精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

Jim doesn't do the homework his sister.

A. as careful as B. so carefully as

C. as carefully so D. too careful as

B 【解析】句意:吉姆不如他的姐姐做作业认真。careful认真的,是形容词;carefully认真地,是副词。as…as“和……一样”,用于肯定句。so…as“和……一样”,用于否定句。修饰动宾短语do the homework可知此处用副词,根据doesn’t可知此处是否定句,因此用so carefully as,故选B。

科目:初中英语 来源:山东省济南市2018届九年级中考冲刺倒计时 (9天)英语试卷 题型:句型转换


1.Mary can play the piano well.(改为一般疑问句)

___________ Mary____________ the piano well?

2.Tom likes reading books because books can give him knowledge.(就句子画线部分提问)

__________ ____________ Tom like reading books?

3.“When do you get up?” the teacher asked me.(改写句子,句意不变)

The teacher asked me ____________ I ____________ up.

4.Young people will succeed in the future as long as they keep working hard.(改写句子,句意不变)

If young people don’t ____________ ____________ , they will succeed in the future.

5.Big Hero 6 is the winner of the Oscar Cartoon pictures this year.(改写句子,句意不变)

Big Hero 6 is ____________ as the ____________Cartoon picture this year.

1. Can play 2. Why does 3. when got 4. give up 5. regarded top 【解析】 1.句意:玛丽钢琴弹得很好。陈述句中如果含有情态动词,变一般疑问句时,直接把情态动词提前,故答案为(1). Can (2). play 。 2.句意:汤姆喜欢读书,因为书能给他知识。对because引导的原因状语从句提问,...


科目:初中英语 来源:辽宁省营口市2018届九年级中考模拟(一)英语试卷 题型:单选题

I don’t know when you ______ to Mary’s party. When you go, ______as well

A. go ; I will go B. will go ; I will go C. will go ; I go D. go ; I go

B 【解析】句意:我不知道你什么时候去参加玛丽的聚会。当你去的时候,我也去。第一个空是考查宾语从句,主句I don’t know是一般现在时态,其宾语从句可以根据实际情况用任何时态,本题“我不知道你什么时候去参加玛丽的聚会”,“去”的动作属于没有发生,所以选择将来时态最佳,故排除A、D选项;第二个空When you go,是一个时间状语从句,而且这个时间对于说话时是一个没有发生没有到来的时间...


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八年级下英语期末考试专题练习-单项选择 题型:单选题

—Please don't speak in such a low voice. My grandfather is a little .

—Sorry, I .

A. blind; will B. disabled; won't

C. deaf; won't D. worried; will

C 【解析】句意:——请不要用这么低的声音说话。我的祖父有点聋。——对不起,我不会了。blind瞎的;disabled残疾的;deaf聋的;worried担心的。根据Please don't speak in such a low voice.可知此处表示你说话声音小,我的祖父会听不见,因此我的祖父有点聋,故选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八年级下英语期末考试专题练习-单项选择 题型:单选题

This kind of bamboo can be used a fishing pole(竿).

A. for B. as C. to D. by

B 【解析】句意:这种竹子能被用作鱼竿。be used as被用作是……,故选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八年级下英语期末考试专题练习-单项选择 题型:单选题

(题文)We should our city .

A. try our best to make; more beautiful

B. trying our best to making; more beautifully

C. try our best to making; more beautifully

D. trying our best to make; more beautiful

A 【解析】句意:我们应该尽最大努力让我们的城市更美丽。try one’s best to do sth尽最大努力做某事,故排除BC两项。make+sb/sth+形容词“使某人或某物……”,位于情态动词should后,故谓语用动词原形,故排除B项,故选A。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八年级下英语期末考试专题练习-单项选择 题型:单选题

----- Sir, did you see the sign “ No Parking” ?

----- Sorry. I didn’t know parking here isn’t________.

A. prevented B. refused C. allowed D. expected

C 【解析】 试题句意:--先生,你看到 “禁止停车” 的标志了吗?--对不起,我不知道在这里停车是不被允许的。主语和谓语动词之间是动宾关系,所以用被动语态。A. prevented阻止;B. refused拒绝;C. allowed 允许;D. expected期待。结合句意,故选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八年级下英语期末考试专题练习-单项选择 题型:单选题

I had much fun watching the match, I was not lucky enough to take a photo with my favourite player.

A. and B. but C. so D. or

B 【解析】句意:观看比赛我有很多乐趣,但是我没有足够的运气和我最喜欢的球员合影。A. and和,又;B. but但是;C. so因此;D. or或者。这里是表示转折关系。根据题意,故选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八年级下英语期末考试专题练习-单项选择 题型:单选题

(题文)The UK has many places of interest, such as _______. You can see swans and other wild birds there.

A. the British Museum B. the Big Ben

C. Buckingham Palace D. the Lake District

D 【解析】句意:英国有很多名胜古迹,例如大湖区。你可以在那里看见天鹅和其他野生鸟类。the British Museum 大英博物馆;the Big Ben大本钟;Buckingham Palace白金汉宫; the Lake District大湖区。根据You can see swans and other wild birds there.可知在那里能看见天鹅和其他鸟类的地方,应是大湖...

