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If you ask your parents: “Did you buy salt recently?” They might either say: “Yes, we bought more salt than usual”, or “No, we couldn’t find any in the market.”
This is because of the recent craze(狂热) of salt buying in China. In big cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen, salt almost sold out in only one night.
After the big earthquake in Japan on March 11, there was a nuclear leak(核泄漏). And rumors(传言) about whether it will affect our daily life appeared: first, iodized(含碘的) salt can keep us from the dangers of radiation(辐射);second, there will be less sea-salt in the ocean because of the nuclear pollution.
Both the government and experts said the rumors were not true, but people still bought as much salt as possible. Why? Many salt-buyers didn’t really care or know what experts or the government were saying. That was the real reason behind the craze of salt buying.
On March 20, the government said the salt market is back to normal. And most of China’s salt is from lakes, not the ocean.
Now, many people want to return the salt they bought. “There is no reason why those people should get their money back,” an article in Xinhua Daily Telegraph said. “They made the craze in the first place.”
Perhaps people should learn a lesson from the salt: don’t believe everything you hear.
【小题1】The recent craze of salt buying in China happened because of ________.
A. the earthquake          
B. the rumors              
C. the shortage(缺乏) of salt
【小题2】When did the rumors start?
A. On March 11.        
B. After March 11.         
C. On March 20.
【小题3】According to the passage most of China’s salt is from ________.
A. lakes                    B. the ocean                C. rivers
【小题4】Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A. People believed what the government and experts said first.
B. People could return the salt and got back their money later.
C. Salt almost sold out in only one night because of the rumors.
【小题5】The passage tells us that ________.
A. we can’t believe everything we hear
B. there must be a nuclear leak after an earthquake
C. only iodized salt can keep us from the dangers of radiation


【小题1】细节理解题。根据原文After the big earthquake in Japan on March 11, there was a nuclear leak可知日本地震之后引起了核泄漏,人们担心额辐射对海水的影响会关联到食用盐,所以引起了买盐热潮。故选B。
【小题2】细节理解题。根据原文After the big earthquake in Japan on March 11, there was a nuclear leak可知三月11日日本发生地震,核泄露是在地震之后。故选B。
【小题3】细节理解题。根据原文And most of China’s salt is from lakes, not the ocean.可知中国的食盐主要来自湖泊,而不是海洋。故选A。
【小题4】判断对错题。根据原文In big cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen, salt almost sold out in only one night.可知所有的食盐几乎在一夜之间卖光了。故选C。
【小题5】细节理解题。根据原文Perhaps people should learn a lesson from the salt: don’t believe everything you hear.可知我们不应该随便相信传言。故选A。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

Basketball is a very popular game      the USA. People all 1ike it. Most(绝大多数的) people can       it. A basketball is a round and big ball. It’s       and      than a football. It’s heaviest of all the balls. There are       players in each team. Basketball is quite popular in China       . Children often take a       to school and play it after school. In China some girls can play basketball       than boys. NBA games are very        in the world. Many people like        them on TV.

A.in B.on C.from D.to
A.have B.play C.watch D.take
A.big B.biger C.bigger D.biggest
A.heavy B.heavier C.heaviest D.the heaviest
A.two B.four C.five D.eleven
A.again B.also C.so D.too
A.basketball B.football C.volleyball D.soccer
A.good B.well C.better D.best
A.famous B.interesting C.boring D.good
A.watching B.seeing C.looking D.playing


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Being able to multitask-- doing several things at the same time--is considered a welcome skill by most people. But if we consider the situation of the young people aged from eight to eighteen, we should think again.
What we often see nowadays is that young people juggle a larger number of electronic products as they study. While working, they also surf on the Internet, send out emails, answer the telephone and listen to music on their iPods. In a sense, they are spending a large amount of time in fruitless efforts as they multitask.
Multitasking is even changing the relationship between family members. As young people give so much attention to their own worlds, they seem to have no time to spend with the other people around them. They can no longer greet family members when they enter the house, nor can they eat at the family table.
Multitasking also has an effect on young people's performance at university and in the workplace. When asked about their opinions of the effects of modern gadgets (器具) on their performance of tasks, many young people gave a positive (肯定的) answer. However, the response from the worlds of education and business was not quite as positive. Educators feel that multitasking by children has a serious effect on later development of study skills. They believe that many college students now need help to improve their study skills. Similarly, employers (雇主) feel that young people entering the job market need to be taught all over again, as modern gadgets have made it unnecessary for them to learn special skills to do their work.
【小题1】What does the underlined word "juggle" most probably mean?

A.Want to buy.
B.Use at the same time.
C.Take the place of.
D.Search information from.
【小题2】In Paragraph 3, the author points out that ________.
A.family members do not greet each other
B.family members do not eat at the family table
C.young people get on well with their families
D.young people hardly communicate with their family members
【小题3】What's the main idea of the last paragraph?
A.Young people must learn skills for future jobs.
B.Young people benefit (获益) a lot from modern gadgets.
C.Multitasking is an important skill to young people.
D.Multitasking influences young people's development seriously.
【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Young people think multitasking is good for their study and work.
B.Employers consider it unnecessary for young people to be taught all over again.
C.Educators feel that young people don't need to improve their study skills.
D.People from the world of education believe multitasking has a good effect on children's later study skills.
【小题5】The author develops (阐述) the passage mainly by ________.
A.providing special examples
B.following the natural time order
C.giving out a cause and analyzing (分析) its effects
D.comparing opinions from different worlds


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Money, jewels and important documents may not be the only valuables placed in banks these days. Some mothers store their breast milk (母乳) in banks.
There are ten breast milk banks across the United States, where mothers can donate their extra milk for other women’s babies.
Experts say breast milk is the best food for babies. The World Health Organization says it is the only food babies should get during the first six months of life, in most cases. Breast milk is especially important for babies born too early. Sometimes these premature babies must stay in the hospital for many weeks.
James Cameron is a doctor who treats newborns at Lutheran Children’s Hospital in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He says breast milk is almost like medicine. Doctor James Cameron says, “The fact is that there are so many different proteins and specialized sugars in the breast milk that the mom’s able to make that help provide immunity (免疫力). It’s very important for the health of the newborn.”
Lucy Baur lives near Fort Wayne. She breastfed both her children and always had more milk than they needed. She wanted to donate to the Indiana Mothers Milk Bank in Indianapolis. But freezing and shipping milk can be costly. Then, a donor station opened near her home.
Milk donations in the United States work like this. Donors must be willing to provide almost three liters of breast milk. They freeze the milk and take it to the station. There, employees warm the milk and mix it with other mothers’ milk. Then, the milk is heated to kill bacteria. After that, the technicians test samples of all the milk to make sure it is safe and healthful. The milk is re-frozen and sent to the main milk bank. The milk bank transports the milk to hospitals to feed premature or sick babies.
Donors are tested for diseases before any milk is accepted. They are not permitted to smoke tobacco, use illegal drugs or drink too much alcohol.
【小题1】According to the passage, which thing can also be stored in banks except money, jewels and important documents?

C.Valuable papers. D.Breast milk.
【小题2】From the text we learn                            .
A.Lucy Baur wanted to donate her milk to the donor station near her home
B.the milk is frozen and sent to the milk station after killing bacteria
C.the milk bank transports the milk to babies’ home to feed them
D.James Cameron is a doctor who feeds the babies on the milk in the milk station
【小题3】The breast milk is important for newborns because                          .
A.only it can stop babies from developing diseases
B.it contains rich nutrients (营养) babies need
C.it is the only food suitable for babies
D.it benefits babies as the best medicine
【小题4】Who is allowed to donate her extra milk of the following women?
A.A heavy smoker.B.A heavy drinker.
C.A fruit lover.D.A drug user.
【小题5】The purpose of setting up breast milk banks is to                      .
A.store extra fresh milk for some school children
B.provide milk to the children who go hungry
C.help other mothers donate milk to their own babies
D.offer breast milk to early born and unhealthy babies


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Hands play an important part in our daily life.  But do you know which of your two hands you use more? Very few people use both hands equally well.  Most of us are right-handed.  Only about five people out of a hundred are left-handed.  New-born babies can take hold of things with either of their hands, but in about two years they usually use their right hands.  Scientists don't know why this happens.
Monkeys are our close relatives in the animal world.  Scientists have found that monkeys like to use one of their hands more than the other, but it can be either hand.  There are as many right-handed monkeys as left-handed ones.  Next time you visit a zoo, watch the monkeys carefully, you will see that some of them will use their right hands and others will use their left hands.  But most of the people use their right hands better and this makes life difficult for those left-handed people.  We live in a right-handed world.
【小题1】 How many people among 100 people use their left hands better?
A. 5%.     B. 50%.     C. 95%.
【小题2】. New-born babies can use __________.
A. both of their hands  B. neither of their hands  C. their right hands
【小题3】 Which of the following is true?
A. There are more monkeys using their right hands than left hands.
B. There are more monkeys using their left hands than right hands.
C. There are as many right-handed monkeys as left-handed ones.
【小题4】 “We live in a right-handed world. “ means __________.
A. Most people use their right hands better.
B. Few people use their right hands better.
C. Half of the people use their right hands better.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

In the United States, when one becomes rich, he wants people to know it. And even if he does not become very rich, he wants people to think that he is. That is what "keeping up withthe Joneses" is about. It is the story of someone who tried to look as rich as his neighbors.
The expression was first used in 1913 by a young American called Arthur Momand. He told this story about himself. He began earning $ 125 a week at the age of 23. That was a lot of money in those days. He got married and moved with his wife to a very wealthy neighborhood outside New York City. When he saw that rich people rode horses, Momand went horseback riding every day. When he saw that rich people had servants, Momand and his wife also hired a servant(仆人) and gave big parties for their new neighbors.
It was like a race, but one could never finish his race because one was always trying to keep up. The race ended for Momand and his wife when they could no longer pay for their new way of life. They moved back to an apartment in New York City.
Momand looked around him and noticed that many people do things just to keep up with rich lifestyle of their neighbors. He saw the funny side of it and started to write a series of short stories. He called it "Keeping up with the Joneses" because "Jones" is a very common name in the United States. "Keeping up with the Joneses" came to mean keeping up with rich lifestyle of the people around you. Momand’ s series appeared in different newspapers across the country for over 28 years.
People never seem to get tired of keeping up with the Joneses. And there are “Joneses” in every city of the world. But one must get tired of trying to keep up with the Joneses because no matter what one does, Mr. Jones always seems to be ahead.
【小题1】Some people want to keep up with the Joneses because they _______.

A.want to be as rich as their neighbors
B.want others to know or to think that they are rich
C.don't want others to know they are rich
D.want to make themselves happy
【小题2】It can be inferred(推断)from the story that rich people like to_______.
A.live outside New York CityB.live in New York city
C.live in apartmentsD.have many neighbors
【小题3】According to the writer, it is_______ to keep up with the Joneses.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Now scientists have discovered that the dogs behave like their masters, too. Just like children, they use a “ look and learn” ways when they go about their tasks.
Scientists at Oxford universities designed an experiment to test if the dogs have the ability to copy humans’ actions by using a simple wooden box. 10 owners showed their dogs how to open the wooden box .Sometimes they use their heads to push it and sometimes they use their hands.
10 dogs were divided into two groups---Group1 and Group2. In the first part of the test, Group1 were rewarded with a piece of meat for copying their owner’s actions. Group2 were rewarded with food for not copying and using other ways. With each dog the experiment was repeated hundreds of times. Scientists recorded the time to see which group was first to get 85% right. They found that Group1finished the task much sooner than Group2.
In the second part of the test, all the dogs were only rewarded for copying the way that their owners used. Group1 reached the 85% mark more quickly than Group2.
So the scientists draw a conclusion: “Like humans, dogs can copy actions that they see. Dogs’ imitative(仿效的)behavior is shaped more by their interactions(互动)with humans than by evolution(进化).”
Scientists said,“A dog’s behavior is influenced much like that of a child; they look and learn similar behavior. We hope that owners understand the importance of their actions and use this knowledge to set good examples and therefore have a good effect on the behavior of their pets.”
【小题1】The scientists believe dog’s imitative behavior mainly comes from______________.

A.proper rewardsB.domestication
C.human-dog interactionsD.evolution
【小题2】The best title may be “___________________”
A.Dogs can finish their tasks quickly.B.Dogs are interesting animals.
C.Masters always set good examples.D.Dogs behave like their masters.
【小题3】From the experiment, we know __________________.
A.It took the two groups of dogs the same time to finish the required task.
B.The dogs that copied their masters finished the required task much sooner.
C.The dogs that were encouraged to copy their masters finished the task more slowly..
D.The dogs that were encouraged not to copy their masters finished the task more quickly..
【小题4】According to the last paragraph, we can infer ______________.
A.a cruel man can raise a cruel dog
B.dogs can be influenced by anyone
C.dogs always behave positively
D.dogs are the best kind of pets


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Today we can use the Internet for many things: shopping, business, writing letters, talking to people, getting information and so on. In recent years, a new kind of English has grown on the Internet. There's no real word for it yet, so we call it e-talk.
People don't like typing too much. To save time, they turn phrases into a few letters, acronyms(首字母缩略词). Acronyms are often used in chat rooms. Some are as follows:
BRB (be right back), BTW (by the way), LOL (laughing out loud), IMO (in my opinion)
People also use many abbreviations. They are shortened forms of words. Some common abbreviations include info (information), pic (picture), puter (computer), sec (second), etc.
We usually don't see people when we communicate on the Net, so people have new ways to show feelings. Most people use their keyboards to draw "feelings", such as:
:-)  (happy)     ;-)  (joking)       :-(  (sad)        :-O  (surprised)
These days, many public discussions have picture feelings, for example:
(happy)           (sad)            (angry)           ( (cool)
There are even whole new words, like "newbies"(someone who is new on a chat board or forum). When you write something bad about someone else, it's called "burning" the person.
It takes time for people to get used to e-talk. Also, different groups on the Net have their own special ways of communicating. Newbies sometimes have to ask other people what they mean. As the Internet grows, e-talk will continue to grow and change.
【小题1】Why do people type acronyms?

A.To type them quickly.B.To make jokes.
C.To make newbies puzzled.D.To show their feelings.
【小题2】What does the sentence “BTW, my puter is not working well. :-( ”mean?
A.The person is happy about getting a new computer.
B.The person has to go away from their computer.
C.The person is sad that his computer is having problems.
D.The person is angry at somebody.
【小题3】If someone is angry, what may he type?
A.   LOL      B. BRB.               C.   D.
【小题4】E-talk will probably____________.
A.stay the same
B.keep changing
C.be used by people on the telephone
D.be easy for newbies to understand
【小题5】The best title for this passage is________.
A.E-talkB.Picture Feelings
C.How to Use AbbreviationsD.The Changing Internet


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The Voice of China was hot during the summer of 2012!
The Voice of China is the large music show in China. This show is also the only one which regards the Voice as the only ruler. It premiered at 21:15 on July 13, 2012, on the Zhejiang Television. It has attracted great attention. The show became an overnight sensation.
The first season used “Real voice, real music” as its slogan. As a mentor(导师), singers like Liu Huan, Na Ying, Yu Chengqing and Yang Kun will be responsible for seeking world-shaking voices of China in the following three and a half months, through four stages, namely, “blind choosing”, “selecting”, “team PK” and “yearly grand ceremony”.
It is really a miracle that The Voice of China can stand out in the flood of today’s talent shows in China and attracts the audience. A great many of audience said this will be the best television show in this summer. They were all proud for these good voices of China.
The students’ beautiful voices moved everyone. Xu Haixing, a girl from Chengdu, sang “Self” to realize her father’s dream and Liu Huan was moved to tears by her song. Huang Yong sang “In Spring” showing his persistence on his dream and Yang Kun cried for this. The blind girl Zhang Yuxia, a busker from Taiwan, played while singing. She was praised as “Deng Lijun No.2” for her unique voice, and her sincere feelings touched everybody. Na Ying went to the stage to sing with the students together for two times.
The Voice of China casts off magnificent clothes and wonderful dancing. It regards “inspiration” and “professionalism” as the ruler of music. The singer uses their songs to tell their real stories and the happiness of life.
【小题1】If you want to be the winner of The Voice of China, you must _____.

A.have a good-looking B.have special talent
C.have a wonderful voice D.dance and sing well
【小题2】The right order of The Voice of China’s program is _____.
a. team PK      b. blind choosing.    c. selecting      d. yearly grand ceremony
A.c-b-a-d B.b-c-a-d C.c-a-b-d D.d-c-a-b
【小题3】From the passage we know Liu Huan was deeply moved by_____ song.
A.Na Ying’s B.Xu Haixing’s C.Huang Yong’s D.Zhang Yuxia’s
【小题4】What is the Chinese meaning of the underlined sentence?
A.通宵节目 B.无与伦比 C.一夜成名 D.彻夜难眠
【小题5】Which of the following is NOT true according the passage?
A.The best title of the passage is The Voice of China.
B.The Voice of China last three and a half months.
C.The fourth paragraph(段落) tells us The Voice of China is hot in China.
D.Magnificent clothes and wonderful dancing are rulers of the show.

