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Mr Brown has gone to Tokyo. He will be back ________ two weeks.

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本例考查in和after加时间段,表示“在……之后”的用法区别。in一般表示“从现在或说话时刻算起某一段时间之后”,用于将来时。如:Jim will be back in a few days.另外,“in+时间段”也可作“在……之内”解。如:It's difficult to draw a horse well in half an hour. after则表示:①以过去为起点的某一段时间之后,用于过去时。②与时间点连用,表示将来某个时间之后。如:Tom left on Tuesday and returned after three days. Lucy will be back after two o'clock by表示某事完成的时限,是“到……为止”之意,可用一般时态和完成时态。如:By the end of last term they had already learned 800 words. for作介词使用时,后接“一段时间”,表示动作或状态延续的时间长度,谓语动词必须是延续性的,常与现在完成时连用。如:Jack has already been in Shanghai for three years. after用于将来时要接点时间。by和for与题意不符,in用于将来时后接时间段。


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年福建仙游县枫江中学七年级上学期期末考试英语卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

【小题1】I can work out(算出)the math p_________.
【小题2】We are students.We have a lot of h________ to do every day.
【小题3】He is a cook.He works in a r__________.
【小题4】Tom and I are in the same class.We are c___________.
【小题5】The dress has four c__________.They are black,red,white and green.
【小题6】Han Mei often ________ me ________(帮助)my English.
【小题7】_________ __________ (两百)students are in this school.
【小题8】The dress is too expensive(昂贵的),and I’ll _______ ________(考虑)it.
【小题9】We are good friends.We often help ________ ________(互相).
【小题10】She _______ _______(住在)America now.
【小题11】Help ________(you),kids!
【小题12】She is glad _________ (help)you.
【小题13】Mr. Brown is a good teacher.We like________(he) very much.
【小题14】We ar from China.We are____________(China).
【小题15】How about _________(fly) kites with me?


科目:初中英语 来源:2015届湖北省宜昌市七年级下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


1.How old is John?                      A  Yes, please.

2.Where is the school?                   B  Yes, I’m sorry.

3.What is the last day of the week?         C  He is from America.

4.What does your father do?              D  He is a policeman.

5.What do you want to be?               E  It’s on Park street .

6.Is your mother a teacher?               F  Saturday.

7.How’s it going?                      G  Not bad.

8.Where is Mr. brown from?              H  Yes, she is.

9.Can I help you?                       I  A doctor.

10.Are you late for school today?           J   He is ten years old.



科目:初中英语 来源:2015届福建仙游县枫江中学七年级上学期期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.I can work out(算出)the math p_________.

2.We are students.We have a lot of h________ to do every day.

3.He is a cook.He works in a r__________.

4.Tom and I are in the same class.We are c___________.

5.The dress has four c__________.They are black,red,white and green.

6.Han Mei often ________ me ________(帮助)my English.

7._________ __________ (两百)students are in this school.

8.The dress is too expensive(昂贵的),and I’ll _______ ________(考虑)it.

9.We are good friends.We often help ________ ________(互相).

10.She _______ _______(住在)America now.

11.Help ________(you),kids!

12.She is glad _________ (help)you.

13.Mr. Brown is a good teacher.We like________(he) very much.

14.We ar from China.We are____________(China).

15.How about _________(fly) kites with me?



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


Mr Brown works in a city. He has a son c     (1) James. The boy is eight and studies at school. Last week school was over and James wouldn’t stay in the hot city and wanted to go to the cool village to see his grandparents and be on h______(2) there. Mr Brown had to take him there. On their way, A traffic accident h______(3). Their bus was going very fast. Suddenly the driver saw that an old man was c______(4) the road. He tried to stop the bus, but it was too late. He was knocked down and soon d_____(5), and the bus hit a big tree and was badly damaged(损坏).

The people in the bus had to get off and stay in a small hotel over n_____(6). Mr Brown wouldn’t let Richard see the dead man, but the little boy saw everything.

After supper they both felt tired. Mr Brown moved his bed close to the boy’s and turned o____(7) the light. A few minutes later Richard said, “it’s very d____(8) in the room, isn’t it?”

Of course the man understood what James m______(9). He said, “Yes, but everything is all right. ” After a few more minutes’ silence ,a small hand reached over and took Mr Brown’s, “I’m h_______(10) your hand, ”said the boy, “in case(万一)you are afraid!”


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. Mary has no m____ to buy the book.   
2. Mr. Brown works in a h____. He is a doctor.   
3. Jim is too y____.He can't go to school.  
 4. Our teachers work ____(努力地), and we all like them.   
5. Don't play in the street. It's ____ (危险的).

