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    How much do you know about your neighborhood? Can you recognize (认出)your neighbours, faces? Teenagers from Live Oak in California, US would say yes. They took photos of their neighbours and put them on city walls.

    The kids took part in an international photography experiment (实验)called the Inside Out Project. It calls on people around the world to take black and white photos to discover and share something about where they live. People can upload (上传)pictures to the project’s website. Large prints are then

    made and sent back to people to show in their communities.

    In Live Oak, you see big pictures on the walls of an art studio and a supermarket. Nicholas Gonzalez’s work covered most of one wall. The 13-year-old took a photo of an elderly Latino man.

    “We call him ‘The Superman’,” said 13-year-old Casey Sustaitapaz. “Nicholas took that picture right outside the supermarket down the street called ‘Super’.’’

    “It’s been really great,” said Sustaitapaz. ‘‘We’ve gotten to leam a lot about our community and meet people we never met before.”

    Dyana Aquilera, 13, a student at Mission Hill Middle School, learned about the project through her mom and wanted to take part.

    “I really like being a part of something so big,” she said.

    Greg Stein is the headmaster of Shoreline Middle School. He also attended the event and said he wanted to start a similar program at his school.

    “Live Oak needs some beautification,” Stein said. “This would really bring a lot of flavor (风味) and life to the neighbourhood.”

    (    )6.    The project asked people to do the following EXCEPT_.

    A. take black and white photos of their neighbours

    B. put black and white photos into colored ones

    C. discover something about their home environment

    D. share something with others about their neighbourhood 

    (    )7.    Why was the Latino man called “The Superman”?

    A. Because he had some super power.

    B. Because he was especially old.

    C. Because he looked like a superman in TV programs.

    D. Because he was found outside a supermarket down the street“Super”.

    (    )    8.    According to the article, Sustaitapaz thought the project_.

    A. helped them leam about his community and people

    B. wasn’t a big thing for him to take part in

    C. made Live Oak a more beautiful neighbourhood

    D. helped them make more friends outside their community 

    (    )9.    What would Greg Stein probably do after this activity?

    A. Call on his students to join in the program.

    B. Build a more beautiful teaching building.

    C. Start a program like this at his school.

    D. Ask all teachers to take part in the program.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:



    1.在艺术节上,Sandy表演了一段舞蹈,老师和同学都大加赞扬,他们认为 Sandy在舞蹈方面很有天赋;




    5.    她觉得每次跳舞时……






科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

    2. I don’t know if he_(arrive)    here    the    day    after    tomorrow.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


    He _  since then.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1.   My cup is white.(改为同义句)

 The white cup__________________ .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


This is a picture of a family. The father's name is Peter Brown. He is 45. The mother's name is Lucy Brown. She is 43. Their son is Tim. Their daughter is Mary. Tim is 13 and Mary is 11. The son looks like the father and the daughter looks like the mother. They are in No. 2 Middle School. The parents are teachers. The son and the daughter are students.

11. There are_people (人)in the family.

A. two      B. three       C. four       D. five

12. Tim is Mr, Brown's                    

A. son      B. cousin     C. brother   D. sister

13.   Mary's mother's name is___________ .

A. Lake Brown               B. Kate Brown

   C. Ann Brown              D. Lucy Brown

14.   Tim looks like his__________ .

A. father                 B. mother

C. aunt                  D, uncle

15.   Mary and Tim are ___________    in No. 2 Middle School.

A. teachers             B. students

C. boys                D, girls


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

5.   Many books are in the___________ (图书馆).We often go there.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:



tell the truth

at another place




of medium height

make notes on




Daniel: Have you read this news report, Sandy? Sandy: Not yet. What happened?

Daniel: A young man was ( ______________ at home last weekend.

Sandy:  How terrible! Have the police got any <2>_____________ ?

Daniel: Yes. The police now have one ()_______________ and they have<4)_______________________ him.

Sandy:  What did he say? Is he really(5)

Daniel: He said he was (6)________________________ when the murder happened. But someone saw him

running out of the young man's building and he looked(7>_______________ at that time.

Sandy:  Was he (8)___________ to the police?

Daniel: Maybe.

Sandy:  What does he look like?

Daniel: He's (9)________________________ .

Sandy:  I hope he can(10)_______________________ to the police as soon as possible.

Daniel: Me too.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

7.  The two men were charged with________________ (break) into a bank.

