精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

1. My brother fell off the bike and h        himself .

2.Please turn to the t       page of your textbook .Not the fourth .

3. He told his friend that he would go to m      him at the station.

4.He stayed in the hospital for six weeks with a s       illness.

5.She was reading while the moon was shining brightly in t     the window.

6.Tomorrow is Tuesday . The day after tomorrow is w       

7.What is the w       like in your country ? Is it very cold in winter .

8 It’s r    outside . you’d better take your raincoat with you .

9 My favourite TV programme is usually on C      Four .

10 You can choose one of the k      to cut the bamboo .They are all sharp .

11.Although it was hot , he worked very h        on the model train.

12 .Smoking is h       to your health . so don’t smoke .

1.hurt 2.third 3.meet 4.serious 5.through 6.Wednesday 7.weather 8.raining 9.Channel 10.knives 11.hard  12.harmful


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

      It's Sunday today and it's (1)sunny. Dave wants to (A)_______(play) soccer with his friernds.
He asks his brothe, Mike, "(2)你在干什么?" "I'm watching TV. " Mike answers. "Do you want to
play soccer with me?" Dave asks. "That ( B)_______ (sound) good. The TV show is boring. Let's go!"
Mike answers. So they go to Henry and Larry's (3)_______(公寓).Henry and Larry are brothers.
"Let's (C)_______(go)and play soccer, Henry." Dave says to Henry." That sounds interesting. But I'm
doing  my homework. " Henry answers. "Oh, so (E)_______ is Larry and (F)_______is he doing?"
Mike asks.
     "Er, he is (D)_______(swim) at the pool. " Henry answers.
  So Dave and Mike go out and go to Scott's house. But Scott isn't at home. They have to go home.
How sad they are! What a boring Sunday!
1. 根据上下文,猜测 (1) 处单词的意思:__________
2. 在 A、B、C、D四处依次填人所给单词的适当形式:
    __________ __________ __________ __________
3. 把(2)处画线的句子译成英语:
4. 把(3)处的汉语翻译成英语:
5. 根据上下文的意思,在E、F两处填上适当的疑问词:
    __________ __________

