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  根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。(共10分,每小题1分)
  Mr. Green works in an office in Chicago 21 Saturday, he went to the office to some work. When he got on the elevator, it stopped between the 22 .Mr. Green could not get out of the elevator. He started to 23 , but no one 24 him. Then Mr. Green remembered that it was a holiday in America. No one was going to come to work 25 Tuesday.
  There was 26 for him to do. He had to wait. With nothing to eat 27 drink, Mr. Green slept for most of the time. Early Tuesday morning, his 28 came to work and found the elevator was not working. When the elevator was 29 , Mr. Green came out. He was cold, weak cold, weak, and tired. He had been in the elevator for about sixty-four 30 ! Now Mr. Green says, “I will only use elevators if they have a telephone in them.”
1-5 BDCBA 6-10 BCDBA

1.考查数词,one指某个,选 B
2. 考查名词:电梯在楼层之间停了下来。选D
3. 斯密斯先生出不去,开始大声疾呼。选C
4. 考查动词:但是没有人听见。选B
5. 考查连词:not…until直到…才…到第二天早上才有人上班。选A。
6.  考查不定代词:他没有事情可做,用nothing,选B。
7. 考查连词:没有吃的也没有喝的,用or,选C。
8. 考查名词:他的同事来上班。选D
9. 考查被动,当电梯被打开。选B
10.             考查名词:根据时间判断:他在电梯里面待了64小时。选A

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Bill is an Australian __41___. He is twelve. He lives ___42___ his family in China. There are __43___ people in his family. His father John Smith, his mother Catherine and his little sister Abbey. He has a yellow dog. ___44___ name is Barbi. Look! Abbey is ___45__with Barbi. His father is mending his car. His mother is cleaning the house. What is Bill doing? Ah, he is doing __46__ homework in Chinese. He can’t __47___ Chinese well, but he loves Chinese very much. Bill’s ___48___ works in a middle school as an __49____ teacher. His mother works at a TV factory. Bill and his __50____ go to the same school.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Joan worked in a hospital as a nurse. One evening there was a big dance at the hospital. Most of the doctors and nurses would be there, but of course somebody had to be left to look after the sick children, and Joan was not of the lucky ones. She liked dancing very much, so when she had to start work that evening while her friends were getting ready to go to the dance, she felt very sorry for herself
She went to each sick child one after another and said good-night, until she came to we little boy, Dicky. He was eleven years old, but he was already able to talk like an adult(成年人). Poor Dicky had a very serious(严重的) illness, and now he was hardly (几乎不) able to move any part of his body except his hands. Joan knew he would never get any better, but he was always happy and always thinking about other people instead of about himself.
Dicky knew that Joan loved dancing, so now when she came to say good-night to him, he greeted(问候) her with the words, "I’m very sorry that you have to miss the dance because of us. But we are going to have a party for you. If you look in my drawer, you will find a piece of cake. I saved(省下) it from my supper today, so it is quite fresh. And there is also a dollar there. You can buy something to drink with that. And I’d get up and dance with you myself if I was able to," he added(补充说) .
Suddenly the hospital dance seemed very far away and not at all important to Joan.
小题1:Dicky was lovely because _______.
A.he was a nice, kind boy of eleven
B.he was always thinking about others more than himself
C.he saved a piece of cake for his nurse
D.he could foresee(预知) that he would never get any better
小题2:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Dicky knew why Joan was unhappy.B.Dicky heard about the dance.
C.Dicky showed sympathy(同情) for Joan.D.Dicky got up to greet Joan when she came.
小题3:At that party arranged(安排) for Joan, Dicky probably _______.
A.got up and danced with her
B.gave Joan a piece of cake he had saved
C.brought her something to drink
D.lost the dollar which he was going to give Joan


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A man hated his wife’s cat and decided to throw it away.
One day, he drove it over one mile from his home and left it in a park. But when he got home, he saw that his wife was playing with the cat.
The next day he drove the cat about three miles away. He put the cat out of the car and went home. Driving back his driveway(私人车道), the cat was there already.
The man keep taking the cat further and further away and the cat would always get home before him. At last he decided to drive more than ten miles away. He turned right, then left, past a bridge, then right again and another right until he thought he was far enough from home and left the cat there.
Hours later the man was still driving home. He was lost! He called home and asked his wife, “Jen, is the cat there?”
“Yes,” his wife answered, “why do you ask?”
The man answered, “Put it on the phone. I’m lost and need directions.”
小题1:The first time the man drove out, he _____.
A. sold the cat
B. took the cat home
C. left the cat in the park
小题2:Which of the following is TRUE?
A. The man liked his wife’s cat and often played with it.
B. Every time the man threw the cat away, it came home earlier than the man.
C. The last time the man threw the cat away, it lost its way and didn’t come back.
小题3: Why did the man call home?
A. Because he was lost.
B. Because he missed his wife very much.
C. Because he wanted to know if the cat was at home.
小题4:How far away did the man take the cat the last time?
A. Over 1 mile.            B. About 3 miles.          C. More than 10 miles.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Dou Kou, a Chinese boy, is called “the youngest writer in the world”. He has written three books till now. Dou Kou was born in Jiangsu in 1994. When he was 7 months old, his partents started working in over 30 different cities, such as Xi’an and Shenzhen. This kind of life gave him things to think and write about. When he was 9 months old, he could speak and at the age of one, he could say five to six hundred words. At three, he could look up words in the dictionary. At four, his father taught him how to learn by himself. His parents like reading very much. So does he. At the age of 5, he began writing fairy tales. At the age of 6, he wrote a novel about his life in different cities with his parents. His fairy tales are all from his life. One day, he found many mice in the house. They only ate their food but also hurt his mother’s hand. So he thought, “If we give mice the stomach of cows, they will eat grass and they will be helpful to people.” This was his first fairy tales Change Stomach for Mice. Now he studies well in a middle school. He has written his third book, the novel called Eyes of Children. He says, “I am not different from other children. I just wrote several books.
小题1: How many books has Dou Kou written?
小题2:Thanks to his ________, Dou Kou could write his books.
A.motherB.fatherC.school lifeD.life in different cities
小题3:Dou Kou began to use a dictionary __________.
A.when he wrote fairy talesB.before his father taught him how to learn something
C.after he went to schoolD.after his mother taught him how to learn something
小题4:The underlined(划线的) sentences show us that Dou Kou _________.
A.is different from other childrenB.doesn’t tell the truth.
C.is the same as other childrenD.likes his books
小题5: Which is the best title?
A.Three Books by a childB.How to Write a Fairy Tales
C.How Clever the Boy isD.Dou Kou, the Youngest Writer


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

完形填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,总分15分)
This morning, I got a funny feeling. Today I had to give a report in my   31    , and I had been afraid to do so for a long time.
Mom came into the kitchen, asking , “Are you ready,   32  ?”
“ Yes.” I answered quietly.    33  in fact I wasn’t ready!
On my way    34   school, I could feel my heart beating. I hated this!
I went into Mrs. Owens’ class. She was smiling, and saying   35  to all her students as she did every morning.
“ Hi, Sam,” she said to me as I walked    36  the classroom.
“ Hi,” I said and quickly sat in my   37  . I looked at the clock. The time was near. Then Mrs. Owens started, “ Sam, it’s time for you to show yourself.” “Show   38   ? Oh, no!”
I got up slowly,    39   the ground as I walked to the front of the class. Then, I looked up, and everyone was looking at me. Mrs. Owens knew I was   40   , so she came beside me, and put her hand on my back.
She said to the class, “Sam has worked very hard on his    41  ,and I know it is a very interesting report.” Then she turned to me and asked, “Sam,    42   did you like best about your report on Hawaii?”
I thought about the fun things I    43  about surfing before, and I started to talk. I talked and talked    44  the whole class, and I was not nervous at all. It was great fun. It wasn’t frightening. The class cheered as I finished and Mrs. Owens was   45   .
In fact, I can do better than I think I can— if I try! I am proud of myself.
A.friendsB.classmates C.OwensD.Sam
A.intoB.out ofC.away fromD.far from
A.bedB.seatC.dinning roomD.reading room
A.looking after B.look overC.looking atD.looking for
A.dictionary B.magazineC.newspaperD.report
A.will readB.have readC.am readingD.read
A.in front ofB.overC.besideD.near


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Charles Dickens, one of the greatest English writers, was born in 1812 in a small town of England. When he was nine years old, the family moved to London.  There were several younger children in the family. Their life was hard.  So Dickens could not go to school. When Charles went to school, he was already twelve years old.  But he didn’t finish school Two years later he began to work. The future Writer often went to the library to read books.  He read a lot. Then Dickens wrote a lot of novels and stories all his life. Dickens died over a hundred years ago, but people are still reading his books with great interest.
判断正误:(Y 或N)
1. Charles Dickens was a great British writer.
2. Dickens began to go to school when he was very young.
3. At the age of fourteen Charles began to work.
4. The future writer bought lots of books to read.                                   
5. Today, people still like the books written


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Jan:I have new photos of my family, but they’ re not very good. This is my sister…
Mark:Where is she?  Is she at the library?
Jan:No, she’ s in the living room. She s doing her homework. And that s my brother.
Mark:Is he doing his homework, too? What’s he eating?
Jan:He’ s watching a scary movie on TV and eating french fries.
This is a picture of my aunt and my mother.
Mark:Is that -your mother in the pool?
Jan:No, that’s my aunt. My mother can’t swim. And this is my mother and my aunt at the shop. They really like shopping and eating at the shop. Mark: Interesting photos.
1. The pictures are ______.
A. good   B. interesting   C. scary
2. Jan’ s sister is doing her homework ______.
A. at the library   B. at the pool   C. in the living room
3. Jan’ s brother isn’ t ______.
A. doing his homework   B. watching TV    C. eating french fries
4. Jan’ s ______ can’ t swim.
A. sister   B. mother   C. aunt
5. Jan’ s mother and aunt like ______ at the shop.
A. eating french fries   B. shopping    C. swimming


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Samaranch (born 17 July 1920 – 21 April 2010) was a Spanish(西班牙) sports official who served as the 7th President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) from 1980 to 2001.Samaranch was born into a rich family in Barcelona, he studied business at IESE Business School in Barcelona. He was good at Spanish, French, English, Russian and German. Because of his father’s influence, he became interested in sports. He was fond of football, boxing, roller skating and ice hockey(冰球)in particular. Later, he became an ice hockey player, after that he served as Spain's national ice hockey coach. He was selected to be the president of the IOC at the 83rd of the IOC plenary session(全会)in Moscow in 1980. Samaranch's greatest wish before retirement is to hope the Olympics will be held in China. Beijing succeeded in hosting the 2008 Summer Olympics on July 13, 2001. Three days later, he officially retired at the IOC in Moscow. Then he was awarded the Olympic gold medal, and accepted the "International Olympic Committee Honorary Life President" title. In the opening plenary session, Russian President Vladimir Putin awarded Samaranch "Medal of Honor." Though he passed away , we Chinese people will remember him forever.
小题1: Where was Samaranch born?  He was born in         .
小题2: He became interested in sports because of         .
A.his coachB.his mother
C.his fatherD.his teacher
小题3:He used to be a(n)          after he left IESE Business School.
A.businessmanB.football player
C.roller skating coachD.ice hockey coach
小题4:When did Samaranch retire as the president of the IOC ?______.
A.On July 17,1920B.On July 13, 2001
C.On July 16, 2001D.On April 21,2010
小题5: What does the underlined phrase “passed away” mean in Chinese?

