精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
小题1:He hiccupped for 69years. (对划线部分提问)
                     did he hiccup?
小题2:Lily has longer hair than Lucy. (写出同义句)
Lucy has           hair than Lily.
小题3:I have to take out the trash. (改为一般疑问句)
        you                     take out the trash?
小题4:You should eat something for breakfast. (改为否定句)
You         eat         for breakfast.
小题5: My sister is young. She can’t go to school. (合并为一句)
My sister is          young           go to school.

小题1:How long
小题3:Do have to
小题4:shouldn’t anything
小题5:too to

小题1:根据划线部分内容,可知下文对时间长短进行提问,故疑问词用How long,多长。
小题3:have to的用法相当于情态动词,但是have也有词形变化,在疑问句中要借助于助动词。结合语境可知本句描述的是客观性动作,主语是第一人称单数,故助动词用do,填Do have to
小题4:本句中已有助动词should,故在后面加not即可,注意采用缩写形式。Something表示肯定含义,故改为对应形式anything。填shouldn’t anything
小题5:根据上文句意,可知填too to太……而不能。
点评:此类题型的基本解题原则是,首先要理解原句含义,在不偏离原句含义的基础上进行转换。然后就是注意一些句型转换的基本原则及常见的句式短语的固定搭配问题及时态问题。如对划线部分提问的原则是:第一,根据划线部分内容确定特殊疑问词,第二,句子其余部分改成一般疑问句形式。一般疑问句的转换原则是:第一步,确定动词,第二步,如果动词是be动词,那么直接把be动词提前;如果是情态动词,直接把情态动词填空;如果是行为动词,那么加do,does,did,然后提前,后面的动词要用原形;英语陈述句变为否定句的一般方式是在助动词后加not,没有助动词的,则要根据句子的时态添加适当的助动词,英语中有些单词不能用在否定句中,如some also already等,要变成相应的单词。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:句型转换

小题1:Are there any books in the bag? (作肯定回答)
小题2: His pen is on the desk.(对画线部分提问)
________    _______ his pen? 
小题3:Lingling is twelve years old. (对画线部分提问)
_______ _______ is Lingling? 
小题4:There are some flowers on the table.(改为否定句)
There_________ _________ flowers on the table. 
_________ _________Daming?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:句型转换

句型转换 (10分)
小题1: I often do the housework on Sundays. (改为否定句)
I                                    the housework on Sundays.
小题2:My name is Peter. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)
                        name Peter? Yes,                    .
小题3:He visits his grandparents three times a month. (对划线部分提问)
                                  he              his grandparents?
小题4:His parents like reading newspapers.(对划线部分提问)
                      his parents like              ?
小题5:Kitty looks cute.(对划线部分提问)
                     Kitty look?
小题6: I like playing football best.
Playing football is                         sport.
小题7:It’s fun to read English stories. (同义句改写)
             English stories              fun.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:句型转换

小题1:I went to New York city on vacation last summer. (画线部分提问)
_____ ____ you_____ on vacation last summer?
小题2:The people in Beijing were very friendly. (画线部分提问)
______ _____ the people in Beijing?
小题3:We sleep nine hours every night. (画线部分提问)
_____ _____ hours do you sleep every night?
小题4:He watches TV twice a week. (画线部分提问)
____ _____ _____ he watch TV?
小题5:Mike is taller than any other boy in his class.(改为同义句)
Mike is _____ _____boy in his class.
小题6:What do you think of soap operas?(改为同义句)
_____ ____ you ______ soap operas?
小题7:Peter is heavier than Paul.(改为同义句)
Paul is_____ _____ Peter.
小题8:Li Lei isn’t as good at tennis as Larry.(改为同义句)
Larry is_____ _____ tennis ____Li Lei.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:句型转换

改写句子 按括号中的要求完成句子,每个空格填一个单词。(5分)
小题1:There is a big lake in the park.  (改为否定句)
There _____________ ______________ a big lake in the park.
小题2:He has lived in this village for 80 years. (就句子画线部分提问)
_____________ _____________ he lived for 80 years.?
小题3:The problem is very difficult. I can’t work it out.  (改写句子,句意不变)
The problem is _____________difficult for me ____________work out.
小题4:“What are you doing ?” My mother asked me. (改写句子,句意不变)
My mother asked me ____________I ____________ doing .
小题5:We shouldn’t drop litter anywhere when we visit the interesting places. (改写句子,句意不变)
Litter shouldn’t _____________ ___________ anywhere when we visit the interesting places.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:句型转换

I don’t know     to    computers.
His dream of becoming a singer will         .
My father is   tired   ② he has fallen asleep on the sofa.
①        , where’s the nearest public library?
Do you also enjoy       music when you are unhappy?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:句型转换

小题1:Sanya is warmer than any other city in winter in China.(写出同义句)
Sonya is                              in winter in China.
小题2:We need three teaspoons of honey.(对划线部分提问)
                          of honey do you need?
小题3:He put his book in the schoolbag just now. (变为否定句)
He                   in the schoolbag just now.
小题4:I was 6 years old when I started learning swimming. (对划线部分提问)
                                  when you started learning swimming.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:句型转换

小题1:You’ve got a wonderful collection. (一般疑问句)
__________  you ___       a wonderful collection?
小题2:I am interested in classical music. (同义句)
Classical music ___      ___  ___    a lot.
小题3:You need drink more water. (同义句)
                 for you                            more water.
小题4:My handbag is different from your handbag. (同义句)
My handbag isn’t __      ___ ___        __ as __          ___.
小题5:I feel like going out for a walk with my son after dinner. (同义句)
I __    _  _   __ _    __  _    __for a walk with my son after dinner.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

小题1:The children hold a fashion show once a term.(用at the moment改写)
The children                      a fashion show once a term at the moment.
小题2:What do you think of my new leather boots?(改为同义句)
          do you         my new leather boots?
小题3:They are old computers. (改为单数形式)
__________  __________ old computer.
小题4:They are cleaning the room.(对划线部分提问)
__________  _______ they______?
小题5:His mother is a doctor. His father is a doctor, too. (同义句)
__________his mother_______ father are_______.
小题6:He watches two hours of TV every day. (划线提问)
__________  ________ TV does he watch every day?
小题7:sometimes, after, they, school, play, badminton. (连词成句)(1分)
小题8:first, is, fireworks,  to,  your, it, see, time(连词成句)(1分)
小题9:thinks, my, a, cousin, for, walk, trainers, long, fit, are(连词成句) (1分)
小题10:less, to, more, need, food, and, eat, you, exercise(连词成句)(1分)

