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A: Hello! May I take your o 小题1:  now?
B: Yes, please. Let me see the menu (菜单) first. What w  小题2: you like, Lucy?
C: I’d like something to d 小题3: , Lily.
B: Well, what about some orange juice?
C: No, t  小题4: . I think I’d like some apple juice. How a  小题5:  you ?
B: I’d like a glass of milk. Would you like s 小题6:   to eat?
C: I w  小题7: some dumplings.
B: But I’d like to eat some noodles. Are t小题8:   any vegetables in your beef noodles?
A: Yes. There are some tomatoes.
B: OK. W 小题9: would like some apple juice, a glass of milk, some dumplings and a large b 小题10: of beef noodles.
A: OK. Wait(等待)a minute, please. 
B & C: Thank you very much.
A: You’re welcome.


小题1:order考查名词。根据第二行提到Yes, please. Let me see the menu (菜单) first,让我看看菜单可知是在点菜,take one’s order点菜。
小题2:would考查情态动词。句意:露西你想吃什么? What would sb like?你想要什么。
小题3:drink考查名词。根据下方提到Well, what about some orange juice好的,来点果汁怎么样?可知在问想要喝饮料。
小题4:thanks考查动词。根据下方提到I think I’d like some apple juice我认为我想要苹果汁,所以在是拒绝,故用thanks
小题5:about考查固定短语。How about you?你呢,在询问别人的意见。
小题6:something考查不定代词。句意:我想喝牛奶,你想吃什么?根据下文提到But I’d like to eat some noodles我想吃面条,所以在问想吃什么。
小题7:want考查动词。根据下方提到But I’d like to eat some noodles我想吃面条,所以我想要饺子。
小题8:there考查固定句型。句意:你的牛肉面里有蔬菜吗? 考查there be 句型结构。
小题9:We  考查代词。句意:我们想要苹果汁,一杯牛奶,一盘饺子。可见主语是我们。
小题10:bowl考查量词。A bowl of  beef noodles一碗牛肉面。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

They  careful  be  fact   take  would  other  stand  what  decide
with  year  expect  few  say
I am eighteen小题1:old this year. I 小题2: a pupil before and now I’m a university student. My mother was my first teacher when I was very little. Then , I had three 小题3:eachers in different schools. Now Miss Williams is one of my university teachers.
I have never 小题4: that I will be a teacher one day. I am a shy girl and I am  afraid of _小题5: before many people. I do not know 小题6:to say. But I will be a teacher tomorrow  morning!I made this 小题7: just two weeks ago. Miss Williams, my English teacher, told me there was a teacher job, just for two weeks in this summer. She asked if I _小题8:be interested . I wanted to make some money, so I 小题9:my word back.
There are about twenty foreign boys and girls in the class. They know very little English. I have _小题10: read the book that Williams gave me . Four of the lessons are very simple, in _小题11: too simple. I do not know what to do 小题12: these 小题13:_ simple words and sentences. I will read the lesson to them , and ask them to read after me, and then ask them to read it 小题14:. That will be about ten minutes, what shall I do next ?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

There are many things you can do to improve your memory(记忆力). Among them are many kinds of useful ways are well as taking special care of your health.
It is important that you make yourself excited to make your memory more active. You can do this by doing some new activities and by changing your daily habits(习惯). Learning a new skill helps your brain(大脑)to develop. When trying to remember something, you should pay special attention to the most important things about it .Do not allow other thoughts to enter your mind because this will reduce your chances of making right memories. An excellent way to help memory is to connect information with pictures. Try to see the pictures in your mind. Taking notes and keeping a diary will also be helpful.
Healthy food and plenty of vitamins are necessary for your memory to work well. Drinking a lot of water also helps keep your memory. You must allow your brain to have enough sleep and rest. When you are asleep, your brain stores memory. Not enough sleep can cause problems with storing information .And being tired will also stop you from being able to think clearly and well.
In order to keep your mind on your work, you must be free from worry. Generally keeping fit and normal health checks are both important as well-not just for improving your memory.
How to ___小题1:__Your Memory
Looking _小题3:_ your health well specially
Making yourself excited to make your memory more active by _小题4:_in some new actvities and changing your daily habits.
Paying attention to the most _小题5: things, in order to add to your chances to __小题6:_ right memories
Connecting information with _小题7:_
Taking notes and keeping ___小题8:___
Other ways
Eating _小题9:_food and taking plenty of vitamins
Drinking a lot of water
Having __小题10:___sleep and rest


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

  小题1:A little boy loved to play around the tree.
Time went by. The boy grew up. One day, he came back to the tree and said, “小题2:” “You can pick my apples and sell them,” the tree said. Then the boy took all the apples, but he disappeared for a long time.
小题3: “Come and play with me,” the tree said. “I don’t have time to play. I have to work for my family. We need a house,” the boy replied. “You can cut my branches(树枝) to build a house,” said the tree. So the boy cut all the branches off and left happily. But the tree didn’t hear from the boy for a long time.
小题4:The tree said, “Sorry, I don’t have anything for you now.” “I am tired. I just need a place to rest,” the boy replied. “Good! Old tree roots(根) are the best place to rest,” said the tree. The boy sat down and the tree was glad and smiled with tears.
In fact, the tree stands for our parents. 小题5:
A. Finally, the boy returned after many years.
B. A long time ago, there was an apple tree.
C. As the apple tree, they give us everything we need.
D. One day, the boy returned and the tree was very excited.
E. I want to play with toys, but I need money to buy them.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

“ Who needs a shopping mall if you have Taobao?” says Wang Lin, 28, a writer in Beijing.
Taobao, China’s largest online shopping site(网站), has become an important part of Wang Lin’s life. She spends lots of money on Taobao.
A growing number of Chinese Internet users like Wang Lin enjoy shopping online. Most online shoppers are students or young workers. More women shop online than men. Clothing and home use products (产品) are the most popular online.
It was reported that more than 250 billion yuan was spent on online shopping last year, 80% through Taobao. 
Taobao means “looking for treasure” in Chinese. People can find almost everything they need on Taobao, from clothes to books, from candies to DVD players.
You may question the security (安全) online shopping. Wang Lin said, “It is very safe and convenient (便利). Unless you receive the products from the sellers and are satisfied with them, the shop owner will not get the money. You can also get your money back if you want to return the product.”
Taobao: China’s   小题1:    online shopping center
More Internet users   _小题2:    shopping online.
Women like online shopping   _小题3:     than men.
Clothing and home use produces are the ___小题4:  popular.
People spent 250 billion yuan on ___小题5: shopping last year.
It means “小题6:   for treasure” .
You can find almost    小题7:  you need.
It is very   小题8:    and convenient.
Don’t need to   小题9:    about the security.
If you are not satisfied with the products, you can get your money   小题10:  .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

短文填空 根据短文内容及首字母提示,补全空格内单词,使短文完整、通顺。(请在答题纸上写出完整单词)(每空一词;共10空,每空1分,满分10分)
A young man goes to the supermarket and buys a p  小题1:   of socks. When he comes back home, he goes to his room and tries t  小题2:    on. He finds they are in different colours. One is blue but the other is g  小题3:   .
His mother and sister are cooking d  小题4:   in the kitchen. He tells them: “My new socks are in different colours. I should make them in the same c   小题5:. Would you please h  小题6:me?” His mother and sister are b 小题7:   and they don’t say anything. When his mother finishes cooking, she g 小题8:  to her son’s room and makes the green sock blue. She comes back without saying a 小题9:   . After her supper, the man’s
s  小题10:  goes to her brother’s room and makes one blue sock green without telling her brother.
How will the young man feel the next morning?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

默写(共7个空,共10分, 每空不限一个词)
NCE Lesson 41.
‘We mustn’t buy things we don’t need.’ I remarked suddenly. I     小题1:      almost at once.
‘You needn’t have said that,’ my wife answered, ‘And I needn’t    小题2:      that terrible tie you bought yesterday.
NCE Lesson 42.
As soon as he saw us, he picked up a long pipe which  小题3:     coins and opened one of the baskets. … The snake, however,    小题4:     ‘dance’ slowly. It obviously could not     小题5:     Indian music and jazz!
English: fun for life
On the last day of English Week, the head teacher     小题6:     to the whole school. ….   小题7:     , you should enjoy English.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

Do you always agree with your teacher? Sometimes you might have a different a  小题1:   to a Maths problem. Or maybe they scold(责备) you when you don’t think you did anything w  小题2:  .What do you do then? A story on sina.com said that more and more students choose to s  小题3: out and sometimes even shout(喊叫) at their teachers. It’s i  小题4:  for students to say what they think. In the past, few Chinese students dared(敢于) to speak d  小题5:   to their teacher. It was an unwritten rule(不成文的规定) that what the teachers said is always right. But now students are b  小题6:   to think more of themselves and dare to say what they think right. But students should choose the right way to speak out. We should respect(尊重) teachers. They are older than you and know more things. So, never use i  小题7:   words when speaking to them. And don’t make them u  小题8:   when you don’t agree with them. Try to find the right time to talk to your teacher. For e  小题9:  , talk about the problem after class. R  小题10:  to talk about it in a friendly way.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:写作题

Look at the picture  . 【1】. 它是一间教室的照片. What can you see in  the classroom?
【2】.I can see a black desk in the front of the classroom. Some books are on the desk. What other things can you see on the teacher’s desk? I can see two white  【3】 . There is some chalk in   them. Where are the brooms? They are behind the door.
小题1:汉译英:                                              .
小题2:英译汉:                                             .
小题4:Where are the books?                             
小题5:Are the brooms behind the desk?                             

