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【小题1】The students took the PISA test in _________ subjects - reading, maths and science. (third)
【小题2】Board games are more and more popular among          . (teenager)
【小题3】I liked to walk in fields on         days and to see my footprints left behind. (snow)
【小题4】       people often begin their conversations by talking about the weather. (Britain)
【小题5】The news about education has attracted the public attention   .    . (recent)
【小题6】The World Chocolate Park showed a         of many kinds of chocolates. (collect)
【小题7】To improve your writing skills, you'd better         a habit of reading. (development)
【小题8】Don't tell lies. Nobody likes those         people. (honest)


【小题2】考查单数变复数,这里应该用复数teenagers 。
【小题3】snowy 是形容词,snow是名词,这里修饰名词day,应该是形容词snowy 。
【小题4】Britain是名词,意思为英国,句子是要用adj 表示英国人,应该用British。


科目:初中英语 来源:2012届江苏省镇江市初三5月中考模拟考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

A) 根据首字母或中文提示,写出正确的单词。
【小题1】         is the most important thing while we are crossing the road. (安全)
【小题2】The hall has ________ (出口) on its three sides.
【小题3】The  _______(士兵 ) died in the war were honoured as the heroes of the country.
【小题4】He has had his digital camera for _______ (超过) five years.
【小题5】Before the project of Sanya , many ______(移民) left their hometown for their new living places.


科目:初中英语 来源:2012届江苏省无锡市锡中实验学校初三适应性练习英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

【小题1】All of the students were excited about Yao Ming’s __________ (到达)
【小题2】 __________with the top student, that boy is very lazy and isn’t hard-working. (比较)
【小题3】__________couldn’t survive without water or air. (人类)
【小题4】 Wentworth Miller became famous __________after Prison Break.(立即)


科目:初中英语 来源:2012届福建省莆田市擢英中学初三中考模拟英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

【小题1】______________(熬夜) too much is not good for our health.
【小题2】Shall we invite the famous singers to our food ____________(节日)?
【小题3】The pollution in this town used to be very serious, people _____________ saw the blue sky ____________(既不……也不) breathed fresh air.
【小题4】Yu Dan ________________ (被看作) one of the best speakers in our country.
【小题5】We should study hard and _________________(为……作贡献) to our country in the future.


科目:初中英语 来源:2012届江苏省南京市联合体(秦淮下关浦口沿江)中考二模英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

Lots of people in the world like listening to folk songs. A folk song is a song that is “from the p 【小题1】 ”. Every c 【小题2】  has folk songs. Usually, they are quiet, simple songs. People often sing them with just a g 【小题3】  of a few other instruments. Some folk songs are so o 【小题4】  that no one knows who wrote them or when they were written. Other folk songs are by songwriters who are interested in people’s l 【小题5】  and experiences. Woody Guthrie was one of those songwriters.
Woody Guthrie was born in a very small town in Oklahoma in 1912. Guthrie first learned to play the guitar from his grandfather in 1917. He soon began to p 【小题6】  with other people in the area. Step by step, people liked his music.
In 1929, the economy was bad. Many people were not working, and there were many poor people. Guthrie began to travel around the country looking for work. Guthrie became interested in singing about people and their p 【小题7】  during this period.
In the winter of 1940, Guthrie decided to go to New York. On his way, he created “This Land is Your Land.” The song talks about places and things people love. The last line of the song says, “This land was made for you and me.” These words tell people that e 【小题8】  is equal.
Woody Guthrie died in 1967, but his music l 【小题9】  on. His music is an important part of American h 【小题10】 and culture. And to this day, people love to sing the folk songs written by him.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年吉林长春外国语学校七年级上学期期末考试英语试题(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

Students Wanted For Summer Camp(夏令营)
Boys and _____1_____ aged 13---16 . Are you ____2_____ with children ?
Kids’ Summer Camp needs help ____3_____ :
Come and ____4____  _____5____ !
Please send your e-mail to lisa@hotmail.com .


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年浙江省慈吉中学初一下学期第二次月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

【小题1】Don’t forget _________(bring) your kite when you go for a picnic
【小题2】I didn’t see Tom yesterday, but Liu Ying _________(see) him yesterday afternoon.
【小题3】How many _______________(potato) did that woman buy?
【小题4】We like our English teacher, because he is very _______(friend) to us.
【小题5】Linda decided ________(order) some Chinese food.


科目:初中英语 来源:2010-2011学年浙江省乐清市柳市中学初一上学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

I like sports very much. I have 5 __46__ (篮球) and 4 baseballs. Do you __47_ (知道) where they are. They’re under my bed on the __48__ (地板). I have a __49__(兄弟).__50__ (他)name is Peter, he likes volleyballs. He has a __51__ (大的) volleyball collection. He thinks it is __52__ (有趣的). He plays it  __53__  (每个) day at __54__ (学校) with his __55__ (朋友们).


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江苏省扬中市初三下学期期中联考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

Do you like your parents? They’re two most i_____1___people in your life. I think so. Because they’re likely to influence you more than anyone e_____2_____you have met and will meet. So if your dad worships a football team, s____3______ as Pittsburgh Steelers and Atlauta Falcons, you are likely to grow up being a big fan of a football team. And if your mom loves to r___4____, you might grow up just carrying a book wherever you go, just a____5______she does.
But parents do a lot more than just pass along their h____6______. Moms and Dads need to care for their kids from the m_____7_____they’re born. It’s parents’ task to love and guide kids---and most parents will do this as l___8______as they live----even when the “ kids” have g______9___up and have children of their o____10________. That means you have many years ahead to share with your mom and dad.

