精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

【题目】 That morning we noticed a cab following Sir Henry and DrMortimer in London But who

We went to Sir Henry's hotel Holmes asked Dr Mortimer if anyone with a black beard lived in or near Baskerville Hall

"Yes" said DrMortimer"Barrymore"

"We must send a telegram to check whether Barrymore is in London or at Baskerville Hall"said Holmes

Sir Henry said he wanted to go to Baskerville Hall

"OK" said Holmes "But you mustn't go alone Watson can go with you"

Sir Henry and I agreed to take the 1030 train on Saturday

Holmes thought deeply on the way home the story of the Hound Sir Charles's death the strange letter the missing boot and the black-bearded man He sat in his room all afternoon smoking and thinking

Just before dinner a telegram arrived It said"Barrymore is at Baskerville Hall"

"That becomes a dead end Watson We will have to look for another way to go forward

Just then the door bell rang It was the cab driver who drove the man with the black beard "I got a message that you are asking for me" he said "I've never had a complaint I came here to ask you what you had against me! "

"No no" said Holmes "Instead I'll give you money if you tell me about the man in your cab this morning He watched this house at 1000 and then told you to follow the two gentlemen"

The driver looked surprised and then answered"The man said he was a detective(侦探) and that I shouldn't tell anyone about him "

"It's serious my friend and you may be in trouble if you refuse to answer" "His name" said the driver "was Sherlock Holmes"

I'd never seen Holmes more surprised Then he laughed "He scored against me that time Watson"

The driver told us everything he knew Holmes gave him the money and sent him away "This is a dangerous enemy (敌人), Watson"

-Taken from The Hound of the Baskervilles

1According to the passage the underlined phrase "dead end" in Paragraph 10 means ______

A.Holmes wanted to give up solving the case

B.the road in front of Baskerville Hall was closed

C.the cab driver didn't find his way and turned round

D.they didn't know who the man with a black beard was

2According to the passage we can know that the cab driver ______

A.was as dangerous as the black-bearded man

B.received a complaint from the black-bearded man

C.didn't know why Holmes asked for him at the beginning

D.didn't tell Holmes anything about the black-bearded man

3Which of the following is the correct order according to the passage ______

a Holmes received the telegram

b The cab driver came to see Holmes

c Watson was asked to go with Sir Henry

d Holmes was surprised and then laughed

e Watson and Sir Henry took the 1030 train








1词义猜测题。根据后面 We will have to look for another way to go forward,可知是说是一条死胡同,需要另寻出路,再根据上文中 the missing boot and the black-bearded man…thinking.可知他并不知道黑胡子的人是谁。故选D

2细节推理题。根据文章 "I got a message that you are asking for me",he said."I've never had a complaint.I came here to ask you what you had against me! "可知马车驾驶员并不知道福尔摩斯一开始找他的原因,故选C

3细节理解题。根据第六段可知Watson 被要求与Henry 先生同行;根据第九段可知,福尔摩斯收到电报;根据第十一段可知,出租车司机来见福尔摩斯;根据倒数第二段可知,福尔摩斯很惊讶并笑了起来;根据第七段以及下文可知,WatsonHenry先生乘周六十点的火车发生在最后。故选A


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1I have trouble_________(pronounce) this word correctly.

2Learning is a lifelong journey. We should learn_________(wise) and learn well.

3The matches lighted brought a little_________(warm) to this poor little girl.

4Let's get on this bus. It is _________(crowded).

5They enjoyed_________(they) playing in the park.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 On the first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn't know. I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. "Hi, girl! My name is Rose, and I'm 87 years old."

"Why are you in college at such a young age?" I asked jokingly.

"I always dreamed of having a college education and now I'm getting one!" she replied.

Rose became a college symbol this year and she easily made friends with other students.

At the end of the semester, we invited Rose to speak at our football party. I'll never forget what she taught us.

"We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. There are only two secrets of staying young, being happy and achieving success. You have to laugh and find humour every day. You've got to have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you die!" she said.

"There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up. If you are nineteen years old and lie in bed for one full year and don't do anything, you will turn 20 years older. If I am 87 years old, and stay in bed for a year, and never do anything, I will turn 88. Anybody can grow older. But every minute counts for young men," she added.

She ended her speech by singing The Song of Rose. She challenged each of us to study the lyrics and live them out in our daily lives.

At the year's end,Rose finished the college education she had begun all those years ago. One week after graduation Rose died peacefully in her sleep.

1Why did Rose go to college? Because she _____________.

A.wanted to live longerB.love to stay with the young

C.wanted to realize her dreamD.planned to enjoy her life there

2From the story we can see that Rose was _____________during her stay in college.

A.outgoing and popularB.brave and hard-working

C.honest and athleticD.calm and creative

3Which of the following is included in Rose's speech?

A.People won't grow old if they stop playing.

B.The more you laugh,the younger you will be.

C.People easily become old if they do more things.

D.Time is especially important for young people.

4What's the Chinese meaning of underlined word“lyrics”?


5Which of the following is the main idea of the story?

A.Live with your dream.B.Find the secrets of staying young.

C.Learn wherever you are.D.Be happy every day.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 What's the English word for the Chinese food jiaozi? Perhaps you would say "dump ling". But actually, you can just say "jiaozi". It has been officially(正式地)added to the Oxford English Dictionary.

People in English-speaking countries now understand more Chinese words and their spelling in pinyin, according to a recent report by CFLPA(中国外文局).

The CFLPA studied 50 media platforms(媒体平台)in eight English-speaking countries, including the US, the UK and India. The report listed the top 100 Chinese words that people in these countries use the most.

"Shaolin", a place in China that is famous for kung fu, was at the top of the list. Other popular words include "yin yang", "yuan", "gugong","nihao", "wushu", "qi", "qigong", "renminbi" and "majiang".

Some of the words refer not only to Chinese culture, but also politics, economics(经济)and technology. These words include zhongguomengChinese Dream, yidaiyiluthe Belt and Road Initiative, 一带一路)and zhifubaoAlipay.

Why have these words become popular? It may be because of increased interest in learning Chinese. The Confucios Institute(孔子学院), which offers Chinese lessons, has set up 1,073 classrooms in 140 countries and regions, with 2.1 million students. People's Daily reported.

1Where has the Chinese word "jiaozi" been officially added?


2How many media platforms did the CFLPA study about Chinese words?


3Which word is the most popular on the list of 100 Chinese words?


4Why are the Chinese words popular in English-speaking countries?


5What lessons does the Confucius Institute offer?



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1To clean the sky more and more cities in our country have started to use stricter national______(标准).

2She______(建议)different colours to different people to change their moods

3Moore asked her dad if she could have her______(个人的) space

4This is______(简直)fantastic and I thanked each and every one of you for your kindness and generosity

5You can't imagine what difficulty I had______express myself clearly at the beginning


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Everyone knew that Stuti was the best speller in the whole class. She could spell difficult words like "encyclopedia" and "amendment" very _______. She used to get perfect scores during each weekly spelling test.

MsDaisy, her English teacher made a_______ for the spelling tests that any child who doesn't get at least 60% correct spellings would have to correct each wrong word and copy three times for next week's spelling test. Seema, who sat next to Stuti always struggled(挣扎) in spellings. Last Thursday, she received 56% which meant she had to_______ the rest 44% words three times.

Stuti was so _______in her spelling abilities that she decided not to study for her next spelling test. The test began. Ms. Daisy pronounced each word and then repeated it. Everything was OK until she spoke "Handkerchief". Stuti scribbled(匆匆书写) h-a-n-d-k-e-r-c-h…now what? Her mind was blank.

Ms. Daisy started to move on to the next word. An idea came into Stuti's mind that Seema_______how to spell it! Seema had written this word three times.

There was wide open space between Stuti and Seema. Stuti's eyes rolled(滚动) to the right. There it was, spelled out in Seema's handwriting. Her eyes went quickly back to her own paper and_______ the word with the letters "i-e-f".

Stuti remained nervous as Ms.Daisy read the last spelling word. She had_______just for the first time in her life. She thought, "Is this the way I want to keep my perfect record-by being a cheater?"

Finally, she erased what she had written earlier and replaced it with what she

knew was the wrong answer. She wrote "e-i-f". As her hands put down her pencil and passed the test up to the front, she sighed with relief(解脱). She thought, "So, what if my perfect scores are no longer being kept? At least my_______ is."










科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 One bright morning, Aunt Maria took the kids to try their new kites. "Will you give my________a lift?” said little John, to his sister, after________without success to make it fly. Lucy picked up the kite and threw it________the air, but the kite fell down again. "Try again, children." Aunt Maria smiled.

Lucy once more________John. This time John ran________more quickly but the kite also fell down as before. “Keep trying, John.” Aunt Maria was calm.

They did, with more care, but a strong wind came________. The kite was blown against some trees and it was stuck(卡住). Aunt Maria came over and said to________, “Let us find a more open space.” “I won't try any more, ” John replied sadly, almost with tears in his eyes. "It is useless, you see. I just________do it. The kite won't fly. ”

“My little man, would you really give up the________after trying several times? Some________shouldn't make us lose our confidence. Come on.”

He did try again and________, for the kite was carried upward(向上)on the wind as light as feather. After enjoying the sight(景象), little John shouted with________. “Look, look, aunt, I did it! The kite is flying!How________it is now!" Aunt Maria smiled, "Dear, remember to try________giving up. You will never know how strong you are until you________trying. Whenever you fail in your trying to do any good thing, let your motto(格言)betry again.”














14A.as forB.instead ofC.thanks toD.according to



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—Who ran _______ in the sports meeting that was held last weekend?

—Henry did, and he usually practices running on the playground.

A.fastB.fasterC.the fastestD.very fast


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


On March 30, a forest fire 1(take) place in Liangshan, Sichuan. So far, more than 30 people2(lose) their lives. Over 3, 000 firemen have thrown themselves into the fire fighting actively. The brave firemen have spent over ten days 3(fight) against the fire, but it's very difficult4(put) it out. Although it's very hard and dangerous for the firemen, they still keep on5(work) there.

We can't help asking what caused the fire. It was the weather! It has been dry for a long time. And the strong wind also made the fire6(spread) so quickly. The forest is still burning now. We all hope that it7(stop) soon and all is well.

