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小题1:Yellow River Fisherman is _________.
A.Hong Tao’s latest movie
B.Lu Xun’s novel
C.Han Han’s new book
D.Zhang Yimou’s new movie
小题2:____________on April 47, 1968.
A.Man first walked on the moon
B.Dr. Martin Luther King was murdered
C.The World Trade Center was destroyed.
D.Dr. James Naismith invented basketball.
小题3:In _______, special gifts are usually not opened. Later, the same gift may be given a-way to someone else.
A.the USAB.SwedenC.CanadaD.Japan
小题4:Among the following cities, which one is NOT a capital city of a country?
小题5:The In Search of Roots summer camp program started in ______. The young members are usually between _____ and _____ years old.
A.1980; 16;25B.1980; 10; 20C.1970;16; 26D.1970; 15; 25
小题6:In Beijing, people drive on the ______ side of the road, while in London, people drive on the _______ side of the road.
A.left; leftB.right; rightC.left; rightD.right; left


小题1:考查书籍、电影等文化知识。本句来自于新目标9年级Unit 6的一篇文章。
小题2:考查历史事件的常识。本句来自于新目标8年级下Unit 3的一篇文章。
小题5:考查课本内容的掌握情况。本句来自于新目标9年级第十四单元的一篇文章,题目是:He's already visited the place where his ancestors lived.

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Once an American was  小题1: France. He could speak 小题2: French. One day while he was walking in the street, he felt 小题3: and went into a restaurant. When the waiter came, the American opened his mouth,  小题4: his fingers into it and took them out again and moved his lips(嘴唇). In this way, he wanted to say , “Bring me   小题5:  to eat ”but the waiter brought him lots of things to 小题6: first tea, then coffee, then milk, but no小题7:  . The American was angry  because he was not able to tell the waiter he was hungry. He was ready(准备) to leave the restaurant when another man came in and put his hands on his stomach .And this sign was clear enough for the waiter .In a few minutes, the waiter brought him a large plate of bread and meat. At last the Englishman had his meal in the 小题8: way.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Julia’s Chinese name is Liu Min.She is in Class 6 and her telephone number is 756-4321. She has a brother, his name is Adam. He is a tall boy, he has(有) some good friends at school. Julia and her brother like apples very much. Julia’s favourite colour is white, but Adam likes black. 黑色是他最爱的颜色. They are in China now, their Chinese teacher is Miss Wang. She is a good teacher.
小题3:Who is their Chinese teacher? 
小题4:What is Julia’s telephone number?
小题5:A  re Julia and Adam in China now?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Mike Smith: We have many after-class activities in school—English corner, hand-writing lessons, playing basketball, playing chess, dancing and so on. Students in our school can choose any kind of activities they like.
Jane White: I’m a member of the music club in our school. I can learn different kind of music instruments. It’s fun.
Frank Green: I take park in drawing and English corner after class. I benefit a lot from the activities. I can not only improve my abilities of drawing and spoken English, but also make some new friends who have the same hobbies as me.
Amy young: Some teachers think after-class activities take up too much time. But as a student, I think it’s necessary for schools to give us the chance to improve our other abilities after class. We are under great pressure with too much homework and exams. We need time to relax.
Information card
Kinds of after-class activities
  1 , hand-writing lessons, playing basketball,   2 , dancing, instrument playing and   3 
Advantages of after-class activities
●a good chance to improve students’ other abilities
●a good chance to  4  
●to help students to   5 


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—We can see the signin the public places. What does it mean?
—It means________.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

It was an amazing morning. I heard much __1_(嘈杂声)noise when I was sleeping. I thought someone was __2(叫醒)me up. I got up quickly and did some cleaning. The room was soon  3(清扫)up. Then I wanted to have breakfast. But I found a big mouse on the table. Oh, my god! It had_4 (吃完)up all the food on the table for breakfast. Next I came to the park and _5_ (注意) a little boy pick up a hat on the ground. I walked up to see __6_(谁的) it was. The boy looked up at me __7_(含着)tears (眼泪)in his eyes. He told me it was not a hat, but a cat—his favorite cat. He said, “I stayed up _8_(晚) last night to look after the cat but it is __9_(还)dying. So I am too sad!” I told the boy not to worry. I tried my best to __10_(使高兴)him up. I said, “God, god, please save the cat!” again and again. The cat ran away just when I wanted to say for the 4th time. Wasn’t it amazing?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:写作题

根据下表提示以My Sister 为题写一篇短文。
Living place
School name
Appearance (外貌)
Good at
要求:1. 语法正确,意思连贯,书写规范,要点齐全,发挥想象,适当拓展。
2. 80个词左右。
My Sister


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Do your parents ever say, “Act like a lady” or “Be a gentleman” to you? But in the eyes of today’s teenagers, what qualities (品质) should a lady or a gentleman have? Let’s take a look.
What is a gentleman?
The girls have their say:
Huang Xiaoyu of Guizhou: A gentleman is not a strong, stupid guy. He doesn’t get angry. He cares about others’ feelings. He’s always ready to help. There is a boy in my class I think is a gentleman. I didn’t do well in the mid-term English exam. He comforted (安慰) me by saying I would do better next time. His words made me feel happier.
Chen Tingting of Henan: A gentleman always says, “ladies first”. When cleaning the classroom, he does the heavy work. He lets girls go into rooms first. There aren’t any gentlemen in my class. When there are snacks, the boys in my class are always the first to grab them!
Boys tell us what they think a lady is:
Wu Yifan of Dalian, Liaoning: A ladylike girl is gentle and quiet. But she’s not shy; she’s not afraid of expressing herself. She is kind and beautiful. To me, actress Dong Jie is a lady. She is pretty and gentle. She also has a kind heart. She does a lot for charity.
Wang Lichao of Tianjin: A lady is not just pretty-looking but wise too. She never says rude words. She is not noisy. She is always calm and at ease. There aren’t any real ladies in my class, I think. Most of the girls are of a style I call “wild beauties”.
Qualities of gentlemen/ladies
(A girl, Guizhou)
He is not a strong, stupid guy. He doesn’t get  1   .
He cares about others’ feelings and gets ready to help.
A boy in her class
Chen Tingting 
(A girl, Henan)
He says “  2   ” and lets girls go into rooms first.
He does the heavy work when cleaning the classroom.
 3    gentlemen in her class.
Wu Yifan
(4  , Liaoning)
She is gentle, quiet, kind and beautiful.
She is not shy or afraid to  5     herself. 
Actress Dong Jie
Wang Lichao
(A boy, Tianjin)
She is both pretty-looking and  6    .
She is not noisy. She is calm and at ease.
No real ladies in his class.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Where is New York ? It’s in________
A.the United Kingdom B.the United States

