精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
小题1:Kate is the oldest girl in our class.(改为同义句)
Kate is        than                            in our class.
小题2:This bag is 90 yuan. That bag is 70 yuan.(改为同义句)
This bag is                       than that one.
小题3:He is cleverer than the other two.(改为同义句)
He is                              the three.
小题4:I am less careful than Ma Xueru.(改为同义句)
Ma Xueru is                     than I am.
小题5:I don’t think Maths is as interesting as English.(改为同义句)
I think English                             Maths.
小题6:Wangxin’s mother often listens to her children’s problems.(改为一般疑问句)
          Wangxin’s mother often            to her children’s problems?
小题7:Liu Xiaowei went to see a friend yesterday afternoon.(对划线部分提问)
                    Liu Xiaowei             yesterday afternoon?
小题8:Xu Xiya wants to be a doctor when she grows up.(对划线部分提问)
                      Xu Xiya                              when she grows up?

小题1:older, any, other, girl
小题2:more, expensive
小题3:the cleverest of
小题4:more, careful
小题5:is, more, interesting, than
小题6:Does, listen
小题7:What, did, do
小题8:What, does, want, to, be

小题1:句意:Kate是我们班里年龄最大的女孩。根据句意可知,Kate是我们班年龄最大的女孩,即Kate比班里其他的女孩年龄都要大。故我们可以把原句改成一个用比较级的句子。但是要注意Kate也是我们班里的一个女孩,所以不能和自身相比,应该用any other girl,意为:其他的任何一个女孩。
小题2:句意:这个包90元,那个包70元。根据句意可知,原句的意思我们可以改为这个包比那个包更贵,即用形容词比较级的形式。expensive 贵的,它的比较级应该是more expensive。
小题3:句意:他比其他两个人都要聪明。根据句意,他比其他两个人聪明,可知原句的意思可以改为:他在三个人当中是最聪明的。故我们可以用形容词的最高级形式来变同义句。注意最高级的前面要加the。表示比较的范围,用介词of,of the three 在三个人中。
小题4:句意:我不如马雪茹更仔细。根据句意可知,这句话还可以表述为:马雪茹比我更仔细。故我们可以这样说:Ma Xueru is more careful than I am.more careful 更仔细的,是careful 的比较级形式。
小题5:句意:我认为数学不如英语有趣。这句话的意思还可以表述为,我认为英语比数学有趣。用比较级的形式来表示英语和数学的一个比较。即I think maths is more interesting than English. interesting 有趣的,它的比较级是more interesting。
小题6:句意:王鑫的妈妈经常倾听她孩子们的问题。这个题目要求我们变成一般疑问句。变一般疑问句时,如果句中有be动词或情态动词,则可以直接将be 动词或情态动词提前;如果没有be动词或情态动词,则需要加助动词do、does 或did。do 用于一般现在时;does 用于一般现在时第三人称单数的形式时;did 用于一般过去时里。根据这一原则,针对这个题目,我们可以知道,句子中没有be 或情态动词,且用的是第三人称单数的形式,故应该在句首加does。并且原句中的三单形式要变成原形。
小题7:句意:刘晓伟昨天下午去看了一个朋友。划线部分是went to see a friend,对这部分提问,我们应该是问刘晓伟昨天下午干什么了,故疑问词应该是what;且原句用的是过去时态,故加助动词did,后面跟动词的原形do。
小题8:句意:徐西亚长大后想要成为一名医生。本句要求我们对划线的部分提问,即徐西亚长大后想要成为什么,故疑问词应该是what,且原句用的是一般现在时的第三人称单数形式,故加助动词does,然后再把原来的wants 变为原形want,后面的to be 照抄下来。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:句型转换

小题1:They have been here since ten years ago.(对划线部分提问)
                                                   have they been here?
小题2:Mike used to get his mother angry.(改为一般疑问句)
                   Mike____             to get his mother angry?
小题3:I've never been to Beijing and Jack has never been there, either.(合并为一句)
              I             Jack has ever been to Beijing.
小题4:What do you do with your problems?(改为同义句)
How do you____                                your problems?
小题5:Have you finished your homework?(作否定回答)
                  ,I                   .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:句型转换

句型转换, 每空一词(10’)
小题1:Are those your keys? (改为单数句子)
________ ________ your key?
小题2:Does David like bananas? (作否定回答)
No, _________ _________.
小题3:The soccer ball is under the desk. (对划线部分提问)
_________ _________the soccer ball?
小题4:She doesn’t watch sports on TV every day. (改为肯定句)
She ________ _______ on TV every day.
小题5:Her sister has two photos. (改为一般疑问句)
________ her sister ________ two photos?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:句型转换

小题1:Tom won’t visit the farm. He’ll stay at home. (改为同义句)
Tom will stay at home ____ ____ visiting the farm.
小题2:Mrs. Chen hopes she’ll get along well with her workmates. (改为同义句)
Mrs. Chen hopes ____ ____ along well with her workmates.
小题3:The baby didn’t cry any longer as soon as he saw his mother. (改为同义句)
The baby ____ ____ cried as soon as he saw his mother.
小题4:Lucy doesn’t go to the movies with her friends because she must look after her sick mother.(对画线部分提问)
____ ____ Lucy go to the movies with her friends?
小题5:Their relatives are going to see Beijing Opera this weekend. (对画线部分提问)
____ are their relatives going to ____ this weekend?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:句型转换

小题1:A: His friend didn't know what he should do.
B: His friend didn't know                     do.
小题2:A: What was wrong with the old man?
B: What                       the old man?
小题3:A: He found it was not easy to sleep.
B: He found                       to sleep.
小题4:A: He went to bed at twelve last night.
B: He          go to bed          twelve last night
小题5:A: She was worried and her friend was worried, too.
B: She was worried and                    her friend.
小题6:A: She always makes me happier when I’m unhappy.
B: She always          me         when I’m unhappy.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:句型转换

Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。62-67题,每空格限填一词。68题注意句首大写)  (共14分)
小题1: Steve Jobs has changed the way people live. (改为反意疑问句)
Steve Jobs has changed the way people live, _________ _________?
小题2: The model on the stage had a very excellent figure. (改为感叹问)
_________ _________ excellent figure the model on the stage had!  
小题3: Black tea was invented in China during the Ming Dynasty. (对划线部分提问)
_________ _________ black tea invented in China?
小题4:The policeman came up and asked the lady, “What’s wrong with you?” (改为宾语从句)
The policeman came up and asked the lady _________ _________ wrong with her.
小题5:Can’t you feel how much your parents love you? (保持句意基本不变)
Can’t you feel how much your parents _________ _________ you?
小题6: The choir of deaf people can also enjoy music. (改为被动语态)
Music can also _________ _________ by the choir of deaf people.
小题7: terrible,  me ,  something,  to,  that day,  happened (连词成句)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:句型转换

小题1: I like P.E. because it is fun.  ( 对划线部分提问 )
                    you like P.E.?
小题2: My brother always goes to school on foot. ( 改为一般疑问句)
          your brother always           to school on foot?
小题3: We have a very good Chinese teacher. ( 改为否定句)
We                     a very good Chinese teacher.
小题4: What subject do you like best? ( 改为同义句)
          your            subject?
小题5:Can you please spell the word?  ( 变祈使句 )
                     the word.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:句型转换

小题1:Is the book under the sofa? (做否定回答)   No,                    .
小题2:James is fine. (对划线部分提问)______ _____ James?
小题3:That isn’t my box.(变成复数)
_____ aren’t my _____
小题4:Are these his photos. (做肯定回答)
Yes, ______ _____ 
小题5:Are they English books? (变成单数)
Is _______ ______ English book?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:句型转换

小题1: He has got some tomatoes.(改为否定句)
He      got        tomatoes
小题2:There are forty--four computers in the classroom. (对划线部分提问)
How        computers      there on the desk?
小题3:There is a lot of milk.(改为一般疑问句)
              a lot of milk?
小题4: The library is in front of the offices. (改为同义句)
The offices                the library.
小题5:Hamburgers aren’t good for you. (改为同义句)
Hamburgers                for you.

