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Every country has its favorite food . Italians(意大利人)like to eat pizza . Indians(印度人)like to eat hot food . Japanese(日本人)like to eat fish . In England, one of the most popular food is fish and chips . People usually buy it in a fish and chip shop . They put it in paper bags(纸袋), and take it home , or to their workplace(工作的地方). Sometimes they eat it in the park or on the road .
American fast food is the most popular in the world . In a lot of big cities in the world , you can find people eating hamburgers and chips .
Chinese food is also very popular in the world . In many cities you can find Chinese restaurants . Many people in the world enjoy Chinese food because it has different tastes(味道)and it’s usually delicious . (美味的)
根据短文内容判断句子的正误,正确的写“T” 错误的写“F” 
小题1:Usually people in different countries like different food .
小题2:Japanese enjoy hot food .
小题3:Englishmen eat fish and chips in the same place .
小题4:The most popular food in the world is hamburgers and chips .
小题5:You can find Chinese food in many foreign countries .


小题1: 根据 Every country has its favorite food .可知每个国家都有它自己最喜欢的食物,也就是说不同国家的人们喜欢不同的食物。因此此题与文中意思相符,故为T。
小题2:根据Indians(印度人)like to eat hot food .可知印度人喜欢辣食而不是日本人,故此题与文中意思不符,故为F。
小题3:根据Sometimes they eat it in the park or on the road .可知他们有时候在公园吃或者在马路上吃,因此不在同一个地方吃,故此题与文中意思不符,故为F。
小题4:根据American fast food is the most popular in the world . In a lot of big cities in the world , you can find people eating hamburgers and chips .可知美国的快餐汉堡包和炸薯条是世界上最受欢迎的食物,故此题与文中意思相符,故为T。
小题5:根据Chinese food is also very popular in the world . In many cities you can find Chinese restaurants .可知人们可以在世界许多城市找到中国食物,因此此题与文中意思相符,故为T。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Six Chinese Characters
Dear students,  our country has a long history.  Chinese characters usually have more than one meaning and some of them are particularly loved by Chinese people.  Here are the top six lucky ones.  Please note we use "pinyin" here because "pinyin" is the Chinese spelling system for the characters. For example, "fu" is the "pinyin" for good luck in Chinese.  "pinyin" "fu" is only the phonic   (语音的 )  part of the character and if you want to know the meaning of good luck "fu",  you must read the Chinese character福 because "fu" also represents  (代表)  other Chinese characters that sound the same.
1.福  "fu" means blessing,  good fortune,  good luck. Chinese character福 "fu" is one of the most popular ones used during Chinese New Year. It is often displayed upside down on the front door of a house or an apartment.  The upside down福"fu" means good luck comes since the character for upside down in Chinese sounds the same as the character for "come".
2.禄 "Iu" means prosperity.
It is used to mean official's salary(薪水 ) in feudal (封建的 ) China.
3. 寿 "shou" means longevity.
Chinese character寿  "shou" also means life,  age or birthday.
4.喜 "xi" is happiness.
The doubled character喜 "xi" means double happiness. It is usually displayed everywhere at Chinese weddings.
5.财  "cai" is wealth or money.
Chinese often say "money can make a ghost turn a millstone". It is to say money really can do a lot of things. But, still-money can’t buy everything.
6.和  "he" means harmomous.
People's harmony is an important part of Chinese culture. When you have harmomous
relations with others,   things will be a lot easier for you.
小题1: What does the word "character" mean in this passage?
小题2:We use              to show how to read the Chinese characters.
小题3: What does the upside down福  "fu" mean?
A. It means coming .
B. It means that good luck comes .
C.It means good fortune.
D.It means that "fu" is upside down.
小题4:Which sentence is right according to the passage?
A.Money is a ghost.
B.Money can buy everything.
C.Money is everything.
D.Money isn’t everything.
小题5: After reading the passage,  can we say that sound "he" only means harmony?
A.No, we can't.B.Yes, we can.
C.I know several words read as "he".D.Yes, you can.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Travel in New York
Public transport
Traffic is quite convenient in New York. The bus is cheap and the subway is common. What’s more, you can take both the bus and the subway with the same transit card. If you have something urgent to do. You’d better take a taxi because that’s fast.
There are a lot of hotels in New York. The Plaza Hotel is the best and the most expensive one. If you want to pay less for your stay, there are many smaller hotels. The YMCA near Central Park is suitable for young people.
Eating out
Restaurants provide good service in New York. You don’t have to eat at McDonald’s every day and you can try different kinds of food from many countries. You can also enjoy tasty Chinese food in Chinatown.
Shopping in New York is fun. You can see big shops everywhere in this modern city. Stores are open seven days a week, but be careful when you look at the prices because you have to pay taxes on everything you buy. That means you have to pay an extra fee which in New York city is eight percent of the purchase price.
Places to visits
There are too many places to visit in New York—Times Square, the Empire State Building, and, the Statue of Liberty.
小题1:If you decide to buy a book $10 in New York, you should pay a total of how much after tax?
小题2:“The Plaza Hotel” here is the name of a __________
小题3:You can eat the delicious Chinese food ____________
A.at McDonald’sB.in PiazaC.in Chinatown.D.in YMCA
小题4:Which of the following is NOT in New York?
A.Central Park.B.The Empire State Building.
C.Times SquareD.The White House.
小题5:How many types of transportation are mentioned in the passage?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The first time I saw Jim Wooten I really understood him. He was a great TV news reporter. When he was reporting in Rwanda, one heartbreaking moment made a deep impression on me. When the camera showed all of the children who were dying, suffered from terrible diseases, Jim ended his piece by saying that when he got home, the first thing he was going to do was to put his arms around his own children. Then I realized that he was different, that he didn’t fall into any of the modern television-news tricks, that he was not giving us any awful, artificial(假的) television-journalist reports out of(出于) pity. Instead, I was watching a real reporter with a gift(天赋) for both words and slight differences.

Then I read his book, We Are All the Same, about his friendship with Xolani Nkosi, a South African boy who became the international spokesman for AIDS(艾滋病). It is about the friendship between Wooten and a black child who was ten years old and already dying of AIDS. It is also a book about a great teacher and his student. But the teacher-the one with real wisdom and understanding about life-is the little boy, not the journalist. And, finally, it’s about a love story of Gail Johnson, Nkosi’s white mother who does her best to save the boy, and their love for each other. When reading the book, I felt touched from time to time.
小题1:How did Jim Wooten feel when he saw the dying children in Rwanda?
小题2:What would an ordinary journalist do on TV when he saw these dying children?
小题3:How did Jim end his piece when he saw the dying children in Rwanda?
小题4:Who is the teacher in the book, the little boy or the journalist?
小题5:Why did Nkosi’s mother do everything possible to save the boy?
小题6:What’s the writer’s attitude to Jim Wooten? How do you know that?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Because earthquakes happen without warning, it’s important to take steps now to prepare. Because you don’t know where you will be when an earthquake happens, prepare some supplies for your home, workplace and car.
1. Water
A person needs 1or 2 gallons of water daily just for drinking. (1)So store        
       1 gallon of water per person every day and be prepared for a 72-hour period. It is suggested that you buy bottled water. Keep bottled water in its original container and (2) do not open it until you need to use it. Also, do check the “use by” date.
2. Food
It’s always a practical idea to keep a supply of non-perishable (不易腐烂的) food on hand. Have an enough supply of canned food, powered milk, dried fruits, non-salted nuts and canned juices for at least 72 hours.
3. Flash light (手电筒) and spare batteries
Keep a flashlight beside your bed, at your place of work, and in your car. Do not use matches or candles after an earthquake until you are sure there are no gas leaks. Prepare a battery-powered radio and spare batteries. Most telephones will be out of order, so radios will be your best source of information.
4. Clothes
If you live in a cold place, you must think about warmth. You might not have heat after an earthquake. Think about your clothing and bedding supplies.
小题3:回答问题: When can we use matches or candles after an earthquake?
小题4:在文中找出与Most telephones will not be in service and radios will supply information for you.意思相同或相近的句子,并将它写在答题卡上。


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Do you have a headache? Take an aspirin or eat bird brains. Do you want beautiful skin? Use skin cream or eat pearls. Is your hair turning gray? Color your hair or eat black rice.
“Eat bird brains, pearls, and black rice?” some people ask. “How strange!” But for many Chinese people, bird brains, pearls, and black rice are not strange things to eat. Instead, they are good medicines.
Food that people use for medicines is called medical(药用的) food. The Chinese have eaten medicinal food and spices(香辛料) for centuries. Ginger, for example, is a common spice in Chinese cooking. Ginger gives food a nice flavor. The Chinese began to use ginger many years ago. They used ginger not because it tasted good. They used ginger because it was medicinal. Ginger, they thought, was good for the digestion. It also helped people who had colds. Pepper and garlic, too, were probably medicines a long time ago.
Some people don’t believe that food and spices are good medicines. They want to buy their medicine in drugstores, not in supermarkets. Other people want to try medicinal food. They say, “Maybe medicinal food can’t help me. But it can’t hurt me, either.”
People can try medicinal food at a Chinese restaurant in San Francisco, California. The restaurant serves medicinal food. The menus at the restaurant have a list of dinners. Next to each dinner there is information about the food. The information helps people order “Queen’s Secret,” for example, is one dinner at the restaurant. This dinner has meat from chickens with black feathers. It is for women who want to look young.
小题1:All of the followings are common spices in Chinese cooking EXCEPT     .
小题2:What do you know about medicinal food?
A.The Chinese have eaten medicinal food for a long time.
B.Many Chinese believe medicinal food tastes good.
C.Medicinal food may be bad for your health.
D.Medicinal food is served all over the world.
小题3:Why did the Chinese begin to use ginger many years ago?
A.Because it gave food different flavors.
B.Because it made food more delicious.
C.Because it was good for people’s health.
D.Because it made people feel cold.
小题4:Which answer to the following questions can be found out from the passage?
A.When did the Chinese start to eat bird brains?
B.Why do women like “Queen’s Secret”?
C.What is the advantage of using pepper?
D.How do Chinese people stop a toothache?
小题5:What can we infer (推测) according to the passage?
A.More foreigners will learn more about medicinal food.
B.All the Chinese will believe black rice stops hair turning gray.
C.Ginger will be more and more popular in China.
D.Medicinal food will be sold in drugstores and supermarkets.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A subway is not just an important form of transport. It is also a window for other people to learn about local cultures.
Beijing, China
The Beijing Subway was opened in 1969 and is the oldest subway system in China. It has added some modern technologies. All stations now have touch-screen maps. In some stations, people can also see traditional Chinese cultures. For example, on the walls of a few stations of Line 8, there are some pictures of blue and white porcelain(青花瓷).
Stockholm, Sweden
The system of the Stockholm Subway has 100 stations in use, of which 47 are underground and 53 above ground. The first subway line for Stockholm was opened in 1950.The Stockholm Subway is well-known for its decoration of the stations. It is called the longest art gallery in the world. Over 90 percent of its stations are decorated with paintings. A few stations are decorated with red bedrocks(岩床). This makes you feel as if you are in a cave.
London, UK
The London Underground or the Tube is the oldest subway in the world. It was opened in 1863. During World War II, it was used to protect people from German plane attacks(袭击)on London. Now, it is a symbol of the city. There is no air conditioning in the trains, so it is very hot in summer.
New York, US
The New York City Subway has the most extensive public transportation system in the world, with 469 stations. It is also one of the world’s oldest public transit systems. The New York City Subway runs 24 hours a day. It has an express train on almost every line. You can get to your destination(目的地)safely. The trains themselves are full of fun; you will see people doing moonwalk dances like Michael Jackson, playing the guitar and singing.
小题1:The _____is called the longest art gallery in the world.
A.Beijing SubwayB.Stockholm Subway
C.London UndergroundD.New York City Subway
小题2:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Michael Jackson used to dance in the New York City Subway.
B.Tourists feel cool when they take the London Underground in summer.
C.Several stations of the Stockholm Subway are built in caves.
D.Some stations of the Beijing Subway are decorated with pictures of porcelain.
小题3:We may read the passage from a_____.
A.travel magazineB.science bookC.newspaper reportD.picture book


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Harbin is the capital city of Heilongjiang Province. It lies     the northeast of China. It’s a very beautiful city. It’s     “Paris in the east. ” or “Ice City”. It’s the political, economical and cultural center of Heilongjiang.
  The summer here is short and cool     the winter here is long and very cold. Every year, there is an ice and snow festival. People     all over China and foreign guests from other parts of the world come here to     the festival.
  The sun island is the most attractive(吸引人的) place of interest        Harbin. We often go there to relax     . The city is historical and modern. It has many buildings of     style and many modern buildings, too. For example, Saint Sofia church and Dragon Tower, they are the best places     . The Songhua River is very famous     the foreigners, you can boat and fish on it.
  As a developing city, some great changes are taking place. I believe the city will be better in the future.
A.calling B.callsC.call D.called
A.but B.soC.orD.because
A.haveB.celebrateC.play D.pay
A.aboveB.alongC.opposite D.in
A.Russian B.RussiaC.Russians D.Russians’
A.travelB.to travelC.travellingD.travels
A.as B.inC.forD.to


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Middle school days are both fun and busy. Students spend their days in class, listening to the interesting and        boring words of the teacher. They spend the short breaks running, playing and shouting happily        going back to the classroom again. But        should students spend their free time outside school?
In Western countries, it is ordinary for students to have a part-time job after school and at weekends. Students can make their own money and learn more about the “        world”. They enjoy the independence(独立) and(of course) money, and parents enjoy the quiet house.        , it seems that, in China, parents        so much about their children’s studies that they prefer to see their children        most of their free time studying and preparing for all those exams. It is natural for        to feel that way in China, but I believe the answer lies in balance. Sometimes, western school children work long hours after school to make money, so they become too tired to listen in class or have no time for homework. But Chinese students spend        much time on their studies that other things become3 less important.
So, find a good and healthy balance! If you have a part-time job and you feel        , your parents will also be happy because you’re spending the money you make and not theirs!
A.Because B.AndC.HoweverD.Although
A.suchB.soC.very D.too

