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     Many years ago, when I was working as a volunteer (志愿者) at a hospital, I got to know a little girl
 named Lisa. The poor little girl had a very serious disease and was dying. The doctor had done his best
 but no medicine really worked. The only chance to save her seemed to be a blood transfusion (输血)
 from her five-year-old brother. The little boy had the same disease before and had developed the
 antibodies (抗体) to fight the illness.
     The doctor talked to me little boy about what they planned to do, and asked him if he would be willing
 (愿意的) to give his blood to his sister. I saw him hesitate (迟疑) for a moment. He took a deep breath
 and said, "Yes, I'll do it if it can save Lisa."
     As the transfusion was going on, the little boy lay quietly in bed next to his sister. He 1ooked at her and
 smiled all the time. When everything was done and the colour returned to his sister's face, his smile
 disappeared and he looked a little afraid. He 1ooked up at the doctor and asked, "Will I start to die
     He was too young to understand the doctor. He thought he would have to give all his blood to his
 sister, but he agreed.
1. What happened to the 1ittle girl named Lisa?
    A. She died of a very serious disease.
    B. he got better with the antibodies from her brother.
    C. She lost her little brother.
    D. The transfusion failed and her illness got worse.
2. The doctor waited the little boy to _____.
    A. give a11 his blood to his sister
    B. give some of his blood to his sister
    C. give his life to his sister
    D. get the same disease as his sister
3. How did the five-year-o1d boy understand the doctor's plan?
    A. He thought he was going to lose all his blood.
    B. He thought he was going to be killed.
    C. He thought he was going to die together with his sister.
    D. He thought he was going to die when he grew up.   
4. What did the boy feel when the doctor talked to him about the transfusion?
    A. He was unhappy to help his sister.
    B. He was so afraid that he refused to do anything.
    C. He was worried about his sister.
    D. He was willing to give his blood.
5. The writer still remember the story many years later _____.
    A. because the little girl had a very strange disease
    B. because the sister and brother had the same disease
    C. because the doctor saved the little girl's life
    D. because of what the boy did for his sister

科目:初中英语 来源:2012年人教版初中英语九年级下册第十五单元练习卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


 Many people have to work on the weekend. Some people do not mind. Others think it is terrible.

  One man thinks that working on the weekend can be dangerous. He is Graham Coates. Mr Coates works in an office in Brighton, England.

  On Saturday, May 24, 1986, he went to the office to do some work. When he got on the lift(电梯), it stopped between floors. Mr Coates could not get out of the lift. He started to shout, but no one heard him. Then Mr. Coats remembered that it was a holiday in England. No one was going to come to work until Tuesday.

  There was nothing for him to do. He had to wait until one of his workmates came to work and found him. With nothing to eat or drink, Mr Coats ended up sleeping for most of the day.

  Now Mr. Coates says, "I only use lifts if they have telephones in them."

1.Mr. Coates thinks working on the weekend is_____.





2.Mr. Coates stayed in the lift for_____.

A.about twenty hours

B.nearly two days

C.one week

D.more than sixty hours

3. When Mr. Coates got out of the lift he_____.

A.was cold, weak, hungry and tired

B.wouldn't work there any more

C.said "I only use lifts if they have telephones in them."

D.went home at once

4.Why could Mr. Coates not get out of the lift? Because _____.

A.it was broken

B.it was the weekend

C.it was in an office

D.it was a holiday

5. In the lift, there was_________.







科目:初中英语 来源:山东省月考题 题型:阅读理解

     Many people go to school for education. They learn language,history,politics,math and so on. Others go
to learn a skill so that they can find a job. School education is very important and useful. Yet, no one can learn
everything from school. A teacher can't teach his students everything. The teacher's job is to show students
how to learn. They teaches them how to read and how to think. So the students shall learn much more outside
     It's always more important to know how to study by oneself than to remember some facts or formula
(公式). It is certainly quiet easy to learn a certain fact in history or a formula in math. But it is very difficult to
use a formula in working out a math problem. Great scientists before us didn't get everything from school.
Their teachers only showed them the way. The reason for their success is that they knew how to study. They
read books more than taught at school. They would ask many questions as they read. They worked hard all
their lives. Most important is that they knew how to use their brain. (大脑).

1. What do you go to school for as a student? 
2. If Jim wants to find a job ,what had he better do?
3. What is the role (角色) of a teacher in class?
4. Why were many so successful ?
5. 用短语或简洁的句子回答:
    How did great scientists study?
    例如:Read a lot of books. 


科目:初中英语 来源:期末题 题型:阅读理解

     Many people are interested in traveling. Here are three of the greatest benefits (益处) of traveling
     1. Expands (扩大) your view of yourself and the world
     Traveling opens your eyes to the world. Traveling increases your knowledge. Different cultures have
different ideas of the world. This is expressed (表达)i n their food,t heir clothes, their homes and so many of the other details of their lives, Traveling to a new country makes you face a lot of new things. (A) It
also helps you to see that people in other countries that look and sound different are real
     2. Allows you to relax
     Our normal lives are filled with pressure at times. Pressure is bad for our health.A good trip abroad
helps us collect our thoughts and relax. We can see some more positive things and forget our problems
at least for a while. This often gives us the chance to clear our minds.
     3. Provides you with greater creativity (创造力)
     Getting out. f our old rules gives us the opportunity to use our minds in new ways. We get confidence (自信) by facing the small challenges during the traveling. This cheers us up! It makes us feel more alive
and better able to deal with whatever life throws at us next.
     (B) Being in new places gives us the chance to exercise our creativity. It opens up our minds to see
new solutions.
1. What can tell you that different cultures have different views of the world?
2. How do we get confidence during the traveling?
3. (A)_______________________________________________________________
4. (B)_______________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________


科目:初中英语 来源:河北省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     Many animals do strange things before an earthquake (地震). This news ma be important.
Earthquakes can kill people and knock down houses. The animals may help to save lives.
    Some animals make a lot of noise before an earthquake. Dogs that are usually quiet have started to
howl (嚎叫). Horses on farms have run around in circles. Mice have left their holes and run away.
Cows have given less milk.
    In a town in Italy,cats raced down the street in a group. That happened only a few hours before an
earthquake. In San Francisco , a man kept tiny pet frogs. One Sunday , the frogs jumped around more
than ever. They made loud noises,like bigger frogs. That night,an earthquake struck the city.
    People want to know when an earthquake is coming. Then they can. get away safely. Right now
there is no sure to know ahead of time.
Maybe the best way is to watch the animals.
1. 判断正误("T" 表示正确,"F"表示错误)。
    (     )   This story is mostly about how animals act before an earthquake. 
2. Before earthquake, the frogs jumped around ______ ever and made loud noises. 
3. What will horses do if an earthquake is coming?
4. How many kinds of animals do strange things before the earthquake? 
5. 将文中画线句子译成汉语。 


科目:初中英语 来源:模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     Many people believe sharks are dangerous and always try to hurt or even kill humans. In fact, 94
percent of the world's 400 species (种类) are harmless to humans. Shark Exhibition at the National
Aquarium (水族馆) in Baltimorc in the US proves this. Visitors can touch young sharks, see their eggs
develop and watch a dozen different species swim smoothly around a huge tank.
     Most people don't know that shark attacks don't happen very often. Humans are more likely to be
killed by lightning (闪电) than by a shark. And to make this point clear, the museum has set up a special
touching pool for children. There kids can learn, from an early age, not to be afraid of sharks. They can
watch them develop inside their eggs and feel the skin of the older sharks.
     "People are afraid of what they don't know," said Nancy Hotchkiss, an organizer of the exhibition.
"Sharks have been around for 400 million years and play an important role in the ocean's food chain
(食物链). We want people to discover that sharks are amazing animals that need our respect and
protection. "
     About 100 million sharks are killed every year around the world by humans. Thousands of sharks
are hunted in Asia for special food, and maxiy others are caught in nets when fishermen are hunting
other fish.
      It is a worrying situation that some countries have not put measures (措施) to protect the special
1. What can visitors do in the shark exhibition of the National Aquarium?
2. What is the use of that special touching pool?
3. Why did the organizer of the exhibition say that sharks needed to be protected?
4. How many sharks are killed every year around the world by humans?
5. What does the author worry about?

