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Fill the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给)

How do you feel when your teacher asks you to work on a group project with other students? Do you like to work together with others or work a1.?

The Programme for International Student Assessment, or PISA, carried out survey of students’ ability to work together in groups. They found that students who do well on tests by themselves are also likely to be better at working with other people.

Students in Japan, South Korea, Finland and Canada, where test scores are h2., also did well in working together to solve problems. This finding was true for many countries.

But this was not true for every country. Chinese students, who also did well on tests, s3. just average collaborative(合作的) skills.

“One r4. might be that Chinese parents and teaches focus too much on grades,"said Zhao Zhongxin, former vice president of the Chinese Family Education Association. " Students have a lot of exam pressure and they view school as a place for competition.”

“However, collaborative skills are very important for p5. students for today’s society,”he added."Luckily, more Chinese educators are realizing the importance of this and are thinking of ways to help students improve this skill.

Another interesting finding from the PISA survey was that girls tend(趋向于)to be better than boys at working together. They said girls show more active attitudes(态度) towards relationships, which means they are much e6.to communicate with.

PISA also found that the classroom environment tends to e7. students to collaborate. In classes where there are a lot of activities that require communication, such as class debates, students tend to have better attitudes toward collaborating.


科目:初中英语 来源:北京市2017-2018学年七年级上学期期末考试(含听力)英语试卷 题型:单选题

This is _______room.

A. Lucy and Lily B. Lucy and Lily’s

C. Lucy’s and Lily’s D. Lucy’s and Lily


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省连云港市2015-2016学年度第一学期九年级英语质检(有答案) 题型:单选题

Orange represents _______________.

A. sadness B. wisdom C. new life D. joy


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新目标七年级英语下册单元测试卷 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend 题型:单选题

I finished my homework ______.

A. now B. in two hours

C. two hours ago D. for two hours


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新目标七年级英语下册单元测试卷 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend 题型:单选题

The mountain is too ______.I think I can't climb up it.

A. high B. tall C. difficult D. boring


科目:初中英语 来源:上海市嘉定区2018届九年级一模英语试卷(含答案) 题型:单选题

could you tell me

A. how long she has gone to Hongkong.

B. how long she has been in Hongkong.

C. how long has she been in Hongkong.

D. how long she has been to Hongkong.


科目:初中英语 来源:上海市嘉定区2018届九年级一模英语试卷(含答案) 题型:单选题

We all believe you will succeed in working out the problem you give up.

A. if B. because

C. since D. unless


科目:初中英语 来源:新目标英语八上Unit 6单元练习题 题型:单选题

He left a job in the city to________farming in the countryside.

A. take up B. grow up C. put up D. get up


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八年级英语Unit7课时练习(1) 题型:句型转换

1.It’ll be rainy tomorrow .(对划线部分提问)

________ _________ the ________ _________ __________ tomorrow ?

2.I like autumn best .(改为同义句)

I like autumn__________ _________ the other ___________ .

3.Bring me my clothes .(改为同义句)

__________ my clothes _____________ me .

4.She looks cool in yellow dresses .(改为同义句)

Yellow dresses ___________ cool ___________ her .

5.There’ll be a lot of snow next year .(对划线部分提问)

__________ __________ __________ __________ there be next year ?

6.The wind is blowing strongly outside now .(对划线部分提问)

__________ ___________ the wind __________ outside now ?

7.There will be a lot of rain tomorrow afternoon .(改为同义句)

It will _________ _________ tomorrow afternoon .

The rain will be __________ ________ tomorrow afternoon .

8.How foggy the weather is ! (改为另一种感叹句)

_________ _________ ________ !

1.What willweather be like 2.better thanseasons 3.Bring to 4.look on 5.How much snow will 6.Howisblowing 7.rain heavilyheavyhard 8.What foggy weather 【解析】 1.画线部分rainy是天气,询问天... 复制答案 考点分析: 相关试题推荐

Martin Henfield talks about some of his experience as a twin : when we were small my mother dressed us _______ the same clothes .That was bad enough and we didn’t like it . But we went on our first camping trip , it was even ____ . We were only ten years old , and while _____went

into their sleeping bags for the _______ , we were not happy to snuggle(依偎)inside a double sleeping bag my mother made for us .

At school our classmates _______ us Henfield One and Henfield Two , so people _______ even see our difference according to our initials(姓名的首字母)because ______ of us were M.O. . It was only when I went to _______ and began to have my own friends that I started to feel my own freedom of identity(身份).

Before I went to college , during my secondary school ______ , I ________ a job on a building site , My twin brother , Mike Henfield , didn’t work . One day I asked my boss , “Can I have a week ______ ?” “Certainly ,” he said , “but you won’t have the job when you ______ back .” I didn’t want to _______ the job . So on Monday morning , Mike went there in my _______ , jacket and hat and he worked for me for one week . _______ of them knew the difference .

1.A. in B. for C. on D. with

2.A. badder B. worse C. good D. better

3.A. all boys B. another boy C. all the other boys D. all the boys

4.A. day B. holiday C. night D. mid-night

5.A. called B. knew C. told D. made

6.A. didn’t B. needn’t C. mustn’t D. couldn’t

7.A. very B. each C. both D. all

8.A. middle school B. college C. high school D. school

9.A. holidays B. week C. weekend D. holiday

10.A. receive B. got C. find D. made

11.A. off B. free C. on D. back

12.A. came B. will get C. got D. are

13.A. miss B. lose C. lost D. losing

14.A. coat B. shirt C. shoes D. trousers

15.A. None B. Nobody C. All D. Each


I that story the other day.

A. heard B. heard about C. heard from D. listened


The radio says the temperature will to -5°C tomorrow.

A. drop B. throw C. keep D. lead


The earthquake killed people .

A. thousand of B. three thousands C. thousands of D. three thousands of


goes before thunder .

A. Typhoon B. Rain C. Storm D. Lightning

查看答案 试题属性
  • 题型:句型转换
  • 难度:中等

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