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Sue and Jim were neighbours for five years but they were never interested in each other. Then one day, Sue saw Jim’s music collection. She noticed a rare punk rock CD that she also owned. At that moment, she realized that they both had the same interest in music and they started talking. Sue said, “I thought we had nothing in common until I saw his CD by the New York Dolls.” They are now married and living with each other.

Some psychologists (心理学家) think that your taste in music is  related to (有联系的) your personality. As part of a test at the University of Texas, Austin, USA, volunteers created a CD of their favourite songs. The volunteers then listened to each other’s CDs and made guesses about the CD creator’s personality—outgoing, adventurous, happy, and so on. These strangers correctly guessed much more about each other’s personalities through their CDs than through their clothes or taste in films. For example, Sue and Jim love punk music, which means they have outgoing personalities. 

The psychologists who did the test found Snoop Dogg (hip-hop) fans are likely to be energetic and talkative. People who like U2 (rock/pop music) are generally independent and adventurous.

The psychologists also found that Louis Armstrong(jazz) fans tend to(倾向于) be shy. The psychologists were surprised to find that rap and heavy metal fans were also shier and quieter than many other music lovers. 

Title: Music and1.  

An opinion

*Your2.in music is related to your personality. 


*One’s clothes or taste in films is3.important than his/herCDs in a test of guessing about one’s personality. 

*It is likely that hip-hop fans are energetic and talkative.

*People who like rock or pop music are usually independent and adventurous.

*Jazz fans tend to be serious and intelligent.

*It’s surprising that rap and heavy metal fans are shier and quieter than  many other music lovers.

An 4.

* Through Sue and Jim were neighbours for five years, they were never interested in each other. 

*After Sue noticed they both had rare punk rock CDs, she found they had5.in common.  

*They are now married and living with each other.


科目:初中英语 来源:天津市和平区2019-2020学年九年级上学期期末英语试卷 题型:单选题

It was raining. My mother asked me ________ an umbrella.

A.takes B.to take C.taking D.take


科目:初中英语 来源:山西省朔州市2019-2020学年九年级上学期期末英语试卷 题型:单选题

These dresses feel very ______ because they are made of silk.

A.warm B.smooth C.fresh


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省徐州市铜山区2019-2020学年七年级上学期期末英语试卷 题型:单选题

-___________ your mother free at weekends?

一No. She ____________ has much housework to do.

A.Does; always B.Does; seldom

C.Is; seldom D.Is; always


科目:初中英语 来源:浙江省杭州市上城区2019-2020学年九年级上学期期末英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

We like to believe that before we make a decision, most of the time, we take time to consider all the facts carefully. However, Experts believe that only 5% of our decisions are based on a rational (理性的)thought process. So, what influences our decision-making process?

We often leave decision-making to our instincts(本能).Scientists have found out that if we had the choice, we like to avoid pain rather than get something. In fact, we're twice as happy when we try to avoid a bad situation than when we experience a good one. This is why when companies send ads, they use phrases like "How to avoid...", "Don't miss out!", etc.

There are also physical reasons that affect our decision-making. Psychologist (心理学家)John Bargh carried on an experiment where people were asked what they thought of a fictional person, while holding a cold or a hot cup of coffee. Those holding the hot cup believed the person to be warmer and more sociable than those holding the cold cup. So, when temperatures rise, the more likely we are to believe in strangers.

Stress is another thing which affects our decisions. Different situations are more or less stressful for different people. Researchers have found, though, that women are more conservative (保守的)about decisions when stressed, while men are to make riskier choices.

It may come as a surprise but every day from the minute we get up, we have to make countless decisions, like what to wear, what coffee to have and so on. Each choice makes our brain a little bit more tired, and this affects our decision-making. That's why important people, like presidents wearing the same three suits all the time, want to limit the small choices and spend more brain power (力量)on the bigger ones.

1.Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?

A. B. C. D.

2.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A.Every day we have to make lots of big decisions.

B.People sometimes judge a person by what he wears.

C.What people wear influences their decision making.

D.Making fewer decisions helps to save brain power.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A.We make most of the decisions after our careful thinking.

B.People are likely to be happier to avoid something bad.

C.As the temperature is low, we are likely to believe others

D.People usually have risky decisions under heavy pressure.

4.The purpose of the passage is to__________.

A.tell us what influences decision-making B.advise people to make rational decisions

C.warn people not to make risky decisions D.show disadvantages of rational decisions


科目:初中英语 来源:2019年浙江省金华市教育集团中考一模英语试卷 题型:阅读单选


◆He was bred(繁殖) as a hunting dog in the Northern mountains of Japan.

•◆He's chosen as the National Monument in Japan.

•◆The first Akita was brought to the United States in 1937.

Personality and behavior

◆He's very loyal, devoted, and affectionate with his human family.

◆He's good natured and carries himself with pride.

•◆He's a powerful dog with plenty of energy.

•◆He's aggressive(有攻击性的) with other dogs, especially dogs of the same sex.

•◆He has lots of courage.

•◆He hardly shows feelings around strangers.

◆He will carefully clean himself when he is dirty.

•◆He's highly alert but isn't a big barker.

◆He is very possessive of his food (children and other dogs should stay away from him while he's eating).

•◆His independent streak can make him unreliable off-leash.

•◆His frightening look makes him a good guard dog.


◆He's not easy to train. You will need patience as he is slower than most to learn obedience(顺从) commands.

1.When do you need to keep away from the dog Akita?

A.When he is sleeping. B.When he is taking care of its baby.

C.When he is eating. D.When he is cleaning himself.

2.Which country is especially proud of the dog Akita?

A.the United States B.Japan C.Ireland D.Finland

3.What do you need most when training the dog?

A.Courage B.Carefulness C.Power D.Patience


科目:初中英语 来源:河北省唐山市路南区2019-2020学年七年级上学期期末英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

Jack puts on his backpack(背包)and walks out of school to catch his bus home. His backpack is full of books. "Hey, Jack!”Carl says, running up to him. "My dad's doing the park clean up this weekend. Could you help out?"

"Um." Jack knows he doesn't have time to help, but he hates(讨厌)to say no. "I guess I can."

Jack gets onto the bus. He is going to have to stay up late(熬夜)tonight to do his homework so he can help Carl in the morning.

"Jack," Jane says, sitting down next to him. "I have to walk Mrs. Green's dogs this weekend. Do you think you could help me?"

"Um...I guess I can."

"Great! "

Jack's backpack feels even heavier(更重了)as he walks into the house.

“Haul day?" his mother asks.

“Hard weekend. I have to finish my homework, help Carl with the park clean-up, and he help Jane walk Mrs. Green's dogs."

"You agree(同意)to too many things this weekend." his mother says.

"I know, but Carl and Jane are my friends. I can't say 'no' to them. What should I do? "

"I'm happy you want to help your friends, but you need to have time for your things, too."

Jack knows she is right. "Maybe I can tell Carl that I can only help for two hours in the morning. And I can help Jane walk dogs early in the morning, but not at lunchtime or in the evening. " Jack says. "Mom, do you think they'll be unhappy?"

"They're your friends. Tell them you, need time to finish your homework. They'll understand.(理解). "

He calls Carl and Jane and tell them the truth(真相). Then he turns to his mum. "They're fine with it. and they offer(提供)to help with my homework, too."

1.Jack's backpack feels even heavier because ___________

A.his mother doesn't like his friends B.his friends put some books in it

C.he puts too many books in it D.he has too many things to do

2.In his mothers eyes, Jack's problem is that ___________.

A.he has too many friends B.he doesn't know how to say 'no'

C.he cares about(关心)his friends too much D.he doesn't want to do his homework

3.The underlined sentence "They're fine with it" means ___________

A.They get ready for it. B.They don't get unhappy.

C.They can help each other. D.They are good at doing homework.

4.Jack gets to understand ___________.

A.friendship (友谊)isn't just saying "yes" B.only parents can help us

C.making friends is very boring D.making friends is very hard


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年上海市宝山区中考一模(上学期期末)英语试卷 题型:完型填空

Choose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最恰当的选项完成短文)

Would you like to be comfortable talking to other people? Holding conversations may help.

Holding conversations may not seem like a skill. _______ , everyone talks to other people frequently(频繁地).

But talking to new people makes many people nervous.

Here are some ways to make conversations more fun and less awkward(尴尬的).

Body language

As strange as it may seem, much _______happens without any words.

The way you stand and act tells people a lot about you. When you’re talking with someone, stand up straight and look them in the eye. This shows that you’re confident. And if you’re nervous, acting like you’re confident can help you feel more confident. When you’re listening, look at the other person. Lean forward to show that you’re interested in what they’re saying.

Back and forth

A good conversation is not a _______, which means that both people need to participate. If you’re doing all the talking , pause to give the other person time to speak. If they don’t say anything, try asking them a question.

Questions can also help if you’re struggling(挣扎)to think of something to say. If you ask the other person a question, they’ll talk for a while. Maybe they’ll say something relate with and can reply to. People are generally _________to find others with similar interests.

When you ask questions, try to come up with open-ended ones. That means questions where the answer is more than just “yes” or “no.” Open - ended questions in English tend to start with who, what, when, where and why.

Don’t fear _________.

Don’t panic if the conversation has quiet moments. Every conversation has some. Think of them as opportunities to change the subject to something you’re interested in. You could also comment on(评论)something you’ve done recently. Or once again, you can ask a question about the other person.

So if you’re shy, be brave, ask a question, and start a conversation. As with any skill, you will_______on holding conversations with time.

1.A.Above all B.In brief C.After all D.Even though

2.A.emotion B.communication C.information D.situation

3.A.dialogue B.game C.discussion D.speech

4.A.difficult B.faithful C.excited D.honest

5.A.conclusions B.questions C.conversations D.silence

6.A.increase B.improve C.better D.rise


科目:初中英语 来源:山西省朔州市2019-2020学年八年级上学期期末英语试卷 题型:汉译英:整句






