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When you go out, please don't _______ the TV _______.

A. make; open B. keep; turn on C. leave; on D. let; on

C 【解析】句意:当你出去的时候,请不要开着电视。leave…on让……开着,只要指电源,水龙头等。故答案为C。

科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八年级英语上 Unit4 单项选择题练习 题型:单选题

I’m hungry. Let’s go out for a big lunch, ?

A. won’t we B. don’t you C. shall we D. will you

C 【解析】句意:我饿了。让我们出去吃一顿丰盛的午餐,好吗?Let’s…的反义疑问句为shall we? Let us…的反义疑问句为will you? 故答案为C。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八年级英语上 Unit4 单项选择题练习 题型:单选题

The writer advised us ________ more.

A. read B. reading C. to read D. reads

C 【解析】句意:那位作家建议我们多读一些书。advise sb. to do sth.建议某人做某事。故答案为C。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八年级英语上 Unit4 单项选择题练习 题型:单选题

— The dish smells . Few people will like it.

— Really? But I am sure once you taste it, you will fall in love with its taste.

A. nice B. terrible

C. nicely D. terribly

B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-这菜闻起来很糟。很少有人会喜欢它。-真的?但我相信一旦你品尝它,你会爱上它的味道。Nice形容词,好的;terrible 形容词,糟糕的;nicely副词,好地;terribly副词,糟糕地。所填词在句中跟在系动词之后作表语,该用形容词形式。结合语境,所以选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八年级英语上 Unit4 单项选择题练习 题型:单选题

Turn right here, _______ go straight on, _______ you'll find the park in front of you soon.

A. and; / B. /; and C. and; then D. then; and

B 【解析】句意:在这里右转,一直往前走,你就会发现公园就在你前面。在表示三个连动的动作时,前两个用逗号,最后一个用and连接;C答案中若第一个用and,前面不会有逗号,故答案选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版8A Unit 3 A day out单元测试卷 题型:填空


Ten-year old Obama was one of the only three black students at his school in Honolulu, Hawaii. The young boy didn’t look the same as most other students. White girls wanted to touch his hair. A white boy asked him whether(是否) his father ate people. “I lied to them that my father was a Kenyan prince(王子), but I kept asking myself who I was,” said Obama.

However, 37 years later, the boy made history. Barack Obama became the first black president in U.S. history. Obama was born on August 4, 1961. His father is an African(非洲人) and his mother is a white American. This unusual background (背景)made him want to know who he was. With the help of his friends, Obama finally went to college. His hard work made him a star at Harvard University, a famous university in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Later, he became the third black senator(议员)in U.S. history.

During his competition for U.S. president, Obama talked about his background. He called for a United States of America, rather than(而不是)a white America or a black America. Obama’s success(成功)is a historic victory(胜利). It made Martin Luther King’s dream come true. That is: A man should not be judged(判断) by the colour of his skin(皮肤), but by the content(内容) of his character(性格).

The title

The first 1. president in U.S. history

Be born

On 2.4 ,1961

At age 10

The number of black students at his school is 3.

He looked 4.from most other students.

In college

Got lots of support from his 5.

Grew popular among the students because of his 6. work


Became the 7.black senator in U.S. history

At age 47

Preferred to(较喜欢) call for a United Stated of 8.

won his competition for U.S.9.

Obama’s 10. made Martin Luther King’s dream come true

1.black 2.August 3.three 4.different 5.friends 6.hard 7.third 8.America 9.president 10.success 【解析】试题分析:本文是奥巴马小传,讲述了他通过努力最终赢得美国总统大选,成为美国历史上第一位黑人总统的故事,启发人们不应该以肤色来判断人,而要看品格...


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版8A Unit 3 A day out单元测试卷 题型:单选题

Simon is trying to pull _____up the rocks.

A. herself B. him C. himself D. his

C 【解析】句意:西蒙正设法使自己振作起来。考查反身代词。pull sb up阻止,把…往上拽;根据句意和语境,可知西蒙拉的是自己,需用反身代词,可排除BD两项。herself她自己,不合西蒙的性别,可排除,故选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:浙江省杭州市上城区2017届九年级中考二模英语试卷 题型:补全短文6选5



Watching an average TV show requires very little brain power and brings the same result as paying no attention to physical exercise. Your brain will become weak just as your muscles do. If you watch TV, choose something educational and knowledgeable.


Acquiring a new language includes different learning ways. Learning a language sharpens your brain and helps stay away from memory problems in later years.


Each week, choose an animal, a bird or a fish, and read everything you can about it. Stretch your brain as you become an expert on the subject.


If you are right-handed, use your left hand for everyday activities, or use your right hand if you are left-handed. Doing familiar things in a new way will cause your brain to create new neural(神经的) networks.


As you read, take the time to look up people or places that aren’t familiar. Reading increases your vocabulary if you search for words and meanings that you don’t know.

A. Read often

B. Master a new subject

C. Use the hand that isn’t used much

D. Play video games

E. Learn a new language

F. Spend less time on your TV viewing

1.F 2.E 3.B 4.C 5.A 【解析】本文讲述了如何在日常生活中得体地、礼貌地表达自己的想法。 1.本段介绍了看电视的危害。与电视有关。因此选F. Spend less time on your TV viewing花更少的时间看电视。故选F。 2.第二段介绍了学习一门新语言包括不同的学习方式。与语言学习有关。 E. 项的意思:Learn a n...


科目:初中英语 来源:福建省龙岩市2017-2018学年八年级上学期期末教学质量抽查英语试卷 题型:听句子或对话选择图片

A. B. C.

C 【解析】My brother is good at playing basketball .

