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—Thank you for your help.
    .I am so glad that I can share some of your worries.
A.It’s my pleasureB.Why notC.With pleasureD.Forget it

试题分析:句意:谢谢你的帮忙。很荣幸能帮助你。我很乐意能分担你的忧愁。注意区分A和C两项,It’s my pleasure意为“帮了某人很高兴”;而With pleasure 则意为“能够去帮某人的忙而高兴”;Why not   意为“为什么不呢?”;Forget it意为“忘了吧,别提了,不值得一提”;故选A。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—________under the desk? -No, they aren’t.
A.Where areB.What’sC.Are those rulersD.Is that ruler


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—__        __
—Yes, I am.
A. What’s your name?       B. How are you?    C. Are you Mike?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A: Hi, Lin Fang. You look unhappy, what’s wrong?
B:     小题1:   
A: I don’t think that’s a good idea. We aren’t children any longer.
B: That’s right.     小题2:   
A: Really? My father allows me to make friends with all of my classmates, but my
mother doesn’t agree with him.
B:     小题3:   My mother doesn’t let me play computer games when I am free, either.
A: I think she is right. We mustn’t spend too much time playing computer games.   小题4:   
He thinks a girl should have long hair.
B: That’s funny. My father always tells me not to ride my bike to school. He thinks it’s too
A: I don’t think it is, but you should ride slowly. It’s too dangerous to ride fast.
B: You are right.    小题5:    
A: I think we need to talk to them and make them understand us.
B: You are right.
A.Sometimes our parents don’t understand us.
B.My father doesn’t allow me to go out on Sundays.
C.How kind your father is!
D.My parents don’t allow me to make friends with boys, either.
E.My parents want me to do much homework.
F.I think it’s a good idea.
G.But my father doesn’t allow me to have short hair.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—Why don’t you join an English club to practice speaking English?
A.That’s OKB.Not at allC.Good ideaD.It doesn’t matter


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—Glad to meet you.      —________ .
A.Fine, thank you.B.How do you do?
C.Glad to meet you, too.D.The same to you.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

小题1:How often do you go to the movies?
小题2:Are you as friendly as your sister?
小题3:Why can’t you go to the baseball game?
小题4:Where are you going to move?
小题5:Do you go shopping?
A.Because I have to do my homework.
B.No, I never go shopping.
C.Once a month.
D.I’m going to move to Shanghai.
E. No, I’m not. I’m friendlier.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

--I had a pleasant weekend on the farm.
A.Oh, that’s very nice of youB.It’s a pleasure
C.CongratulationsD.I’m glad to hear that


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

句子配对(每空1分,共5分 )
小题1:What’s this in English?
A.Good morning!
小题2:Good morning! 
B.It’s green.
小题3:What color is that orange?
C.Fine,thank you.
小题4:How are you? 
D.It’s an orange.
小题5:Hello! Frank.
E.Hello! Eric.

