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   Alex (61) __________ (travel) from the north of England to Oxford with his wife by car. He was really happy because he (62) _____ just ______ (spend) a lot of money on a satellite navigation(导航) system. The man in the shop told him, “You (63) _____ never_____ (be) lost again. It knows exactly where you are and where you (64) ________ (go).” He believed the man in the shop and he wanted (65) ________ (try) it out.

“I’m so glad I bought this satellite navigation system.” said Alex.

“It’s waste of money.” his wife said. “A good map is much cheaper.”

The satellite navigation system kept (66) ________ (speak) to them as they drove along.

“(67) _______ (turn) right at the next crossing, and take the second turning on your right.” The voice was an America woman.

Alex listened carefully and did what the voice said.

“Go across the bridge and down the hill.” said the America voice.

“Bridge? I (68) _______ (not see) any bridge.” said Alex.

“At the roundabout (环形道), take the second turning on your left,” the voice said.

“What roundabout?” said Alex.

“Darling, I think we (69) ______ (be) lost.” Alex’s wife said, “Turn that stupid thing off and let’s look at the map. (70)______ you _____ (not know) there’s a place called Oxford in America? It’s probably trying to take us there!”

They stopped the car and looked at the map. They were nowhere near Oxford. Luckily, Alex’s wife was a good map reader and they arrived in Oxford in time.

61.was travelling     62. had spent        63. will be  64. are going /will go      65. to try 

66. speaking        67. Turn     68. can’t see       69. are             70. Didn’t know

