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【题目】词汇运用 (本大题共8小题,每小题1分,共8分)

(A) 根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式。

【1】Any progress of that blind kid in his study is beyond ________ (赞扬).

【2】My grandfather had ________ (服役) as an officer in the army for forty years before he passed away.

【3】We’ll have to ________ (取消) the climbing competition because it’s raining cats and dogs.

【4】To get away from the polluted earth, humans are thinking about moving ________ (在某处) else outside it.

(B)根据句意, 写出括号内所给单词的适当形式。

【5】He was rudely refused by the company ________ (simple) because of his ugly appearance.

【6】The increase in excellent teachers can lead to the ________ (raise) of standards in schools.

【7】The wonderful piece of music is a couple of African ________ (music) work.

【8】Bill Gates has been the ________ (wealth) person in the world for quite a few years.












【1】句意:那个盲孩子在学习方面的任何进步是让人赞扬不尽beyond praise让人赞扬不尽

【2】句意:爷爷去世前在部队服役当军官40年了。serve发生在passed away之前故句子用过去完成时态,故填served

【3】句意:因为雨下得很大我们将必须取消爬山比赛have to do必须做,故填cancel取消


【5】句意:只是因为他丑陋的外貌他被公司粗鲁地拒绝了。修饰because of his ugly appearance要用副词simply

【6】句意:优秀教师的增长会导致学校水平的提高。the 后跟名词raising提高

【7】句意:这首美妙的音乐是两个非洲音乐家的作品。据a couple of可知用名词复数的所有格 musicians’

【8】句意:比尔盖茨成为世界上最富有的人相当几年了。据比较范围in the world故用形容词最高级wealthiest


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】James got up at five to seven. His parents and his little twin sisters went traveling in France and he had to look after himself at home. He opened the fridge, but he found only two hamburgers in it. He decided to have breakfast in the restaurant at the other side of the street. He sat at a table and the waiter came up and said, “Can I take your order(点菜), James?”

“But you don’t show your menu to me, Mr. Hunt,” said the boy.

“Oh, sorry! I forget it. Here it is.”

James looked at the menu carefully. It was:

Bread $1.30 Sandwich $1.80 Hamburger $2.40

Pizza $2.40Egg $0.30 Milk $0.50

Coffee $0.70 Coke $0.30

James brought out his wallet and found there was only 6.50 dollars in it.

“Well,” said Mr. Hunt. “What about a hamburger, a pizza, two eggs and a glass of coke?”

“Oh, no,” said the boy. “I’ll buy a picture-book this afternoon. It’s 1.50 dollars.”

“I see,” said the waiter. And then he brought the boy a nice breakfast.

【1】 There were ______ people in James’ family.

A. three B. four C. fiveD. six

【2】 Which of the following is NOT right?

A. The waiter knew James.

B. The restaurant was near James’ home.

C. James went to the restaurant alone.

D. The waiter took a menu to James when he saw him.

【3】______ are the most expensive in the menu?

A. Sandwiches

B. Hamburgers

C. Pizzas

D. Hamburgers and pizzas

【4】James hoped to pay ______ dollars for his breakfast.

A. 5.00 B. 1.50C. 6.50 D. 3.50

【5】 At last James had ______ for his breakfast.

A. two eggs, a hamburger, a piece of bread and a glass of coffee

B. two eggs, two pizzas, a piece of bread and a glass of coffee

C. two eggs, two hamburgers, a piece of bread and a glass of coke

D. one egg, a pizza, two sandwiches and a glass of coffee


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 What ____ pity! All the passengers on board were killed in the German air crash!

Im really sorry to hear that. Everyone takes _____ pity on them.

A. a, a B. /, a C. a, / D. /, /


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Mike is 15 years old and Rose is 13 years old. One day they went to see the doctor. Because they had bad colds and coughed terribly. After checking, the doctor gave them two bottles of medicine to take. There are the words on the mark of the bottles:


1.Shake well before use.

2.Take three times daily after meals.

3.Dose(用量):adults(成人)and children over l5 2 teaspoonfuls

children 8-14 1 teaspoonful

children 3-7 1/2 teaspoonful

4.Not for children below the age of 3.

5.Store in a cold place.

6.Use before December.2011

【1】 Rose should take_______a day. Mike should take _______a day.

A. 1 teaspoonful; 2 teaspoonfuls

B. 2 teaspoonfuls; 1 teaspoonful

C. 3 teaspoonfuls; 6 teaspoonfuls

D. 4 teaspoonfuls; 2 teaspoonfuls

【2】The medicine should be kept in _________.

A. the sun B. any place C. hot water D. a fridge

【3】Rose should ________before she takes some.

A. shake the medicine well

B. eat nothing

C. not shake the medicine

D. drink something

【4】 People aged ________ can not take this medicine.

A. 2 B. 25 C. 13 D. 15

【5】 The medicine left should be __________ after December, 2011.

A. eaten in a month

B. thrown away

C. kept in a cold place

D. kept in a warm place


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


cheap , buy , good , happy , eat , farm , town , why , but , give , bring , how

Alan has a small shop . He sells milk ,butter , cheese , eggs and other things in it . His shop is in a small __【1】 . It is open on Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , Saturday and on Sunday morning , __2____ it is closed on Sunday afternoon and Monday .

Alan goes to some __3__ on Monday . He buys butter , cheese and eggs from the farmers.

But he buys milk in the town . A truck __4_ it to his shop in the morning . Alan and his wife work in the shop , and they sell a lot of their food ,because it is _5__ and clean .

A fat woman came into the shop last Saturday . She __6__ some eggs and some butter and then she said to Alan’s wife . “Your eggs and butter are dear today . __7___ is your food dearer on Saturday and Sunday than on Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday and Friday ?”

Alan’s wife wasn’t __8__ . She looked at the fat woman and then she looked at Alan, but she did not __9 an answer . Then Alan smiled and said , Our food is not dearer on Saturday and Sunday ! It is __【10_ on Tuesday , Wednesday ,Thursday and Friday !”


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


【1】He wonders ______________ (未来将会是什么样)

2】________________ (有几名学生正在讨论那部电影) in the classroom.

3】Do you often ________________ (向别人许诺) ?

4】Tom wants _________________ (再要两勺糖).

5】It’s seven o’clock now . Please _____________ (把他叫醒.





Most people like watching talent shows. They are getting more and more popular. I think all these shows have one thing in common.

They try to look for the best singers or dancers, the funniest actors and so on. All kinds of people can join these shows every year. When people watch the show, 【9they usually play a role in deciding the winner. And the winner always gets a very good prize. 10And the shows give people a good way to make their dreams come true.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】根据提示写一篇作文。标题是 Life in the future




要求:1. 短文必须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥。




科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


【1】_________ (今天) is Sunday, but Grace is busy(忙碌的). She has to2_____ (帮助) her mom cook breakfast. And then she does her3_________ (家庭作业). After that, Grace goes to shop to4b____ some food and drinks. In the afternoon, Grace goes to5v_____ her grandparents with her parents. Her grandparents are very happy to see them. Grace and her cousin play games the whole(整个的) afternoon. Grace has a good time in her grandparents’ home.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:



1He is a builder. He has b_____________ many buildings in his life.

2If the weather is fine on Sunday, we’ll go to fly the m plane.

3I took your umbrella instead of mine by m____________.

4If you travel around China you will (注意) a very popular activity everywhere you go.

5 Bad luck. I missed the early bus because I ________ (睡过头)this morning.

