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Wilson:I telephoned you at 9 o'clock last night but you were not at home.

Jack;9 o'clock? I was sitting in a cafeteria and drinking hot chocolate.

Wilson:Was Tony with you?

Jack;No,he was working in the library.

Wilson:Where did you go after you left the cafeteria?

Jack: I went home.







A: I called you at 8 o'clock last night but your brother said you were out. 

B; 8 o'clock? I was sitting in a cinema and watching a movie. 

A;Was Jerry with you?

B:No. He was studying at home. 

A;Where did you go when the movie was over? 

B:I went to the supermarket to buy some snacks.

题目来源:初中英语丢分题每周一练八年级下册 > Unforgettable events


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


Dick  is a boy. 1     is 9. This  is a  2      . 3    is very nice.  Look!This is a 4     This is a  5     .6     name is Sue. 7     is 8. This is a  8    9      10     very nice.

1.           2.           3.           4.      5.         

6.           7.           8.           9.      10.        


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  In the south of Taiwan, t 1 is a very special place. It has c 2   beaches, great weather, and beautiful forests. That place is Kenting Park.

  Every year,millions of people v 3 the park. People go there o    4 honeymoons(蜜月),school trips, and short weekend holidays. Also,tourists from other c 5 love to visit the park.

  At Kenting, there is a 1 6 to do. You can play in the water. And you can relax on the b 7 . You can a  8 visit the beautiful gardens. And you can 9 Q at the strange rocks with funny shapes. They have n 10 like "Frogrock" and "Sailrock".

        2.      3.     4.       5.       

6.       7.       8.      9.      10.       


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  In 1722, Newton spent his 80th birthday. The past years had 1 him a great deal,but his way of living was much the 2

  Newton was 80 years old,but he still 3 good health. His thick hair was all white,but he looked young. His hearing was good and he never wore glasses. However, his memory was getting  4   . One night, his friend came to see him and they had supper together. Newton 5 himself for a moment and went to get some drink. Minutes passed and he did not 6   . An hour passed, he was not seen back. His friend became very 7 and finally he ate up the whole dinner.

  Newton returned at last. "I went to get the drink,"he explained, "but then I began to think about something 8 I came out only because I was hungry.”He  9 what was left for supper. "How strange!" he said. "I thought I had not had my dinner,10 now I see I have." 

(   ) 1. A. took    B. made    C. brought    D. kept

(   ) 2. A. different    B. same    C. strange    D. hard

(   ) 3. A. liked    B. needed    C. wanted    D. enjoyed

(   ) 4. A. worse    B. better    C. worst    D. best

(   ) 5. A. excused    B. told    C. left    D. taught

(   ) 6. A. arrive    B. find    C. go    D. return

(   ) 7. A. hungry    B. angry    C. alone    D. happy

(   ) 8. A. up    B. too    C. wrong    D. else

(   ) 9. A. looked after    B. waited for    C. looked at    D. ate up

(   ) 10. A. as    B. and    C. for    D. but


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Since her husband died,Mrs Jackson has lived alone in her big old house. Her husband bought the house almost fifty years 1

  Her son has tried 2 to persuade(说服) her to sell the house and buy a small new one inin order to be safe. But Mrs Jackson doesn't like the 4   . She says that she has to look after her husband's old house. But these days she often 5 stories about unknown people stealing(偷) things around here.

  It was a cold 6 before Christmas Eve. At 8 o'clock at night,Mrs Jackson was 7 Christmas music when someone knocked(敲) at the door. She heard the sound but didn't 8 . Another knock!could it be? Mrs Jackson was a little 10 .

  One minute... another minute... and yet another minute, nothing 11 and no more knocks. She walked 12 to the door and listened. She heard nothing but the wind 13   . She watched 14 the hole of the door. She then gave a loud cry and 15 the door. At the door she saw a tall,beautiful Christmas tree!In the tree was a Christmas card with these words:Merry Christmas!Your new neighbor

(   ) 1. A. before    B. ago    C. next    D. later

(   ) 2. A. much    B. hard    C. carefully    D. early

(   ) 3. A. village    B. mountain    C. building    D. town

(   ) 4. A. place    B. house    C. idea    D. people

(   ) 5. A. writes    B. hears    C. tells    D. makes

(   ) 6. A. morning    B. week C. time D.   day

(   ) 7. A. enjoying    B. finding    C. singing    D. listening

(   ) 8. A. look    B. listen    C. move    D. cry

(   ) 9. A. Who    B. How    C. Whose    D. Which

(   ) 10. A. asleep    B. alone    C. afraid    D. angry

(   ) 11. A. happened    B. changed    C. visited    D. passed

(   ) 12. A. quickly    B. quietly       C.freely    D. happily

(   ) 13. A. outside    B. upstairs    C. inside    D. downstairs

(   ) 14. A. off    B. across    C. through    D. between

(   ) 15. A. brought    B. broke    C. closed    D. opened


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Good morning,my classmates!

My name is Jane Green. This is a picture of my family. Look!The old woman in the grey coat is my grandmother. She is eighty years old. The woman in a sweater is my mother. Her sweater is light red. She doesn’t like dark red. She is a doctor. The man in the brown coat is my father. He,s a middle school teacher. This fat man behind my mother is my brother. His coat is blue. He is a policeman. I’m in yellow.

We live in this house. Look here,please!Behind our house there is a small garden (花园) . It’s a very nice one. In it there are many flowers and some small trees.

1.根据短文内容,判断正(T) 误(F) 。

(   ) 1) My  grandmother’s coat is  green.

(   ) 2) My  father’s coat is brown.

(   ) 3) There are six people in  my family.

(   ) 4) My  mother is fat.

(   ) 5) The  garden is nice.


(   ) 6) My grandmother is in        .

A. red    B. green    C. grey    D. dark red

(   ) 7) My mother doesn’t like        .

A. red    B. dark red    C. light red    D. brown

(   ) 8) My        is  a  doctor.

A. mother    B. father    C. brother    D. grandmother

(   ) 9) There are        people in Jane  Green’s  family.

A. three    B. four    C. five    D. six

(   ) 10) What are in the garden?

A. Cats.    B. Dogs.    C. Pigs.    D. Flowers.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 This is a photo of my family. My grandpa’s name is Herry Li. My grandma’s name is Jean Li.  Peter  and Helen  are my parents.  I  have  a  cat.  Its  name is Miao Miao. My name is Natasha. I’m  twelve.  My  cat  is only (仅仅) one  year  old.  I  love  my family and my cat.

(   ) 1. There are        people in my family.

A. 5    B. 6    C. 4    D. 7

(   ) 2. Miao Miao is my        .

A. sister    B. brother    C. cat    D. aunt

(   ) 3. Peter is Herry5s        .

A. father    B. mother    C. son    D. daughter

(   ) 4. What’s the writer’s  name?

A. Natasha.    B. Peter.    C. Helen.    D. Herry.

(   ) 5. My parents’ names  are        .

    A. Peter and Allen    B. Peter and Helen

    C. Herry and Jean    D. Jean and Peter


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A:  Go  1       that room,please. It’s 2        room.

B :  3      beautiful!What’s that on your desk?

A:  4      a photo of my family.

B : Can I 5      ?

A: Of course. Here you are.

B :  6      the 7       in yellow?

A:  It’s  8      .

B: Oh,your skirt is nice. Where are you in the 9      ?

A. I’m 10       Xuanwu Lake Park.

B: Oh,I see,that’s a good place.

(   ) 1. A.  there    B. here    C. to    D. for

(   ) 2. A.  his    B. my    C. your    D. her

(   ) 3. A.  How    B. What    C. It    D. Its

(   ) 4. A.  This is    B. That’s    C. It’s    D. It

(   ) 5. A. have a look at    B. look at

    C. have a look    D. have look  at

(   ) 6. A.  Whose    B. Who’s    C. Where’s    D. Which     is

(   ) 7. A.  man    B. girl    C. boy    D. it

(   ) 8. A.  me    B. her    C. you    D. his

(   ) 9. A.  room    B. photo    C. park    D. school

(   ) 10. A. at    B. in    C. on    D. to


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

This is my family. We a 1     like sports and healthy food. This is my father. His name is John.  He 1 2       soccer.  It’s e 3      . He  likes healthy  food.  He d 4      like  fast food.  This  is  my mother.  Her n 5       Susan. She doesn’t like soccer.  It’s  b  6      to her. She  likes tennis.  She  has three tennis rackets and ten tennis b 7     . This is m 8      . My name’s Amy. I like tennis,too. I

often play tennis w 9      my mom. It’s fun. I don’t like soccer. My father w 10       soccer games at my uncle’s house!

1.          2.           3.          4.      5.         

6.          7.          8.          9.      10.         

