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3.  虽然我不能完全理解这些角色所说的话,但他们的身体语言和脸上的表情有助于我理解他们所要表达的意思。

______  I could not understand everything the characters said? their _________  _______  and the

______  on their faces helped me to get the meaning.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(  )1. Last Saturday my mother had___________ much work to do that she couldn't go shopping.

A. so      B. such    C. very      D. too


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   )5. Shanghai is developing very fast. And it is more modern than_______________ in China.

A. any other city   B. any other cities     C. any city     D. the other cities


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   )12. ―How are you today? ―I'm feeling even____________ . I don't think the medicine works.

A. better    B. worse  C. happier    D. unhappier


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

5.  我在词典里査阅它们(的意思)。

I ______ them________ in a dictionary.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

36.  Do you have any____________ (勇气)to make a speech to a large number of people?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

47.  这家工厂的工人们常常被迫干活到深夜。

The workers in the factory___________________________________ till late at night.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


    There have been many difficulties for me in learning English during the past few years, but I tried to     1     them and had made much progress.

   The spelling of words and the meanings of them were the first difficulties I met 2a beginner, but I have found my own ways to 3 with them. As for the spelling, I never  a new word again and again to remember it, but I try to practice its  5 . Now, I can write a word out when I can read it out. As for the meaning, I hardly ever recite (背诵)a word's Chinese meaning, but I put it into a  to learn its meaning. So, if you use a word quite  7  , its spelling and meaning will not be difficult. After all, learning English is to 8  it.

   Grammar may be  9  difficulty. But I have also dealt with it. I haven't read lots of grammar books, but I often  10  much time reading the articles written by native English speakers. By doing so, I have got a good sense of the English language.

   Finally, I want to say that getting over all these difficulties needs perseverance (毅力).
(       )1. A. look after                     B. look at

      C. get over                      D. get up

(       )2. A. with                         B. to

      C. like                         D. as

(       )3. A. spend                         B. deal

      C. keep                          D. help

(       )4. A. write                          B. read

      C. think                          D. look

(       )5. A. writing                         B. difference

      C. grammar                         D. pronunciation

(       )6. A. letter                          B. movie

      C. sentence                        D. note

(       )7. A. always                          B. hardly

      C. sometimes                       D. often

(       )8. A. remember                        B. use

      C. listen to                      D. forget

(       )9.A. another                         B. other

     C. others                          D. the other

(       )10. A. have                           B. spend

             C. give                          D. cost


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

42.  It's very important to_____________ (pronunciation) all the new words in the right way.

