) herself an overcoat not long ago.
小题7: It is necessary for us ______________ (donate) some stationery for children in need.
小题8: Eddie shouldn’t worry about ________________ (not pass) the final exam.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

be willing to,     give one’s seat to,   be famous for,          give sb.some advice,    be able to,     next to,   drive sb. to school,     agree with,      go on a school trip,    have three weeks off
小题1:China __________ the Great Wall.
小题2:I’m sure I __________ speak English well in the future.
小题3:David is polite and helpful. He always __________ the old on the bus.
小题4:It rained heavily yesterday, so my father __________.
小题5:Betty __________ always __________ share things with her friends. She is generous.
小题6:Lucy and Lily don’t __________ what you said.
小题7:There is a new bookshop __________ Kate’s new school.
小题8:Mike __________ in the Spring Festival. He enjoyed himself during it.
小题9:We are planning __________ to the seaside next week.
小题10:Miss Smith __________ on our English study in 2012.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

 instead of   allow  work   battery   temper 
小题1:Confucious’ ________ are read by many people.
小题2:You won’t be ________ to watch our fans if that’s what you think.
小题3:The ________ hasn’t been charged for a couple of months.
小题4:Do you open a window ________ turning on air conditioning?
小题5:The camel that I rode had a bad ________.

