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听下面一段对话, 回答以下小题。

1.Where is Tony from?

A. UK. B. USA. C. Beijing.

2.Did Lingling visit Disneyland?

A. Yes, she did. B. No, she didn’t. C. We have no idea.

3.Did Betty enjoy herself in Beijing?

A. She had a good time. B. Yes, she is a teacher. C. Yes, she did.

1.A 2.A 3.C 【解析】此题为听力题,解析略。 1.此题为听力题,解析略。 2.此题为听力题,解析略。 3.此题为听力题,解析略。 复制答案 考点分析: 相关试题推荐

How will Tony go to the airport tomorrow morning?

A. By plane. B. By bus. C. By car.


Why is travel so difficult in winter in China?

A. Because of the Spring Festival.

B. Because of the weather.

C. Because of the car.


How many pupils are there in the boy’s class?

A. About thirty. B. Forty. C. Fifty.


(题文)Has Betty finished her homework?

A. Yes, she has. B. Of course. C. Nearly finished.


Can Daming have something to eat now?

A. Yes, he can. B. No, he can’t. C. You just had breakfast an hour ago.

查看答案 试题属性
  • 题型:听长对话回答问题
  • 难度:中等

Copyright @ 2008-2013 满分5 学习网 ManFen5.COM. All Rights Reserved.答案无忧

科目:初中英语 来源:人教新目标七年级英语下册单元测试卷 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend 题型:单选题

Linda ______ very late to learn Chinese last year.

A. slept B. sat down C. stood up D. stayed up


科目:初中英语 来源:新目标英语八上Unit 6单元练习题 题型:单选题

—I'm going to eat healthier food and exercise more. —________.

A.Lucky you B.Sounds like a good plan

C.Great,thanks D.Have a good day


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版2017-2018学年8A英语期末专题练习-书面表达 题型:材料作文




Li Ping

Date of birth


Tele. number





No.1 Middle School



Favourite season


Interests and hobbies









Free time





Dear Chairperson,

I would like to join the Animal protection Society.


I am looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Yours sincerely,

Li Ping


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省聊城市2017-2018学年第一学期期末考试九年级英语试卷(含听力) 题型:阅读判断

Tony Wheeler was born to travel. His father worked for an airline. For the first 16 years of his life, Wheeler and his family lived in many different countries.

In the early 1970s,Tony met a young woman named Maureen. They

soon married. Before getting jobs, Tony and Maureen wanted to travel. They took a year long trip from England, through Asia, to Australia. On

the trip,they visited places like Iran(伊朗),India, and so on.

When Tony and Maureen arrived in Australia, people asked many

questions about their trip. To answer these questions, Wheeler wrote a book called Across Asia on the Cheap. The book told people about different countries' weather, customs (风俗), and places to see. But unlike other travel books then,Tony Wheeler's book also talked about places most

tourists did not go. He also wrote about unusual things to see and do. The book was very popular.

Tony and Maureen started a company called Lonely Planet. They

continued travelling. They wrote books for each place they visited. Today,800 people work {or Lonely Planet. The company has over 650 books. Tony Wheeler,the great traveller, still writes about travels to many places and will bring us more surprises.

1.Tony Wheeler and his wife ended the year-long trip in .

A. England B. Iran C. India D. Australia

2.Tony Wheeler wrote the book Across Asia on the Cheat to .

A. make money for his next trip

B. tell people about his new company

C. draw people's attention to his family

D. answer people's questions about his trip

3.How was the book Across Asia on the Cheap different from other

travel books then?

A. It was longer and more popular.

B. It was the first travel book in the world.

C. It talked about places most tourists did not go.

D. It talked about a country's weather and customs.

4.Which of the following is TRUE about Tony Wheeler's company?

A. His father started it.

B. It is an airline company.

C. Hundreds of people work for it.

D. It has no books about travelling.

5.The passage mainly talks about .

A. a great traveller and his books

B. a tour of different countries

C. a great writer and his family

D. different kinds of companies

1.D 2.D 3.C 4.C 5.A 【解析】试题分析:本文讲述Tony Wheeler和他的妻子旅行到澳大利亚时当地居民问了他们许多关于旅行的问题,Tony Wheeler写了一本书里面包含了他们问的所有问题。并且这本书很受欢迎。此后,他们开了一家公司并且继续旅行来完善他们的书也给我们带来了更多的惊喜。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ... 复制答案 考点分析: 相关试题推荐

Betty has travelled to Beijing several times since 1980, and this is how she has seen the city change.

The Great Wall


Visiting the Great Wall at Badaling on my first trip, I ran into only a few tourists from local Chinese tour buses. Years later, to avoid the crowds at Badaling, I went to the Great Wall at Mutianyu. My six-year-old son was so excited that he said, “Every step is enjoyable!”


Most tourists still see the Great Wall at Badaling, but a great many come to Mutianyu now. Many hikers like to visit the Great Wall at Jiankou for the beautiful sights. There are no cable cars (缆车) and often even no steps.



In the 1980s, tourists used foreign exchange certificates and the Chinese people used renminbi. Credit cards (信用卡) were not widely used.

We visited the Beijing Department Store (opened in 1955). And it was on the street, Wangfujing. Everything in it was very cheap and made in China.


People can pay in many new ways such as Alipay (支付宝) and Wechat Pay. Also, credit cards are accepted almost everywhere.

Now Wangfujing is a famous street where people can buy all kinds of things. The Beijing Department Store is still there. Goods are cheap. The store is bigger now.

1.Betty went to Mutianyu instead of Badaling because ______.

A. her son didn’t like Badaling

B. there were too many people at Badaling

C. she wanted to take the cable cars cable cars at Mutianyu

D. there were more beautiful sight at Mutianyu

2.Betty shows new methods of payment (付款方法) in Beijing by ______.

A. giving reasons B. comparing numbers C. giving examples D. sharing her experiences

3.What do we know about the Beijing Department Store?

A. It’s as big as before.

B. It has a history of 500 years.

C. Things in it are not expensive.

D. It’s on the food street Nanluoguxiang.

4.Were credit cards widely used in the 1980s?

A. Yes, they were. B. No, they weren’t. C. Yes, it was. D. No, it wasn’t.

5.The reading is mainly about ______.

A. Betty’s love for Beijing

B. some changes in Beijing

C. the history of Beijing hutongs

D. Betty and her family




Once, in a small village, lived a family with eight children. Two of the children loved____very much, but the family was so poor that it was impossible to send____of them to study at the art college at the same time. After many discussions, the two boys finally____a plan. They would toss(抛) a coin. The loser would go____into the mines (煤矿) and, with his earnings(赚得的钱),____his brother studying at the college. Then, when the brother who won the toss finished his studies, after four years, he would support the other brother studying at the____

James won the toss and Jack went down into the mines. James worked with all his heart and his paintings were much____than those of most of his teachers, and by the time he____, he was beginning to make a lot of money for his paintings.

____James returned, the family held a big dinner for his great success. Soon after the meal began, James____up from his seat to drink a toast (举杯祝酒) to his dear____He said, "Jack, now you can go to the art college and your____will come true. I will take care of you. "

But Jack said____, "Brother, the four years in the mines has done too much to my hands, so it' s too____Now I can' t even hold a glass. "

To show his great love and respect, James drew his brother' s hands with____towards the sky.

He called his drawing "The Praying Hands", which became very famous years later.

1.A. painting B. books C. school D. money

2.A. any B. all C. both D. neither

3.A. looked out B. worked out C. took out D. got out

4.A. off B. away C. up D. down

5.A. support B. agree C. follow D. let

6.A. home B. mine C. college D. school

7.A. better B. worse C. cheaper D. older

8.A. arrived B. graduated C. walked D. waited

9.A. Before B. When C. Though D. While

10.A. picked B. turned C. looked D. stood

11.A. brother B. sister C. father D. mother

12.A. way B. idea C. dream D. practice

13.A. happily B. surprisedly C. angrily D. softly

14.A. early B. late C. good D. helpful

15.A. legs B. feet C. arms D. fingers


1.Were there candles in Tom’s house in the past?

A. Yes, there were. B. No, there weren’t. C. Have no idea.

2.What was Tom’s father’s job?

A. A teacher. B. A farmer. C. A postman.

3.What was Tom’s mother like?

A. Kind and loving. B. Strict. C. Beautiful.

4.How many people are there in the family?

A. Five. B. Six. C. Seven.

5.How often could Tom eat meat a year in the past?

A. Once or twice. B. Ten times. C. Every day.


听下面一段对话, 回答以下小题。

1.Where is the nearest hospital?

A. On the Third Street.

B. Between a bank and a post office.

C. Between a post office and a school.

2.How long will it take if take the bus?

A. Half an hour. B. Ten minutes. C. Five minutes.

3.How will the woman go to the hospital?

A. By taxi. B. On foot. C. By bus.


听下面一段对话, 回答以下小题。

1.Where is Tony from?

A. UK. B. USA. C. Beijing.

2.Did Lingling visit Disneyland?

A. Yes, she did. B. No, she didn’t. C. We have no idea.

3.Did Betty enjoy herself in Beijing?

A. She had a good time. B. Yes, she is a teacher. C. Yes, she did.

查看答案 试题属性
  • 题型:阅读判断
  • 难度:中等

Copyright @ 2008-2013 满分5 学习网 ManFen5.COM. All Rights Reserved.答案无忧


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省聊城市2017-2018学年第一学期期末考试九年级英语试卷(含听力) 题型:听短对话回答问题

Can Daming have something to eat now?

A. Yes, he can. B. No, he can’t. C. You just had breakfast an hour ago.

B 【解析】此题为听力题,解析略。 复制答案 考点分析: 相关试题推荐

A. Wait for others. B. It is serious. C. He hit his head.


A. Not bad. B. Of course. C. Yes, I’d love to.



A. At 8:00 clock. B. Nature and Music. C. The photo competition.


A. 348 metres high. B. 348 metres long. C. 348 metres wide.



A. Yes, please. B. No, thank you. C. Sure.

查看答案 试题属性
  • 题型:听短对话回答问题
  • 难度:中等

Copyright @ 2008-2013 满分5 学习网 ManFen5.COM. All Rights Reserved.答案无忧


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省聊城市2017-2018学年第一学期期末考试九年级英语试卷(含听力) 题型:听音辩词


A. [st?l] B. [ste?t] C. [spi?t?]

A 【解析】此题为听力题,解析略。 复制答案 考点分析: 相关试题推荐

A. [fe?] B. [fe?l] C. ['fi?l??]



A. ['da??r?] B. ['da??l?g] C. [da?]


A. ['p??r??d] B. [pe?d?] C. [p?'re?d]


1.It’ll be rainy tomorrow .(对划线部分提问)

________ _________ the ________ _________ __________ tomorrow ?

2.I like autumn best .(改为同义句)

I like autumn__________ _________ the other ___________ .

3.Bring me my clothes .(改为同义句)

__________ my clothes _____________ me .

4.She looks cool in yellow dresses .(改为同义句)

Yellow dresses ___________ cool ___________ her .

5.There’ll be a lot of snow next year .(对划线部分提问)

__________ __________ __________ __________ there be next year ?

6.The wind is blowing strongly outside now .(对划线部分提问)

__________ ___________ the wind __________ outside now ?

7.There will be a lot of rain tomorrow afternoon .(改为同义句)

It will _________ _________ tomorrow afternoon .

The rain will be __________ ________ tomorrow afternoon .

8.How foggy the weather is ! (改为另一种感叹句)

_________ _________ ________ !


Martin Henfield talks about some of his experience as a twin : when we were small my mother dressed us _______ the same clothes .That was bad enough and we didn’t like it . But we went on our first camping trip , it was even ____ . We were only ten years old , and while _____went

into their sleeping bags for the _______ , we were not happy to snuggle(依偎)inside a double sleeping bag my mother made for us .

At school our classmates _______ us Henfield One and Henfield Two , so people _______ even see our difference according to our initials(姓名的首字母)because ______ of us were M.O. . It was only when I went to _______ and began to have my own friends that I started to feel my own freedom of identity(身份).

Before I went to college , during my secondary school ______ , I ________ a job on a building site , My twin brother , Mike Henfield , didn’t work . One day I asked my boss , “Can I have a week ______ ?” “Certainly ,” he said , “but you won’t have the job when you ______ back .” I didn’t want to _______ the job . So on Monday morning , Mike went there in my _______ , jacket and hat and he worked for me for one week . _______ of them knew the difference .

1.A. in B. for C. on D. with

2.A. badder B. worse C. good D. better

3.A. all boys B. another boy C. all the other boys D. all the boys

4.A. day B. holiday C. night D. mid-night

5.A. called B. knew C. told D. made

6.A. didn’t B. needn’t C. mustn’t D. couldn’t

7.A. very B. each C. both D. all

8.A. middle school B. college C. high school D. school

9.A. holidays B. week C. weekend D. holiday

10.A. receive B. got C. find D. made

11.A. off B. free C. on D. back

12.A. came B. will get C. got D. are

13.A. miss B. lose C. lost D. losing

14.A. coat B. shirt C. shoes D. trousers

15.A. None B. Nobody C. All D. Each

查看答案 试题属性
  • 题型:听音辩词
  • 难度:中等

Copyright @ 2008-2013 满分5 学习网 ManFen5.COM. All Rights Reserved.答案无忧


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八年级英语Unit7课时练习(1) 题型:单选题

When John , please call to tell me.

A. reaches B. gets C. arrives D. arrives in

C 【解析】句意:约翰到达时,请打电话告诉我。A. reaches到达;B. gets获得,得到;C. arrives到达;D. arrives in到达。reach和arrive in是及物动词,后面跟宾语;arrive是不及物动词;本句没有宾语,故选arrives,选C。 点睛:get to, reach,arrive和arrive at/in都有“到达”的意思;get to, r... 复制答案 考点分析: 相关试题推荐

“Say” rhymes “day” .

A. with B. to C. for D. form


windy weather it is today!

A. How B. What C. What a D. How a


Winter days are snow.

A. full with B. filled with C. full of D. filled of




What was the date? What happened first? Was this unlucky or lucky? Why? What happened next? How did the day end? How did you feel about this day?

My lucky/unlucky day

This was the luckiest/ unluckiest day of my life.




1.Make, the, nervous, me, music, loud (.)

2.Badly, the, is, pollute, air (.)

3.Seven, what, Grade, in, happen (?)

4.Yesterday, I, what, fun, great, have (!)

5.The, think, protect, I, environmental, should (.)

查看答案 试题属性
  • 题型:单选题
  • 难度:中等

Copyright @ 2008-2013 满分5 学习网 ManFen5.COM. All Rights Reserved.答案无忧


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八上Unit 7 Grammar课时练习 题型:单选题

—What did you give your mother on her fortieth birthday?

—I gave her some flowers. (The sentence structure is ____.)

A. S+V B. S+V+IO+DO C. S+V+P D. S+V+O

B 【解析】句意:-你妈妈四十岁生日你给了她什么?-我给了她一些花。在句子I gave her some flowers.中,主语(S)是I,谓语(V)是gave,her是间接宾语(IO),some flowers为直接宾语(DO),故选B项。 复制答案 考点分析: 相关试题推荐

“This news made me feel sad.” is a kind of ____ structure.











It's Really a Miracle(奇迹)

Mr. Clarke works in New York and brought his family to China. They visited many places of interest and had a good time here. Before they left for Shanghai, the Clarkes climbed up the Great Wall. It was the greatest project about three thousand years ago. They took a lot of photos there and then they had a picnic under a big tree. Suddenly it began to rain and they hurried to the car. And when they returned to the hotel, they couldn't find the bag in which their expensive camera was. They were all sorry for it:They could buy another camera but had no time to go to the Great Wall again. They could not miss the plane!

That evening they didn't have supper. Mr. Clarke hoped to make them happy and said, “Well. Let me tell you a story. An old man lived in a sixty-storey building. One day he fell down from it when he was cleaning the window. But he didn't hurt himself. ”

“It was a miracle!” called out his children. “Why?”

“Because he lived on the first floor!”

They all began to laugh while two policemen with a bag came in. They said a Chinese boy found it under the big tree and he asked them to find out who lost it.

“It's really a miracle!” the Clarkes said happily.


1.Where did the Clarkes enjoy themselves, New York, Beijing or Shanghai?

2.Where did the Clarkes left their bag?

3.Why didn’t they have anything that evening?

4.What did Mr. Clarke tell a story to his family for?

5.Who found the bag?


Almost every child in cities has the chance to go to school, but not all children in the countries are so lucky.

There is a girl called Xiao Fang. She is eight years old and lives in a small village in Guangxi. When she was young, she wanted to go to school. But she could not, because her family was too poor to afford the school fees for her, so her parents had to keep her at home. Instead of studying, Xiao Fang worked in the fields with her parents every day. Then Hope Project heard about Xiao Fang. It agreed to help Xiao Fang to go to school. Her wish of study came true, and now she is studying in a school.

Unluckily there are many thousands of children who can not go to school. You can join in Hope Project and help these children. You know all the good work needs money. Hope Project needs your help.

If you give Hope Project ¥300 each year, it can pay for one child to go to school for a whole year. With more money, Hope Project can build new schools, buy good desks, chairs, blackboards and books. let’s help the children together and give them a chance to have a good start in life.

1._____ can go to school.

A. Almost every child in the world

B. Almost every child in China

C. Almost every child in big cities

D. Almost every child in small villages

2.Xiao Fang didn’t go to school when she was young because_________.

A. her family was too poor

B. she didn’t like to go to school

C. there was too much work for her to do

D. she could learn nothing at school

3.With ¥300, _________.

A. one child can go to school for nine years

B. a new school can be built

C. many children can go to school

D. a child can go to school for a whole year

4.Hope Project helped Xiao Fang because__________.

A. it heard about her

B. she went to ask for help

C. she knew someone working there

D. she wrote a letter to the newspaper

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Hope Project helps the poor children to go to school

B. Hope Project helps to build new schools

C. Hope Project helps schools to buy desks, chairs, books, etc.

D. All the above


Every day some people are killed while they are crossing the roads. Most of these people are old people and children. Old people are often killed because they can't see or hear very well. Children are killed because they are not careful. They forget to look and listen before they cross the roads.

A car or a bus can't stop quickly. If a car is going very fast, it will travel a few metres before it stops. Some people don't always understand this. They think a car can stop in a few metres. It's difficult to know how fast a car is moving. The only way to cross the roads safely is to look both ways, right and left. Then if the roads are empty, you can cross them.

1.What kind of people are often killed when crossing the road?

A. Young people. B. Older people.

C. Little children. D. The old and the young.

2.Old people are often killed in traffic accidents because_______.

A. they are not able to see B. they are not able to hear

C. they walk slowly D. they can't see or hear very well

3.The children are killed in traffic accidents because_______.

A. they like to cross the roads B. they are careless

C. they are careful D. they can't see or hear very well

4.If a car is going very fast, it_______.

A. will not stop

B. will travel a few metres after it stops

C. will move several metres before it stops

D. will be easy to stop in a few minutes

5.Which of the following is NOT right?

A. None of the people know a traveling car can stop in a few metres.

B. The only way to cross the roads safely is to look right and left of the ways.

C. If the roads are busy, you can't cross the roads.

D. It's not easy to know how fast a car is traveling.

查看答案 试题属性
  • 题型:单选题
  • 难度:困难

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