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–You feel much more _________. You need to take a breath and relax.

–Your advice is _________ me. Thanks.

A. stressed; great value to B. stress; great value of

C. stress; to great value of D. stressed; of great value to

D 【解析】句意:-你感觉更加的有压力,你需要深呼吸休息一下。-你的建议对我来说是很有价值的,谢谢。stressed有压力的,形容词;stress压力,名词;be of great value to…对…有价值,相当于be valuable to。第一个空前的feel是系动词,后面跟形容词作表语,故应选D。

科目:初中英语 来源:外研社版七年级英语上册 Module 5 练习 题型:单选题

I’m thirsty. I want to drink some ____.

A. rice B. onion C. Coke D. juices

C 【解析】句意:我渴了。我想喝点可乐。A. rice米饭,不能喝;B. onion洋葱,不能喝;C. Coke可乐,不可数名词; D. juices橘子汁,不可数名词,无复数。故选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:2017-2018学年七年级英语下册(外研版)Module 10 A holiday journey 过关测试 题型:单选题

All of us enjoy living in Qingdao ________.

A. a lot of B. lots of

C. a lots D. a lot

D 【解析】句意:我们都非常喜欢住在青岛。A. a lot of许多,大量的,修饰名词;B. lots of许多,大量的,修饰名词;C. a lots 搭配错误;D. a lot很,非常,常用来修饰动词。此处是修饰动词live,故答案为D。


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省苏州市区2017-2018学年第一学期九年级英语期末考试试卷 题型:单选题

– Mr Wu, could you tell me _________?

–You’d better do more speaking.

A. how I could improve my English B. which way can I choose

C. how I do with my English D. what’s wrong with my English

D 【解析】句意:-吴老师,你能告诉我我的英语是怎么了吗?-你最好多说。how I could improve my English我怎样提高我的英语,这个选项时态不对;which way can I choose语序不对;how I do with my English 形式错误,do with应与what搭配使用;what’s wrong with my English我的英语怎么了,语...


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省苏州市区2017-2018学年第一学期九年级英语期末考试试卷 题型:单选题

--- Will you go to the park tomorrow?

--- If you don’t, ________.

A. so do I B. so will I

C. neither do I D. neither shall I

D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:--明天你要去公园吗?--如果你不去,我也不去。so +主语+助动词/情态动词/系动词:某某确实如此,与上文是同一人。So+助动词/情态动词/系动词+主语:某某也如此,与上文不是同一人。上文是否定句,下文表示某某也不,用 neither +助动词+主语。这些句式在时态上与前一个句子相同。倒装句处在条件状语从句中,依据主将从现的原则,倒装句应用将来时态,故选...


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版九年级下册英语 unit3 第2课时(sectionA 3a-3b)测试 题型:单选题

Students should learn how problems.

A. solve B. solving C. can solve D. to solve

D 【解析】试题分析:句意:学生应该学会怎样解决问题。作宾语,用宾语从句或“疑问词+to do”的不定式短语。How后无主语,不是宾语从句,用不定式。故选D。


科目:初中英语 来源:人教8下Unit1 What’s the matter单元测试(答案) 题型:阅读单选

Mr. Jenkins liked all kinds of delicious food. As an important officer, he was often asked to dinner. The shopkeepers tried their best to fawn on(巴结)him. They knew it was good for their business. Now the officer got fatter and fatter. He could hardly go upstairs at home and had to sleep downstairs. He often felt tired if he walked or did some housework. He was worried about it and had to go to a doctor. “ Stop eating much fat(脂肪)and sugar, Mr. Jenkins,” said the doctor. “Or it will be worse for your health!” It was difficult for the officer to do it. He wouldn’t do as the doctor said. He found something was wrong with his heart a few months later. Now he thought the doctor was right. And he had to be in hospital.

“You must lose weight(减肥),sir,” said the doctor, “unless you want to die soon!” “Could you tell me a way to lose weight, please?” “You must do some exercise first.” “Which exercise?” “To move your head from side to side when you are invited to dinner!”

1.Mr.Jenkins was often asked to dinner because .

A. he liked the delicious food B. he was ready to help others

C. he was friendly to the shopkeepers D. he was helpful to their business

2.What did Mr. Jenkins do?

A. A doctor. B. A cook. C. A businessman. D. An officer.

3.What happened to Mr. Jenkins after being invited?

A. He got fatter and fatter. B. He hardly went upstairs.

C. He felt tired. D. All above are right.

4.It was difficult for Mr. Jenkins to do everything, so .

A. he didn’t go to dinner B. he began to do some exercise

C. he went to ask the doctor for help D. he had to take some medicine

5.Which of the following is true?

A. The doctor told Mr. Jenkins not to do exercise. B. The doctor told Mr. Jenkins to move his head.

C. The doctor told Mr. Jenkins not to go to dinner. D. The doctor thought Mr. Jenkins would die.

1.D 2.D 3.D 4.C 5.D 【解析】这篇短文主要是讲述了一个军官变得越来越胖,他不得不去看医生。医生建议他要减肥。 1.根据文中he was often asked to dinner. The shopkeepers tried their best to fawn on(巴结)him. They knew it was good for thei...


科目:初中英语 来源:2017-2018学年七年级英语下册(冀教版)Unit 8 Summer Holiday Is Coming!过关测试 题型:单选题

Keep________ speaking English and you will improve it.

A. practice B. practices

C. practicing D. to practicing

C 【解析】句意:继续练习说英语,你会进步的。keep doing sth.坚持/继续做某事,结合句意,答案为C。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版2018届七年级英语下册Unit1 Dream Homes 单元综合检测 题型:补全对话5选5


A: Hello. 1.

B: This is Sandy. 2.

A: This is Millie. I am calling from Shanghai.

B: Hello, Millie. Are you at your new home in Shanghai? 3.

A: It's very beautiful. It has three bedrooms, a big sitting room, a dining room, a kitchen and two bathroom.

B: Oh, that's great. 4.

A: Yes, it is 6655 3258.

B: All right. 5.

A: Bye-bye.

A. Who is speaking, please?

B. I will call you when I am free.

C. Do you have a new telephone number?

D. How is it?

E. May I speak to Sandy, please?

1.E 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B 【解析】短文大意:这是Sandy与Millie之间的电话会话,谈论了Sandy的新家和Millie的电话号码等。 1.根据下文This is Sandy.可知,这是电话会话;上文应询问“May I speak to Sandy, please?能给我找一下桑迪吗?”。 故选:E。 2.根据下文This is Mill...

