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15.What does  your father look like?介词.

分析 你的爸爸长什么样?

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科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

5.我不能忍受 北京的天气.(stand)
Ican't standthe weather in Beijing.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.Everyone here _________ playing basketball.(  )
A.is likeB.like toC.likesD.like


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.I know the product is made in America,but I don't know ____ brand.(  )


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

10.How beautiful the model plan is!Is it madeby hand?(手工)


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.MANY 15-year-olds don't know what they want to be when they grow up.Abby Harris knows she wants to become an astronaut and isn't letting anything stop her.
According to Harris'Internet blog,Astronaut Abby,she has wanted to be the first astronaut to walk on Mars since she was 5years old.
Harris wrote that at the beginning,most people didn't take her dream seriously.But she stuck with (坚持) it.
"I made plans,I worked hard and I focused on (集中于) my goal.As I got older and continued to stay focused on science,people in my life began to notice and encouraged me to dream big,"she wrote.
In the 7th grade,Harris was doing a project on the International Space Station.She set up a Twitter account to get in touch with NASA.But soon she found that it was a great place for her to write about her dreams and talk with others who are interested in space.Her friends on Twitter then helped her create her website and blog,Astronaut Abby.
What's more,Harris has a real astronaut as her mentor.Several years ago,Harris ran into Italian astronaut Luca Parmitano at an airport.They talked for an hour and Parmitano agreed to become her mentor.Now Parmitano is in the International Space Station.Harris e-mails him every day to learn about his experiences.
It's not easy to become an astronaut,but Harris is confident about herself.
"If you work really hard at something,it can happen.And it will happen,"she said.

26.What's the meaning of the word"mentor"(in paragraph 6)?B
27.Abby Harris set up a Twitter account in order toA.
A.learn more about space
B.make more friends online
C.tell others about her dream
D.introduce her website and blog
28.Where did Harris meet Luca Parmitano?C
A.In Italy.
B.On the street.
C.At an airport.
D.In the International Space Station.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.Many Chinese schools ask their students to wear school uniforms at school.Schools in a north-eastern Brazilian city ask their students to wear uniforms,too.However(然而),their school uniforms are much"smarter"than(相比更智能) the Chinese ones-they have got computer chips(芯片)in them.
The name of the city is Vitoria da Conquista.About 20,000grade school students in the city wear school T-shirts with chips.The smart(智能) uniforms tell parents their children go into the school buildings(大楼) by sending(发送) a short message to their mobile phones.If the children are late for more than(超过) 20minutes,the parents will get another message:Your child hasn't(还没有)got to school yet.
The schools think the smart uniforms can help stop students from cutting classes(旷课).Parents can wash and iron them without breaking the chips.The city wants to make all the students at the age of 4to 14in the city wear the smart uniforms by(直到) 2013.

The Brazilian school uniforms are different from Chinese school uniforms,because
they have computer chips in them.
If you don't go to school on time,yourparentswill get themessage on the mobile phone.
What's the use(用途) of the smart uniforms?To protect the students
45.What's the title(标题)of the passage?Thesmart uniforms.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.When I crossed a small road on my first day in Kolkata,I was surprised because I heard a bell-not a horn (喇叭),It was a tiny man pullinga rickshaw,He stopped and picked up two children from the front door of theirhouse and pulled them to school.For many people,the rickshaw in Kolkata hasmany advantages,When the traffic is bad,rickshaws find a way through thetraffic.If your miss your bus and there aren't any taxis,you can always finda rickshaw in Kolkata.Rickshaws are from your house to the market and waitsfor you.Then he loads (装载)all your things,drops you off outside your home and helps youunload,No other type of public transport offers this kind of service.
   From June to September,Kolkata gets heavy rain.Sometimes it rains for48 hours without a break.In some parts of the city,the roads flood (水淹),and anything with an engine(发动机) is useless,But the rickshawdrivers never stop working,even with water all around them.
   But not everyone thinks rickshaws are a good thing.The local governmentwant to ban rickshaws.They believe it is wrong for one man to pull another person when there is modern transportin the city.However,there is a problem with this plan.Many of the rickshawdrivers come from the countryside.The only job they can find in Kolkata is pullinga rickshaw,If the city bans rickshaws,these men won't have a job.So for the moment,the people of Kolkata still go by rickshaw.

79.What is the main idea of Paragraph 1?D
A.The rickshaw drivers carry things for local people in Kolkata.
B.Parents need rickshaws for taking children to school in Kolkata.
C.Rickshaws can find a way through the bad traffic in Kolkata.
D.Rickshaws are very useful for the people's daily life in Kolkata.
80.What does the underlined word"ban"mean?C
A.make       B.increase     C.forbid      D.collect
81.What can we learn from the passage?B
A.The rickshaws in Kolkata have loud horns.
B.The rickshaw is still a part of public transport in Kolkata.
C.The local government offer many other jobs to the rickshaw driven.
D.The peoplein Kolkata are supposed to take rickshaws instead of cars.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

10.A.deal with     B.quicker    C.as soon as     D.clearly     E.until

The most important thing when calling 110is to keep calm.You need to say your name,location,your phone number and describe the situation as (50)D as possible.If you are too nervous to say anything,just follow the telephone operator's instructions.
If the phone is busy,don't hang up.You should hold on (51)E the operator answers it.
As well as China,almost every coutry has its own emergency number.In the US,911links callers to emergency services including police,fire and ambulance(救护车).The system is able to provide the physical location of mobile phones,which makes it (52)B to get to the scene.In the UK,people call 911when they are in an emergency.
Next are some figures about the figure 110:
●"110"is a 24-hour emergency number.
●On average,every telephone operator answers 800to1,000emergency calls every day.
●Operators should (53)A an emergency call in 57seconds.
●Police set off no more than one minute after receiving information from telephone operators.In cities,police are required to get to the scene in five minutes.In suburb,it is ten minutes.
●In China,95percent of cities and towns have 110emergency centers.
●There are more than 24,000telephone operators around the country.

