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Hello! My name is Mike. I am from the USA. Now I am in China with my parents. I like China. I like Chinese food, too. I have breakfast at home. I eat an egg, bread and porridge(粥)for breakfast. I do not like milk. I have no time to go home for lunch. So I have it at school. The lunch in our school is good. I can have different food for lunch. I eat rice, meat and vegetables. Sometimes I have noodles(面条) and dumplings(饺子). I have dinner at home with my parents. Sometimes we go out to eat with friends. We have chicken, vegetables and fruit. 
【小题1】Mike is        .
A. American              B. English             C. Japanese 
【小题2】For breakfast, Mike has       
A. an egg, an apple and porridge  
B. an egg, bread and porridge
C. an apple, bread and milk    
【小题3】He has lunch        .
A. at school              B. at home         C. with his parents
【小题4】He has         for lunch.
A. rice, meat and vegetables  
B. dumplings  and noodles 
C. A and B are both right.
【小题5】Sometimes they have dinner       .
A. at school           
B. in a restaurant with some friends
C. at his friend’s home       


【小题1】细节理解题。根据I am from the USA. 可知马克来自美国。故选A。
【小题2】细节理解题。根据I eat an egg, bread and porridge(粥)for breakfast.可知马克早餐吃鸡蛋,面包和粥。 故选B。
【小题3】细节理解题。根据I have no time to go home for lunch. So I have it at school.可知马克在学校吃午餐。故选A。
【小题4】细节理解题。根据 I eat rice, meat and vegetables. Sometimes I have noodles(面条) and dumplings(饺子).可知马克午餐吃米饭,肉,蔬菜,有时吃面条和饺子。故选C。
【小题5】细节理解题。根据Sometimes we go out to eat with friends. 有时,他们晚饭出去和朋友一起吃。故选B。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Everybody says that youth is the best time for our lives. Being young means romance, love and new discoveries, but it is also the most difficult time, because you have to make some very important decisions, which will influence your future life.
Things are not easy nowadays even for adults, but for teenagers, Who have to find their own place in society, it’s even difficult. It is necessary not only to adapt to society, but also to be confident of your position in five, ten or even twenty year’s time.
For the future it is important to have a good nob. In order to get a really good job, you have to be well educated.
Emotional problems for young people can be very important, too. The first teenager problem is that “nobody understands me”. Some parents often continue to treat their children as little children when they are starting to consider themselves to be adults.
There are also some global problems. Young people in all countries are facing these problems. Let’s start with smoking. According to studies, at the age of 16, almost 72% of all boys and 37% of all girls in Russia have already tried smoking. Smoking is not a natural need.It’s just that teens try it when they want to appear to be more like adults.
Drugs are also a serious problem. Students know the names of drugs well enough. 32% say they have tried drugs at least once, mainly because they were having fun, their friends influenced them to, they wanted to relax or they wanted to seem “cool”. That’s too bad.
So, you see, problems do happen and they can’t be ignored. We should pay much attention to them.
【小题1】The author doesn’t think that youth is ________________.

A.the best time of our lives
B.the most difficult time of our lives
C.the time to make some important decisions
D.the time to get a job
【小题2】When young people enter the teenage period, ___________.
A.they are seldom understood by others
B.they become confident of their position
C.they still seem little in some parents’ eyes
D.They still consider themselves to be children
【小题3】The underlined word “ignore” means “________” in Chinese.
【小题4】Which of the following is not a reason why many students try drugs?
A.They consider it to be a natural need.
B.Their friends advise them to do so.
C.They wish to be “cool”.
D.They want to relax themselves.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

San Francisco has many museums. You can visit one and learn something new, We have art, science, history and other special museums. Some museums are open every day. Some are only open on certain days. Many museums are expensive, and others are free. But some of the expensive ones have free days. May museums have websites. The websites usually have information about the things you can see in the museums.
On a museum's website you can get information about .ticket prices and free days. You can also know where the museum is and when it is open. Sometimes the information is on the first page, and it's very easy for you to find. But sometimes you have to click (点击)  on the words like Visit Information, or About to find the information. That will be hard work for you.
【小题1】San Francisco has many museums for you visit and                .

A.learn something newB.play computer games
C.watch the moviesD.click on Information
【小题2】Some museums in San Francisco are open every day, but some are only open           .
A.on weekdaysB.on weekends
C.on certain daysD.on holidays
【小题3】Many museums have             with information about the things you can see in them.
A.ticket pricesB.their websites
C.open hoursD.free days


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

What will you do if you have six million dollars? Different people give different answers.
David  I will buy an island if I have six million dollars. Then I will be the king of the island. I will invite my friends to my island and we’ll have a good time there.
Cathy  If I get six million dollars, I want to start my own business and I will do a lot of things for my family. For me, nothing is more important than my family. I will buy a new house for my parents and take them to travel around the world.
Julie   If I have six million dollars, I will put five million in the bank and spend one million. I will visit Sydney, Toronto, Moscow and other interesting cities. I want to try different kinds of delicious food, and build a house with a swimming pool.
Victor  If I have six million dollars, I will use the money to do everything I like. I will use two million to open my own shop. And I will give another four million to schools and charities. I would like to help students in poor areas to get good education. I want everyone to live a happy life.
【小题1】David will invite his friends to ________.

A.his new house B.his island
C.his country D.his factory
【小题2】 _________ will take his (her) parents to travel around the world.
A.Victor B.Julie C.David D.Cathy
【小题3】Julie will spend _________ million dollars traveling and doing other thing.
A.one B.two C.three D.four
【小题4】Victor will spend two million dollars _________.
A.enjoying delicious food B.helping poor students
C.opening a shop D.building a house
【小题5】Which of the following is NOT true according to this passage?
A.Victor hopes everyone can live a happy life.
B.Julie doesn’t like traveling.
C.Cathy loves her family very much.
D.David gets on well with his friends.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

According to a new survey, students’ safety has become a big problem. Nearly 50% of students say they are worried about robbery (抢劫) on the way to and from school. Now in main big cities in China, some schools have taught students an unusual lesson: self-protection. Students like this lesson because there are no exams or boring classes. And they can learn how to save lives and know how to stop danger before it really happens.
Chen Haoyu, a teacher at Beijing No.25 Middle School, gives young students advice on how to deal with danger.
If you are robbed
Keep calm. If you cannot cry for help or run away, give the robber your money. Try to remember what the robber looks like and tell the police later.
If you are in a traffic accident
f a car hits you, you should remember the car number. If it is a bicycle, try to call your parents before you let the rider go. This is because you don’t know how seriously you are hurt.
If it is raining hard and there is lightning
Don’t stay in high places and stay away from trees.
When there is a fire
Get away as fast as you can. Put wet things on your body and try to find an exit. Do not use the lift.
If someone is drowning(溺水)
If you can’t swim, don’t get into the water. Cry out for help.
Remember that danger is never as far away as you think. Take care of yourself at all times!
【小题1】Why do students like the self-protection lesson?
①Because there are no tests.
②Because the lesson is boring.
③Because they can learn how to save lives.
④Because they can learn to know how to stop danger before it happens.

【小题2】What will you do if a bicycle hurts you?
A.I will remember the bicycle number.
B.I won’t let the rider go until I call my parents.
C.I will let the rider go before I call my parents.
D.I will let the rider go because I know how seriously I am hurt.
【小题3】If your house is on fire, you must ________________.
A.put dry things on your body
B.run quickly and take the lift
C.run away and find an exit as quickly as you can
D.take everything you have and then run away
【小题4】There are ___________ ways of self-protection mentioned in the passage.
A.3B. 7C. 5D.6
【小题5】The best title for this passage is ____________________.
A.How to keep calmB.Self-protection
C.An usual lessonD.Danger


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

My 14th birthday is coming and I’m ready to plan my birthday party. I spent a lot of time planning my party to make it interesting. I was thinking about having a “Remember the Good Times” party. Everyone who is coming is going to graduate(毕业) soon. I thought I should put up some photos of my friends and pictures from popular television shows on the wall. The food could be the things we’ve always loved (hamburgers, ice creams and French fries). I don’t know if my idea is going to be good for my birthday party. What do you think, Miss Lee?
Hi, Maria, I love the idea of the “Remember the Good Times” party. It sounds like a graduation party. I love the idea of eating your favorite foods! It’s fun, easy and cheap! You can bring photos of your class trip to remember the places where you went. I hope you will have a wonderful birthday party! Have a wonderful 14th birthday!
【小题1】Why does Maria want to have a “Remember the Good Times” party?

A.Because she won’t have any more birthday parties.
B.Because she wants to remember her teachers and parents.
C.Because she has many popular television shows.
D.Because all her friends are going to graduate soon.
【小题2】Why does Miss Lee love the idea of the food they will eat?
A.Because they are her favorites.
B.Because they are fun and expensive.
C.Because they are cheap and easy.
D.Because they are like for a graduation party.
【小题3】Miss Lee suggests(建议) that Maria should            .
A.have a concert B.bring some photos of her class trip
C.turn on the TV D.buy more foods
【小题4】Maria has this birthday party            .
A.when she is fifteen B.after she is twelve
C.after she graduates D.before she graduates
【小题5】What is the best title for this passage?
A.Remember the Good Times B.A Graduation Party
C.My Party Plan D.An Invitation


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Does eating a good breakfast improve school study? More than 1,000 students in the city of Lawrence took part in an experiment (试验) a year ago, and the answer is YES. In the experiment, students with breakfast got high scores in their tests than those without breakfast. Among those with breakfast, fewer were late for school and much fewer missed their school. “By eating breakfast, you feel active in your morning study and keep good health,” says Amy Sampson, a famous doctor. He did the experiment for a year.
Students without breakfast may lose important nourishment (营养) in eggs, fruit, bread and so on. So try to get your kids to have breakfast so that they can feel well, keep strong and do their best in the school work.
根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正 (T) 与误 (F)。
【小题1】Over 1,000 students took part in the experiment.
【小题2】It’s good for students to have some eggs, fruit, milk, bread and so on for their breakfast.
【小题3】The passage tells us that a good breakfast will help students to get more scores.
【小题4】Amy Sampson did the experiment for two years.
【小题5】The best title for this passage may be “Breakfast or Not”.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Food or friends? Lip salve (润唇膏) or iPod? What is the most important thing in the US teenagers’ lives today? Let’s take a look.
Some find that they can’t do without people.
“My biggest need is my friends. Without them, I wouldn’t do much,” said Adrian Fernandez, a 14-year-old boy.
With others, food always comes first.
“I do not think that I could live without chili con carne (辣子肉丁). I eat it every day. And if I didn’t have it, it’s all I would think about,” said Max Wu, an 8th-grade boy.
Sometimes, the things teenagers can’t do without are strange.
Take 14-year-old girl Hannah Sacchini for example. “I cannot live without lip salve, especially in winter,” said Hannah Sacchini. “I go mad if my lips get dry.”
Of course, today everybody uses mobile phones and computers. Some teens can’t live without these high-tech (高科技的) things.
Justin Beck, a 15-year-old boy, feels like this: “I would not be able to live without my iPod. I use it for so many different things. I always have it with me,” he said.
So, now we know the things US kids really must have. What about you and your classmates? What can’t you live without?
根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。 (10分)
【小题1】To Adrian Fernandez,     is the most important.

A.a friend B.lip salve C.a computer D.chili con carne
【小题2】How often does Max Wu eat chili con carne?
A.Once a week. B.Every day.
C.Twice a day. D.Three times a week.
【小题3】Hannah Sacchini will become     if her lips get dry.
A.fat B.excited C.shy D.annoyed
【小题4】We can learn that Justin Beck     takes his iPod to school.
A.never B.sometimes C.always D.hardly ever
【小题5】The passage mainly tells us    .
A.what things the US kids really must have
B.what the US teenagers do every day at school
C.what the most important food in the US teenagers’ lives is
D.how the US teenagers’ lives are every day at school


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Now and then we all get ill. Then we usually go to see a doctor. Doctors know a lot about what makes us ill. They may give us something to take. The medicine often makes us well again.
But sometimes the doctor’s medicine doesn’t work. A sick person does not get well. The pain will not go away. This happened to one man. He was in hospital, but he was not getting well. Then he found a new “doctor” inside himself. This “doctor” was his own sense of humor(幽默感). He saw funny films. He read funny books. And something wonderful happened. Laughing took away his pain. Then he was able to sleep and rest. His own happy feeling was his best “medicine”. His doctor thought so, too.
Another man was ill, and he had a terrible pain in his back. The doctors could not stop it from hurting. So the man began to “picture” his pain. In his head he “drew” a picture of a dog. He imagined it as a real dog. And he made friends with the dog. And his pain went away!
These stories may surprise you. But more and more people are getting well in this way. So visit the “doctor” inside you and you can stay happy and well.
【小题1】Does medicine always work?
【小题2】Who is the first sick man’s new “doctor”?
【小题3】Who made the second patient well again, the doctor or the “dog” in his head?
【小题4】Why does the writer ask us to visit the “doctor” inside our head?
【小题5】What can you learn from this story?

