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() 12. Look!How they are dancing!

   A. beautiful   B. nice   C. wonderful   D. beautifully


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


   改革开放以来,中国发生了巨大变化,令人振奋。假设你是海外华人Mr. Li ,回到了阔别40年的故乡,你把家乡 人生活的巨大变化及自己的感受写在博客上,与大家分享。

   要求:1. 文章必须包括以下所有要点,可适当发挥。2. 短文连贯、通顺。3. 词数不少于80.
















                       Changes in people’s lives



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1. 更多年轻人将应邀参加今年的晚会。

More young people to this year's evening party.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


   There are moments in my life I remember forever. It9s pleasant to remember the good things of 16 .These memories are always in the corner of my mind.

   When I was four years old,I went to a kindergarten. The teachers in my eyes were all 17 and patient. They taught us many interesting songs and games. We played all day long. I did not know what learning was at that time,18 I was learning every day.

   When I was seven years old,I started school. I was very 19 because I began to learn school subjects.I became interested in Science 20 singing songs. I remember when I knew light travels at the speed of 300,000 km per 21 . I was quite surprised and kept my mouth 22 . Later on,more ideas 23 weather,planes,wildlife and even pollution came to my ears. I felt each day brings something 24 .

   Now I am at middle school. Happily I am still learning,which is like a journey to me. I 25 the first part,but there is still a long way to go. I hope I will be a learned person some day.

() 16. A. the future   B. the past   C. last year   D. next year

() 17. A. beautiful   B. old   C. unkind   D. impolite

() 18. A. as   B. while   C. if   D. or

() 19. A. angry   B. excited   C. tired   D. sad

() 20. A. instead of   B. because of   C. and   D. or

() 21. A. day   B. hour   C. minute   D. second

() 22. A. small   B. closed   C. clean   D. open

() 23. A. about   B. to   C. with   D. for

() 24. A. impossible   B. terrible   C. new   D. old

() 25. A. have forgot   B. have kept   C. have finished   D. have lost


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

() 7. Mr. Li isn’t at home. He has to Shanghai. He has there twice.

   A. gone; gone   B. been; been   C. gone; been   D. been; gone


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  It was a cold day in December in New York City. A little boy about 10 years old was standing in front of a shoe shop. He was looking through the window,barefooted (赤脚的) and shivering (颤抖的) with cold. A lady walked to the boy and said, “My little boy,what are you looking at?” “I am asking God to give me a pair of shoes”’ the boy said.

   The lady took him by the hand and went into the shop. She asked the clerk to get a pair of socks for the boy. She then asked if the clerk could give her a basin (脸盆) of hot water and a towel. The clerk quickly brought the things to her. She washed the boy9s little feet and dried them with the towel. The lady put on the socks for the boy,and then bought him a pair of shoes. She patted (轻拍) him on the head and said, ‘‘My little boy,do you feel more comfortable now?" As she turned to go,the boy caught her by the hand and looked up in her face. With tears in his eyes,he asked the question with these words, “Are you God's wife?”“,”  said the woman.

() 26. The story happened in on a cold day in December.

   A. England   B. America   C. Russia   D. Canada

() 27. The boy was looking through the window because .

   A. he wanted a pair of shoes   B. it was fun to do so

   C. he was interested in the window . D. he was hungry

() 28. The lady bought for the boy.

   A. a towel and a basin   B. a basin and shoes   C. socks and shoes   D. a towel and shoes

() 29. Which is the correct order according to the article?

a. Patted the boy's head. b. Dried the boy's feet with a towel.,

c. Put on a pair of socks for the boy. d. Took the boy into the store,

e. Washed the boy's feet.

   A. a-c-b-d-e   B. d-e-b-c-a   C. a-d-e-b-c   D. e-b-c-a-d

() 30. Which of the flowing should be put into the blank at the end of article?

   A. Yes,you are right   B. No,I am a mother

   C. No,I am a rich woman   D. No,I am the shopkeeper


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

42. He (travel) around the country since he left school.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

() 6. The story “Travel in Space” sounds . We are all in it.

   A. interested; interested   B. interesting; interested   C. interested; interesting   D. interesting; interesting


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

() 14. Don’t try to do everything at once. Take it a bit .

   A. at times   B. at a time   C. at all times   D. at that time

