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Medusa Disco
The best dance music in town!
Every night 8:00 p.m. ~ 4:00 a.m.
$ 10.00
Houston Theatre
Shakespeare (莎士比亚) ---- Macbeth
Houston Theatre and Dance School
Thursday ---- Friday 8:00 p.m.
Saturday 5:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.
Students $ 3.00, and adults(成年人) $ 8.00
Foreign Film Festival
This Monday ---- Friday
See theatre lists for titles, theatres and times
$ 5.00 at all theatres
“The Band” in Concert
Mason Park Stadium
Thursday, Friday, 8:30 p.m.
Tickets: $ 25~ $ 50
Mamma Mia- The real Italian Restaurant
Perfect pasta and pizza
Live music 9:00 p.m. ~ 11:00 p.m.
Open Tuesday 11:00 a.m.~ 1:00 p.m.
Football Matches
League Stadium
Saturday and Sunday
Games start at 1:00 p.m.
Tickets: $ 2.00
【小题1】What day can you watch sports?
A.Tuesday and Sunday. B.Tuesday and Friday.
C.Friday and Saturday. D.Saturday and Sunday.
【小题2】What time are “The Band” playing?
A.5:00 p.m. B.8:00 p.m. C.8:30 p.m. D.11:30 p.m.
【小题3】If a student go to see Macbeth with his parents, how much will they pay?
A.$ 9.00. B.$ 10.00. C.$ 19.00. D.$ 16.00.
【小题4】What can you have in Mamma Mia?
A.League Stadium. B.Pasta and pizza. C.Best dance music. D.Macbeth
【小题5】Where can you enjoy music?
A.Medusa Disco, Mason Park Stadium and Mamma Mia.
B.Medusa Disco, Mason Park Stadium and Houston Theatre.
C.Mason Park Stadium, Mamma Mia and League Stadium.
D.Medusa Disco, Mason Park Stadium and League Stadium.


【小题1】细节理解题。问题:你在星期几能看到运动节目?分析最后一栏的内容是足球比赛,明确的介绍时间为Saturday and Sunday星期六和星期日,故选:D
【小题2】细节理解题。问题:这个乐队在什么时间演出?分析栏目的第四栏,原句:“The Band” in Concert. Thursday, Friday, 8:30 p.m.句意:“乐队”演唱会。星期四,星期五,晚上8:30。故选:C
【小题3】计算及细节理解题。问题:如果一个学生去看麦克白和他的父母,他们将支付多少钱?联系原文:Students $ 3.00, and adults(成年人) $ 8.00.句意:学生3美元,成年人8美元。一名学生和两名家长,3+2*8=19,故选:C
【小题4】细节理解题。问题:在Mamma Mia餐厅你能吃到什么?第五栏的信息Perfect pasta and pizza句意:完美的意大利面和比萨。故选:B
【小题5】细节理解题。问题:你在哪里能享受到音乐?分析:第一栏内容,The best dance music in town! (最好的舞蹈音乐);第四栏内容,“The Band” in Concert.(乐队的音乐会); 第五栏,Live music直播音乐。故选:A


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I am a professor of sports and exercise so I often deal with nervousness in my research with sports people. Actually, most people experience nervousness at some time or another.

If you are feeling anxious, my advice is to first find the cause or causes. Make s list of those things that are making you nervous and work out which ones you can do something about. Focus all of your efforts on managing the causes that you can control.
Most people cannot tell the difference between controllable(可控制的) and uncontrollable causes, so things they can’t control become a big reason for nervousness. Dealing with this is very important if people want to keep a healthy mind.
Simply try to accept the uncontrollable causes of nervousness. You might be worried about the weather on a big day, an accident or an attack on the train, or perhaps just things that other people are doing at work. The results may be very important but there is still no use worrying because you can’t control any of these things. Accept that you can’t control everything. Once you understand this, it becomes easier not to worry.
If a situation, such as swimming, is causing you to be anxious, try to face it as often as possible so that you can get used to it.

It can often help to think about yourself doing the thing that makes you nervous—then close your eyes and imagine it going well. Imagine how the flight or job interview is going to happen so that you can get used to it. This will help you understand that the thing you fear most is probably not going to happen.
【小题1】Who wrote this passage?

A.A reporter. B.A sportsman. C.A patient. D.A professor.
【小题2】The writer thinks there is no use worrying about some causes of nervousness because_______.
A.most are not very important
B.they are not the real causes of the problem
C.they cannot be controlled by people
D.it’s better to deal with one cause at a time
【小题3】If swimming makes you nervous, what should you do according to the writer?
A.Go swimming often to get used to it.
B.Avoid going to the swimming pool.
C.Find a swimming teacher.
D.Imagine watching others swim.
【小题4】What is true about nervousness according to the passage?
A.It usually has only one cause. B.It is usually caused by people.
C.People can easily manage it. D.Most people suffer from it.
【小题5】What is the main purpose of this passage?
A.To introduce the writer’s sports experience.
B.To advise on how to deal with nervousness.
C.To help people remember their fears.
D.To explain the dangers of nervousness.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Last Sunday the Greens went to the movies. They got home very late. Father opened the front door and went into the house. It was very dark, so mother turned on the light. On the way to their bedroom, mother said, “Listen, John! I can hear someone in the bedroom. ” They all stood quietly outside the bedroom. They could hear some voices in the room.
“You are right. ” father said, “There are two men in it. They are talking. ” Then he shouted, “Who’s there?” But no one answered. Father opened the door quickly and turned on the light. The room was empty. Then father found something and laughed. “The TV is still on. I forgot to turn it off this morning!” father said.
【小题1】The Greens got home very early.
【小题2】On the way to their bedroom, mother heard someone in the bedroom.
【小题3】They all stood quietly in the bedroom.
【小题4】There were really two men talking in the room.
【小题5】Father opened the door slowly and turned on the light.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Dear Mary :
Thank you for your last letter. I’m happy to know that you will spend your holiday in Hawaii(夏威夷)this summer .You said you wanted to know something about Hawaii.
Hawaii has always been a magic name to people who like travelling because of the scenery(景色) .People from all over the world dream of seeing the beautiful islands. It’s always one of their dreams to watch the sun going down. At weekends , my family and I often watch the sunset at the seaside. It’s really exciting.
Hawaii is a fun place to go. Long long ago, the first people went to Hawaii in a small boat . They found the place quite beautiful. But it was difficult for travelers to go to Hawaii at that time. And there were no big hotels like the ones today. Now things have changed. Lots of nice big hotels have been built in recent years. However, the nice view in Hawaii hasn’t changed much. In the morning , many tourists often take a walk along the water in. At night , they get together to hold parties, chatting and dancing.
Now , you see Hawaii is really a good place to visit. I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.
Answer the following questions with No More Than 4 Words
【小题1】Where will Mary spend her holiday this summer ?
【小题2】Why has Hawaii been a magic name to people who like travelling?
【小题3】What do Kate and her family often do at the seaside at weekends?
【小题4】How did the first people go to Hawaii long ago?
【小题5】Who often get together to hold parties, chatting and dancing at night ?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Mike works very long hours every day. He usually gets up at 17:00. He has a shower and makes his breakfast. What a funny time to make breakfast! After breakfast he practices his guitar. Then he puts on his jacket and goes to work. To get to work, he takes the number 17 bus to the Star Hotel. The bus usually leaves at 19:15. He works all night. People love to listen to him! He gets home at 7:00, and he watches the early morning news on TV. He goes to bed at 8:30, a tired but happy man. Can you think what his job is?
【小题1】How long does Mike work?

A.7 hours B.8 hours C.about 9 hours D.all night
【小题2】He ____________ and makes his breakfast.
A.gets up B.takes a shower C.works D.washes his face
【小题3】What does Mike do after breakfast?
A.He goes to work.
B.He puts on his clothes.
C.He practices his guitar, then puts on his jacket and goes to work.
D.He practices his guitar.
【小题4】Maybe(可能)he is ________________________.
A.a worker B.a singer C.a writer D.a teacher
【小题5】How does he go to work?
A.By car B.By bikes C.On foot D.By bus


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A large number of people in the world eat fast food. Whenever you go into a fast food restaurant,you can see lots of people enjoying their meals there. But do you know in which country people like fast food best?
The English people are the world’s biggest fans of fast food,while the French (法国人) are the least interested in quick meals,according to a survey done last year.
The survey of thirteen countries shows 45% of the English people say they can’t give up fast food because it’s delicious. And 44% of Americans and 37% of Canadians say the same.
The French,proud of their delicious and high-class cuisine,don’t like fast food. 81% of them think it is unhealthy,followed by 75% of the Japanese.
How about the Chinese? How often do you have hamburgers or fried chicken? It doesn’t matter whether you like Western fast food or Chinese food. The most important thing is to keep a balanced diet.
【小题1】From the survey we know____________ like fast food best.

A.the ChineseB.the FrenchC.the JapaneseD.the English
【小题2】The survey shows____________  of Americans like fast food.
【小题3】According to the survey,some people can’t give up fast food because____________ .
A.it’s cheapB.it’s safeC.it’s deliciousD.it’s healthy
【小题4】The word “cuisine” in the passage means____________ .
【小题5】The survey is about____________ .
A.Western countriesB.fast foodC.restaurants in the worldD.Chinese food


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Once there was an old man in a town. He always forgot a lot of things. So his wife always had to say to him, “Don’’”t     “t     t      forget this! ”
One day he went on a long trip alone. Before he left home, his wife said, “Now you have all these things. They are what you need for your trip. Take care of your things during the trip.” He went to the station, bought a ticket and got on the train with it.
About half an hour later, the conductor began to see the tickets. He came to the old man and said, “Will you please show me your ticket?” The old man looked for his ticket in all his pockets, but he could not find it. He was very worried. “I can’t find my ticket. I really bought a ticket before I got on the train.”said the old man.
“I believe you bought a ticket. All right, you don’t have to buy another one,”said the conductor(检票员) kindly. “But how can I know where I’m going? I can’t remember my station!”the old man said sadly.
【小题1】The old man in the story was very            .

【小题2】Where is the ticket?             
A.The old man forgot go buy it.
B.The old man could not remember where it was.
C.The old man showed it to the conductor.
D.The old man’s wife took the ticket away.
【小题3】The old man bought the ticket           he got on the train.
【小题4】The conductor          the old man.
A.didn’t believeB.laughed atC.believed(相信)D.felt sorry for
【小题5】The old man was sad because             
A.he had to buy another ticket.
B.he lost all the things his wife gave him.
C.he did not know where he was.
D.He did not know where he should get off.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Liu Qiang’s Time Table

Morning: school
Afternoon: basketball training
Evening: do homework
Morning: school
Afternoon: visit Uncle Chen
Evening: study for the English test tomorrow
Morning: school
Afternoon: guitar lesson
Evening: help parents do housework
Morning: school
Afternoon: baby-sit (照看) my brother
Evening: free
Morning: school
Afternoon: free
Evening: Lu Gang’s birthday party
             SaturdayMorning: do the homework
Afternoon: go to the bicycle club   
Morning: make up the missed lessons
Afternoon: rent videos
【小题1】From the time table, we know Liu Qiang likes ___________.
A. playing basketball          B. swimming            C. playing soccer
【小题2】What will Liu Qiang do on Tuesday afternoon?
A. Take the guitar lesson.  B. Visit Uncle Chen.  C. Go to Lu Gang’s birthday party.
【小题3】Liu Qiang will be free___________.
A. on Monday afternoon and Thursday evening
B. on Friday afternoon and Thursday evening
C. on Saturday and Sunday
【小题4】What will be Liu Qiang not do on weekends?
A. Make up the missed lessons   B. Rent videos    C. Baby-sit his brother
【小题5】. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Liu Qiang goes to school every day.
B. Liu Qiang has an English test on Wednesday.
C. Liu Qiang likes playing the piano.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Everybody wants to be healthy. You know food is very important. There are many healthy foods. You can have more bananas, apples, oranges, tomatoes and lettuce because fruits and vegetables are good for you. But don’t eat too much chocolate. It’s not good for you. But don’t eat too much chocolate. It’s not good healthy food. Healthy food can make you grow and make you strong and happy. Remember there is a saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Sports can also keep you healthy. Get up early and do some sports every day. Don’t be lazy! You will be healthy and happy.
【小题1】Which is right?________
A. Everybody is healthy. 
B. We want to be healthy. 
C. We are important.
【小题2】What are healthy foods? ____
A. Fruits and vegetables. 
B. Bananas, apples and chocolate.
C. Fruits and chocolate.
【小题3】Why are healthy foods good for you? _______
A. They make you happy. 
B. They make you grow strong.
C. They make you grow and make you strong and happy.
【小题4】“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” means(意思是):______
A. The doctor goes away when he sees an apple.
B. The doctor runs away when you give him an apple.
C. You eat an apple every day and you can be healthy.
【小题5】What keeps you healthy? ________
A. Fruits and vegetables. 
B. Healthy food.
C. Healthy food and sports.

