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This hotel __________________that it attracts many visitors every year.

【答案】provides such a high level of service


根据中英文对照可知,空白处填写“提供高水平服务”的含义,且本句时态为一般现在时,主语为This hotel,是第三人称单数,谓语动词用三单形式。提供provide,三单形式为provides,高水平high level,服务service,高水平的服务a high level of service,从句为结果状语从句,故填such,与其构成such…that…表示“如此……以致于……”,such后接名词。故填provides such a high level of service


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Many people love pet dogs. Do you also have one? You may leave your dog at home alone for eight hours, or a normal workday. If it’s longer than that, you'll need to work out something to do so your dog can go outside and have play-time. Dogs are social animals, so leaving them alone for a long time can have a bad influence on them. Even though they sleep most of the day, they need some activities to keep them happy.

If you have a friend who is at home during the day, and who likes spending time with dogs, this may be your best choice. It can also be safer, because you will trust the person coming to your house. Or you can take your dog to your friend's home.

Doggy daycare is a good choice for you, too. You can trust in the daycare to take care of your pet while you are away. Many daycares will also keep your pet overnight if you need them to. It's always a good idea to visit the day-care before taking your dog there. Make sure that the people working there are good with dogs.

If you don't want to choose a doggy daycare, you can hire (雇佣) a dog-walker. Hiring a dog-walker is a good idea for you if you want your pet to have some extra attention during the day. When hiring a dog walker, it's best to go through an agency (代理商). Be sure to ask them if the dog-walker can be trusted. You should also ask them what your pet will do while the dog-walker is there.

Dogs are our friends. If you have a dog, treat him as your family member. Spend more time with him; don't leave him alone for a long time.

1When you are away from home, it is the best for your dog ________.

A.if a friend finds a dog-walker for you

B.if your friend likes to take care of your dog

C.if you keep your dog alone at the doggy daycare

D.if a friend finds an agency to look after your house

2The passage implies (暗示) that ________.

A.even dogs like to have people around

B.people shouldn't travel if they keep a dog

C.keeping a dog sometimes may bring trouble

D.it's hard to find a person who is good at keeping dogs

3What's the meaning of the underlined phrase in the third paragraph?



4If we put the passage into three parts, which of the following is the best?

(①=Para. (自然段)1 ②=Para.2 ③=Para.3 ④=Para.4 ⑤=Para.5)




科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 An Imperfect Painting

My parents always wanted me to be “on top”, so from early on I had the ___________to be the best in everything, from getting the highest score in a spelling test to running fastest in a race.

In middle school, I realized how many other smarter and faster people there were, It became ___________that I was not the best any more, but my parents still held on to their hope and forced me to try hard. To their disappointment, I became less confident and didn’t want to work harder because, to me, there was no point in making any more efforts if I was unable to be number one.

My grades began to fall, I never practiced the piano, I _________painting. It was all because motivation(动力)to do anything had dropped much.

When high school started, I was at a new school in a new city. I ___________to get back my motivation and start over. So I picked up my ever favorite hobby again and enrolled(报名)myself in the art course, _________, our art teacher, Mr.Grady, gave us more freedom with our art projects. He would always encourage us to realize our potential(潜力).

My first painting was simply a bee sitting on a sunflower, I tried my best, but still found it hard to feel satisfied with it. I knew it was not perfect and could hardly get a good grade. But I showed it to Mr.Grady. He didn’t _________it in a rush. Instead, he gave me advice which only motivated me to work harder on it. For the first time I was happy with the _________of my painting rather than disappointed about its imperfection. I finished all the other projects with higher grades, but I hung the first painting in my room at the end of the term.

My parents thought _____________me to be number one would motivate me. Instead, it discouraged me much when I was not number one, for I had gone to school only to get a grade, not knowledge, let alone progress. Actually, it is okay not to be the best at everything as long as you continue to try your best.










科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】阅读下面短文, 根据短文内容, 完成下面各题

Forgot your password or your ID? Well, you'll never forget your face. Using your face as your ID is quick and convenient. You could take the subway or board a flight with just your face alone. This is how facial recognition(人脸识别)works. It has also been used to catch criminals. Taylor Swift even used the technology to identify stalkers (识别跟踪者) at her concerts.

In China, facial recognition systems have been used in many areas. In Zhengzhou, people can now get on the subway by using facial recognition technology. They just need to link their online payment systems to the subway's smartphone app. Students at Peking University can pass through the school's gate by scanning their faces.

However, many citizens are worried about the collection and use of this information by governments and companies. “I feel uncomfortable because I don't know how the company is using my facial details or whether they will be leaked (泄漏),”Feng Yi, a tourism company employee, said. Leaks are a problem because there is a long history of companies failing to protect user data. When someone steals your personal information, you can change your bank card and password, but can you change your face when your facial information is stolen?

As facial recognition is used more and more in our daily lives - from college campuses and subways to street corners and smartphones - we must ask ourselves whether or not this new technology is worth the risk.

1How is facial recognition when you forget your password or your ID?

Using it is________.

2What did Taylor Swift use to identify stalkers at her concerts?

She used________to identify stalkers at her concerts.

3Which university allows students to pass through the school's gate by scanning their faces?

Students can pass through the gate by scanning their faces at________.

4What does the second paragraph mainly tell us?

It mainly tells us facial recognition systems have been used________in China.

5Why are leaks a problem?

Because companies________to protect user data for years.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


He __________________ that the virus __________________ .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


A: Hi. You look upset. 1?

B. Oh, you know, our junior high school life is coming to an end. I don’t want to leave our lovely school. I’ll miss the teachers and classmates.

A: Me too. So I’m going to hold a party in my house and invite all our teachers and classmates to come and enjoy ourselves.

B: Really? Then2?

A: The party will be held on June 18th. Would you like to come?

B: Of course, I’d love to. But I have no idea where your home is.3?

A: No. It’s only about 10minutes’ walk from our school.

B: Sounds great. But do I need to bring my food with me?

A: 4. It’s OK for you to be there with an empty hand because my parents will help get everything ready.

B: Great. I can’t wait to come to the party. Oh, I’m sorry, but I’ve got to go because my mom asks me to take care of my little brother after school. See you soon.



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Music has brought James Blunt worldwide fame, but becoming a pop star hasn’t been an easy road for him.

Blunt was born into a family of soldiers in 1974. So it is no surprise that he himself joined the army as a soldier in 1996. Music wasn’t popular entertainment in the family house. His father considered all music to be unnecessary noise. “Like any parents, mine wanted me to have a secure job with a regular salary(薪水)and career prospects(前途), Blunt said in an interview with the BBC. “And the one job my father knew of —that he’d experienced himself—was the army, so he could help me in that direction.” In 1999, he was sent to Kosovo(科索沃)as a member of the peacekeeping force. Despite following in his father’s footsteps, music was James’ primary passion. The young officer took his guitar with him. Blunt explained to the Herald.-Times.” Wherever you are in the army, you take something to keep yourself amused. Some bring a pack of cards, some a football. I took a guitar.” His wartime experience inspired him to write the song No Bravery. Blunt couldn’t escape his love of music. He left the army in October 2002 and decided that it was time to replace guns with guitars. He flew to the US in September 2003. There he met Linda Perry, songwriter and produces, who helped him with the music. In 2005, Blunt released his first album. Back to Bedlam. It was a huge success that the album sold over 10 million copied worldwide and its single. You’re Beautiful, bit number one in over a dozen countries.

1Blunt became a soldier at first because________.

A.he loved the job with a regular salary.

B.he preferred to sing in the army.

C.his father expected him to be a soldier.

2What does the underline word “secure” mean in Chinese.


3Blunt went to Kosovo with________.

A.a footballB.a pack of cardsC.a guitar

4Blunt release his first album when he is ________.

A.31 years oldB.28 years oldC.30 years old

5What can be the best title of this story?

A.Wars—a Lasting Theme for Music

B.Road to Become a Pop Star.

C.Living up to Parents’ Expectation.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


A: Hey, Helen. How's it going?

B: 1. I'm tired up. I' m always worried I may fall behind my classmates.

A: You're just stressed out. 2? You look a bit off color.

B: Oh, I stayed up to do exercise last night.

A: Don't push yourself too hard. Do something to relax yourself.

B: You're right. 3?

A: Sure, I'd love to. How about having a spring outing to watch the cherry blossom (樱花)?

B: Good idea! The weather is for it. 4?

A: You can go to Wuhan University. The cherry blossom there is truly beautiful.

B: That sounds great. But I'd like to go somewhere near with you.

A: Then how about Orange Island? It only takes 30 minutes by bus. We can even wear the traditional Chinese costume (服装) in the blossom to take nice photos.

B: Oh, I can't wait! Let's make it at 9: 00 a m. this Sunday.

A: 5.Catch you then!


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 How much do you know about the United Nations (UN)? In the UN, people from different countries and areas talk about global problems. What if you were one of them ? Model United Nations(模拟联合国), also known as Model UN or MUN, lets teenagers see what it’s like to work in the UN.

On July27, over 600 students took part in the China Daily 21 st Century Model United Nations Association in Hangzhou , Zhejiang. They talked about international trade (国际贸易), education and environmental protection .

It not only helps students learn more about the world, but also learn different skills. “From how to do research(研究), how to write and how to communicate to how to work in a team , it tests all areas.” said Chen Zhenkun , a dais head (主席) of the activity.

Do your research

Hu Wenxi, 17 , is from Zhejiang . She helped to prepare a presentation on radioactive wast(放射性废料) at the Hangzhou MUN. She read many English article about nuclear technology(核技术) online . “But at the meeting , I was surprised by others’ thought about this problem.” Hu said. “Even though I’ve done so much work, __________________.”

Learn new skills

Zhu Hangsheng, 13 from HongKong , learned how to write a position paper(立场文件) at this MUN. Over four days, he had to write a paper about the utilization of renewable marine resources(可再生海洋资源开发) . He worked until 2 am every night to write his paper. “Facing difficulties head-on helped me grow up quickly and get confidence,” he said.

Find a way to agree

“At the MUN, we need to learn to compromise.” Dai Muye said. The 16-year-old from Shenzhen was a Chinese representative(代表) at the MUN. Dai said his group spent many hours talking about international trade frictions(贸易摩擦). In the end , everyone took a step back and reached an agreement .

1The underlined word “compromise” in the last paragraph means “________” in Chinese .


2Which of the following sentences can be put in the “________”in the 4 th paragraph?

A.it works very badlyB.there is more radioactive

C.it’s still not enoughD.we prepared more and more

3The passage is written in a/an ________tone (语气) .


4According to the passage , we can infer________.

A.at the MUN, not all the students to research.

B.the 600 students can find the best ways to solve the trade frictions.

C.it is much more difficult to learn our real world.

D.there are four skills for students learn at the MUN.

