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Please don’t make so much noise. I hear the speaker very well.

A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. can’t D. shouldn’t

C 【解析】试题分析:句意:请不要发出那么多的声响。我不能很好的听到演讲者讲话。A. needn’t不必,不需要;B. mustn’t千万别,一定不要,表示禁止的意思;C. can’t 不能;D. shouldn’t不应该。结合句意,可知是不能听到演讲者讲话,故选C。

科目:初中英语 来源:2018年中考模拟冲刺英语专题复习试卷:单项填空 题型:单选题

Ma Yun is famous many people in China know him.

A. too; to B. enough; to

C. as; as D. so; that

D 【解析】 试题分析:考查句式。由第二个空格后的从句“many people in China know him”可知用so. . . that. . . 连接主句和从句。故选D。


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年中考模拟冲刺英语专题复习试卷:单项填空 题型:单选题

After visiting different countries, I found _______ very important to learn about table manners.

A. it B. that C. this D. us

A 【解析】句意:在参观了不同的国家之后,我发现学习饭桌礼仪非常重要。本句中it做形式宾语指代下文不定式内容,其它选项无此用法。find +it +adj for to do sth,表示发现做某件事怎么样,故选A


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年中考模拟冲刺英语专题复习试卷:单项填空 题型:单选题

It’s necessary for the phubbers(低头族)to the time they spend on their smart phones.

A. cut in B. cut off C. cut down D. cut up

C 【解析】句意:减少他们花在智能手机上的时间对低头族来说是必须的。It’s+形容词+for sb to do做某事对某人来说是怎样的。A. cut in插嘴; B. cut off 切断; C. cut down减少; D. cut up切碎;根据the time they spend on their smart phones.可知是减少花在智能手机上的时间;故选C


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年中考模拟冲刺英语专题复习试卷:单项填空 题型:单选题

I still remember the college and the teachers ________ I visited in London years ago.

A. what B. who C. that D. which

C 【解析】试题分析:句意:我仍旧记得几年前去伦敦访问的大学和老师们。what一般不用于定语从句;who在定语从句中指人; that既可指人,也可指物;which指物。结合语境可知本句中先行词the college and the teachers中既有人,又有物,故只能用关系代词that,所以选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年中考模拟冲刺英语专题复习试卷:单项填空 题型:单选题

Nowadays,more and more people have taken an interest watching Running Man Ⅴ Friday evening.

A. in;in B. at;on C. in;on D. for;in

C 【解析】句意:现在越来越多的人喜欢在周五晚上看跑男。take an interest in对---感兴趣; at放在几点钟前,on用于具体的某一天前或者上午、下午、晚上有修饰词时, in用于年、月、星期等。故选C


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年中考模拟冲刺英语专题复习试卷:单项填空 题型:单选题

The Palace Museum is the best place ______I’ve ever visited.

A. that B. which C. where D. what

A 【解析】试题分析:句意:故宫博物院是我参观过的最好的地方。That那;which哪一个;where哪里;what什么。先行词place表示地点,在定语从句中作宾语。先行词前有最高级形容词修饰,所以要用关系代词that。故选A。


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年中考模拟冲刺英语专题复习试卷:单项填空 题型:单选题

—It will be my turn.I feel a little nervous.

You can make it!

A. Congratulations! B. Take it easy. C. Look out. D. Have a good time.

B 【解析】句意:——要轮到我了,我有点紧张。——别紧张,你能做到的。A. Congratulations! 祝贺; B. Take it easy.别紧张; C. Look out. 当心; D. Have a good time.玩的高兴;根据I feel a little nervous.可知应说不要紧张;故选B


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省昆山市2018年中考英语复习题型集训:阅读理解) 题型:阅读单选

I'm not the kind of mother who normally brushes her daughter's hair, and my daughter has never liked sitting there, waiting for me to do it.

But today, I've sat my daughter Sally on a kitchen stool(凳子).She's sitting high with her eyes close, skin still wet from the shower, and her long hair behind her back.I realize she is enjoying the moment.It's the last time for a week that our bodies will connect.Today, I'm sending Sally away for a week of a summer camp.This was all my idea.She's nearly 12, and I noticed that I'm with my child nearly 24 hours a day.

Living on a farm without any neighbors, I've chosen a life that is quieter than a normal family's.But rather than expecting space away from me, Sally has become increasingly dependent.What frightens me most is that she has become a “mini?me”, even has the same hobbies, dreams, and opinions as me.That's why I pulled her to the summer camp: a nearby wilderness (荒野) camp called Hawk Circle.

After eating, I drive Sally to Hawk Circle.Once there, we are introduced to her fellow campers.Sally stands by them, holding my hand, horror in her eyes, trying to work up the courage to join a game of soccer.“I need you for a few more minutes,” I say loudly, “I'd like to introduce you to my daughter.Maybe you could help her meet a few of these kids.” He comes over to talk to Sally, and then I disappear before she realizes it.

It is a hard time for me to drive back.When I arrive home, I calm down and remind myself why I chose this way.I want Sally to have a chance to find herself.I want to learn who she is.If I don't set her free, I fear I'll never really meet her real personality.

1.Why did the writer send her daughter to the summer camp?

A. Her daughter wanted to go to the summer camp.

B. It was helpful for her daughter to make friends.

C. She wanted to help build her daughter's independence.

D. Camp training was something common to her daughter.

2.The underlined word “horror” in Paragraph 4 probably means “________”.

A. fear B. doubt

C. hate D. pity

3.How did the writer feel after leaving the camp?

A. She was worried about her daughter's health.

B. She was proud that she had done something right.

C. She was sorry and regretted sending her daughter away.

D. She was upset but knew she had made the right decision.

4.The writer mainly wants to express ________.

A. children are usually mirrors of parents

B. children always expect space from parents

C. parents sometimes need to let their children go

D. parents should often send children to summer camps

1.C 2.A 3.D 4.C 【解析】试题分析:本文是一篇记叙文。文章叙述了作者送女儿去参加夏令营,培养女儿的独立性的故事。 1.题意:作者为什么送女儿去夏令营?考查细节理解题。根据第三段中“…Sally has become increasingly dependent.…That's why I pulled her to the summer camp”可知,...

