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1.He enjoys________(tell)jokes.

2.Most of the_________(kid)are very lovely.

3.She likes to have friends who are (difference) from her.

4.Please tell me its________(important).

5.Tom is much_______(quiet)than his friends.


科目:初中英语 来源:广东省广州市海珠区2016届九年级下学期综合测试(一模)考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Alicia Keys was born in 1981 and grew up in New York. She had music and dance classes when she was a child and she first appeared on TV in the Cosby Show at the age of four. She started piano lessons when she was seven and learned classical music before she began to write her own songs at the age of 14.

Alicia signed a contract with J Records in 1999. She recorded several songs for films before her first album, Songs in Minor, came out in 2001. This was a fantastic success. It entered the charts at number one, sold 236,000 copies in its first week, and went on to sell over 12 million copies worldwide. Alicia won five big awards, including

Song of the Year for Fallin’, the album’s top single, which was a number one hit for six weeks.

Since then, Alicia has sold over 30 million albums. She has also become an actress and a record producer with her own studio. She plays the piano as well as singing on all her albums and she has written some great songs for other artists. She has performed in TV programmes and she made her first film, Smokin’ Aces, in 2007. Her other

films include The Nanny Diaries (2007) and The Secret Life of Bees (2008),’

1. Which of the following statements is NOT true when Alicia Keys was a child?

A. She lived in New York.

B. She took classical music lessons.

C. She learned dancing and singing.

D. She often appeared on television.

2.When did Alicia start writing songs?

A. In 1995

B. In 1999

C. At the Cosby Show

D. At the age of seven

3.The underlined words Song of the Year for Fallin’ in the second paragraph refers to?

A. A number one album in 2001.

B. The top sale album copies in a week.

C. The name of a hero in Songs in A Minor.

D. The song which was at the top of the charts for weeks.

4.What has Alicia done since 2001?

A. She has opened her own studio.

B. She has started playing the piano.

C. She has recorded all her songs herself.

D. She made her first film The Nanny Diaries.

5.Which of the following shows the right order of what happened to Alicia?

①Made the film Smokin’ Aces

②Signed a contract with J Records

③Appeared on TV in The Cosby Show

④Songs in A Minor sold 236,000 copies ⑤Become an actress and a record producer

A. ③④②⑤① B. ③①④②⑤

C. ③⑤④②① D. ③②④⑤①


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省临沂市平邑县2015-2016学年八年级下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Here is a page from a magazine named Future. Read the following information about things that may happen in ten years. And then do the exercise below.

Get Ready for the Future

◆Cars will run on solar power (太阳能) or electricity and will be much cleaner. They will be much safer. For example, if you are too close to another car or if you are driving dangerously, your car will slow down by itself.

◆Because there won’t be any spare land, new cities will have to be built in the sea. Some cities on water will have two levels (层). People will live on the upper level; the lower level will be used for traffic, shops and factories.

◆Biotechnology (生物技术) will make food better and healthier. Plants that are not affected (影响) by insects or illnesses will be developed. The taste of fruit and vegetables will be better and food will be kept longer.

◆New technology will be used to make TVs that are only 5cm thick. They will have pictures that are as clear as photos. Electrical appliances (家用电器) will be quieter and will be controlled by computer; they will also use 50% less power.

◆Many new ways to cure illnesses will be successful using products of genetic engineering (基因产品). Cures will be found for the flu and the common cold. However, some new illnesses will appear.


1.Cars using solar power or electricity will cause fewer accidents and less pollution.

2.People will be able to live in the new cities in the sea.

3.Biotechnology will help divide food into two groups: better food and healthier food.

4.Electrical appliances will save 50% of power because they are controlled by computer.

5.Genetic engineering can help doctors to cure illnesses.


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省淄博市博山区2017届中考一模英语试卷 题型:短文填空

I love reading. At the age of 6, I could read Harry Potter, a difficult book for a 6-year-old, but I 1.(enjoy) it all the same. It soon became clear that spelling for me was not difficult and I had a wide vocabulary. This is one way I got from reading 2. such a young age.

3.(I) advice for you as English learners would be to read the English novels which you have often read 4. your mother language. Reading novels is a great way of 5. (improve) your vocabulary and spelling without knowing it as you are absorbed(全神贯注的) in the story. You know the story well, so it’s 6.(usual) easy to follow it in English even if you don’t understand every word.

This is anther way of basic point: it’s not necessary 7.(understand) every word. If you understand the 8.(mean) of the sentence, each word is not necessarily important. Quite often, if a word is used several 9.(time) in a text, you’ll gradually get an idea of what it means. Have 10. try. If you love reading you could open up a whole new world of literature.


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省淄博市博山区2017届中考一模英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Today we are developing a new idea—Money is the measure of all things. More and more, people are being judged by what they own, and not by their good qualities. This is certainly true among many people in China.

According to a survey that was done in 2013, China is the most materialistic(物欲的) country in the world. Twenty-three percent of Chinese said they measured success by the things they owned (cars, homes, jewelry, designer clothes) compared with just 21 percent in America, 20 percent in Canada, and 16 percent in Britain.

This love of materialistic has spread into schools where some kids like to show off their Apple Watches, iPhone7 and expensive running shoes. Some poorer students now feel worried by their richer classmates and sad by their poor families. In some cases this has affected their performance in school.

But having rich parents doesn’t automatically(自动地) bring good grades and having poor parents doesn’t certainly bring bad grades. It is hard wok that is the key to success, not the cost of your running shoes. And hard work is what develops good characters, not money, that should be the measure of all things.

1.What is the measure of all things for many people in China?

A. Success. B. The good quality. C. The good grades. D. Money.

2.According to the survey, how many Chinese judged success by the things they owned?

A. 23% of Chinese. B. 21% of Chinese. C. 20% of Chinese. D. 16% of Chinese.

3.Why do some students like showing off expensive things in school?

A. Because their families are very rich.

B. Because of the worship of materialism.

C. Because expensive things can bring good grades.

D. Because they are good at all kinds of subjects.

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A. Poor students can hardly get good grades.

B. Rich students have the worship of materialism.

C. We should correct the worship of materialism.

D. Canadians have the least the worship of materialism in rate.


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级上英语同步练习2Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.单元综合测试卷 题型:完形填空

I think friends are very important in people's lives. Do you think so? Some friends have___views and interests, and ____like the same things. Should friends be different ___ the same? I don't care. I have two best friends, Wang Mei and Lin Lei. Wang Mei ____like me. I am ____than most of the students in my class, and Wang Mei is also quiet. And we both enjoy___. On weekends, we often go to the library to do some reading. But the other best friend of mine, Lin Lei, is quite different_____me. She is_____more outgoing, and she likes telling jokes and often makes me___. She also likes playing sports, so she is more athletic. I don't think differences are important in a ___. What is your opinion?

1.A. same B. different C. active D. free

2.A. some B. another C. other D. the other

3.A. and B. but C. or D. then

4.A. isnt B. doesn’t C. does D. is

5.A. quiet B. quieter C. outgoing D. more outgoing

6.A. reading books B. playing games C. watching TV D. going to the movies

7.A. as B. of C. from D. to

8.A. very B. much C. quite D. many

9.A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughed D. laughing

10.A. match B. concert C. family D. friendship


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级上英语同步练习2Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.单元综合测试卷 题型:单项填空

His joke made all of us_________ .

A. laugh B. laughing C. to laugh D. laughed


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级上英语同步练习2Unit 2 How often do you exercis第二课时sectionA 题型:语法填空

1.My sister________(hard) ever drinks coffee.

2.Alice often_________(go) to the movies on weekends.

3.—How often do you go fishing?

—I go fishing________(two) a week.

4.My brothers____(not like) to play sports.

5.They usually ____(read) English every day.


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版9上Unitt1基础知识测试卷 题型:单项填空

His mother kept telling him to mind his manners at the party. So he became _______ _

A. impatient B. improper C. impractical D. impolite

