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There are many colors in nature. But do you know if a color has weight? I think you’ll say “no”. But I am afraid you are wrong. If you don’t believe, you may do a small experiment.

First, put two objects with the same weight into two boxes. Then cover the box. Third, wrap one box with a red piece of paper, the other with a white piece of paper. OK. Now hold the boxes with your hand one by one.It is certain that you will think the red one is a little heavier.

Why do you think so? A scientist found that different colors have different weight in a man’s mind. So he did many tests and at last he got the result. That is to say, every color has its own weight in our mind' and their order is the same. The heaviest color is red, then blue, green, orange, yellow and white.

The scientist told us that colors also have smell. Can you smell the color? Of course not. Then why did the scientist say so? That is because every color stands for a kind of light with a certain wavelength. It reaches our brain through sense organs.

According to this discovery, scientists say that people accept the colors they like, and refuse the colors they hate. So your body and mind will be healthy by using the colors you like. Or you’ll be nervous or even get ill. For example, if you stay in a room with red windows, wallpapers and furniture for two hours, you’ll feel you have been there for four hours. But if the room is blue, you’ll feel you have been there for only an hour. Another example, if a person walks out of a red room and into a blue room, his temperature will fall. That means our body temperature will change with different colors.

1.The purpose of the second paragraph is to tell us __________.

A. a red box is heavier than a white one B. a color has weight in one’s mind

C. white paper is lighter than red paper D. you can know the weight of a color by holding it

2.Why did the scientist say colors have smell?

A. Because people can sense the light from colors.

B. Because we can smell colors with our nose.

C. Because every color has its own sweet smell.

D. Because every color can give off light of the same length.

3.If a person walks from a blue room to a red room, his body temperature will __________.

A. rise B. fall C. stay the same D. change now and then

4.It can be implied from the text that __________.

A. colors have orders in weight

B. colors can change the weight of an object

C. people would stay longer in a room with red windows

D. colors can affect our mood and health

5.This passage is probably a __________.

A. book review B. fiction novel C. fairy tale D. science report


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级上英语同步练习2Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater第一课时sectionA 题型:翻译

1.be close to _______________________________

2.love doing sth. ______________________________

3.welcome to … ______________________________

4.在城镇里 __________________________________

5.到目前为止;迄今为止 _______________________


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省高邮市、宝应县2017届九年级下学期网上阅卷第二次适应性训练(二模)英语试卷 题型:短文填空

A young painter completed a nice picture. To get people’s t1. about his skills, he put it at a crossing on a busy street. And below it a board read, “Gentlemen, I have painted this piece. S2. I’m new, I might make some mistakes in it. Please put a cross (叉号) wherever you see a mistake.”

When he came back in the evening to c3. his picture, he was shocked to see that the whole picture was filled with crosses. And some people e4. wrote something on his picture. Sadly, he ran to his master and said, “I failed. And if this is what I have learned, I’m not w5. teaching. ”

The master smiled and suggested, “I’ll let you know that you’re a great artist. Now go to paint the same picture again and give it to me. ”

Then they went to the same street the next morning and put the new picture exactly at the same place. Now the master took out another board w6. said, “Gentlemen, I painted this piece. There might be some mistakes in it. I have put a box with colors and brushes just below. Please give me a h7.. If you see a mistake, pick up the brush and correct it.”

Two days later, they came back to the place. The young painter was s8. to see that actually there was not a single correction done!

It’s easy to say but difficult to do. If you want to help people i9. their behavior, you’d better learn how to help people change their attitudes (态度) or skills. Also, always remember not to judge (评判) y10. by someone else’s words and feel bad.


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省高邮市、宝应县2017届九年级下学期网上阅卷第二次适应性训练(二模)英语试卷 题型:单项填空

--- Do your parents often watch TV at home?

--- No. We _______ like reading books.

A. both B. all C. either D. none


科目:初中英语 来源:广东省广州市白云区2016年中考一模英语试卷 题型:翻译


We _________ _________ _________ _________ the beautiful river--the Thames in the summer holiday.


She gave me her phone number __________ __________ I can call her easily.

3.上周大约有 500 名学生参加了运动会。

Last week about 500 students __________ __________ __________ the sports meeting.


I’m not sure __________ __________ __________ __________ to my birthday party next week.

5.Linda 真是太明智了,通过电子邮件发文件给我。

__________ __________ very wise of Linda __________ __________ me the document by e-mail.


__________ __________ __________ __________ it is! I want to see it again.


These books __________ __________ __________ to the library in a week.


科目:初中英语 来源:云南省2017届九年级下学期第一次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:单词拼写

第二节 按下列句子中的汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当形式,画线部分的英语译成汉语。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)

1.Every year _____________(数以千计的)foreign visitors come to China.

2.Lots of foreigners are interested in__________(中国的文化)because China is a great country with a colorful history.

3.When I face difficulties, my mother’s_____________(温暖的话语)can encourage me to believe in myself and study harder.

4.All the school-age children must go to school to get an education.(___________________)

5.Li Ming thought of the success in this singing competition as a turning point in his life.(_________________)


科目:初中英语 来源:云南省2017届九年级下学期第一次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

Thanks to my English teacher, I passed the final exam in the end.

A. Thanks for B. Under the help of C. Because D. With the help of


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级上英语同步练习2Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater第四课时sectionB 题型:单项填空

—How are you getting along with your English study?

—Much better. I don’t feel it as_______as before.

A. interesting B. much C. difficult D. easy


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级上英语同步练习Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater self check 题型:选词填空

play a role, for example, all kinds of, make up, be up to

1.The shops sell ___________________fruit like apples, bananas and so on.

2.The boy________________ in the movie and he did well.

3.It____________________you to decide when you’ll leave for Beijing.

4.The whole story____________. I can’t believe it at all.

5.Jack likes playing ball games._______________, he plays basketball and soccer every afternoon.

