精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情


1. 就你看过的书、电影以及听过的CD,写出评论。(about 70 words)

题目是: A review of  _________.

2 . Write a reply to Lingling.



1. A review of Harry Potter

I like reading books that are interesting. My favorite book is “Harry Potter”. Harry Potter is a boy who is unusual. He can use magic. I think the story about Harry is exciting. J.K. Rowling is a great author who writes the Harry Potter. I like J.K. Rowling very much. But I think if I were her, I would write my books quickly, because a lot of people wait for the new stories about Harry Potter for a long time. Please be quick, Rowling!


Dear Lingling,

I’m glad to hear from you. I went to Hong Kong when I was eleven. It’s a beautiful place. And people there speak Chinese and English. Also, I’d like to learn Chinese and English. Chinese is my mother tongue and English is important in our daily life.

You like quiet, traditional music. So do I. I love classical music, too. But I also like pop music. They often make me happy. I like Italian food, because it’s delicious. But my favorite is Chinese food because it’s not only delicious but also good for our health. I’ve never seen an Indian film. I think it might be interesting. I like action movies, because they’re exciting. How about you? Do you enjoy watching action movies?

Please write to me soon.



【解析】第一篇文章要求就看过的书、电影以及听过的CD写评论,本文选择了看过的书“Harry Potter”,运用所学过的语法定语从句,以及虚拟语气,是的表达根据特色,尤其运用所学的形容词,interesting,unusual,exciting,等让文章具有感情色彩。第二篇是写回信,注意了文体格式,运用一般现在时和一般过去时,语句通顺,符合逻辑。


