精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

I'm ________       duty today.

[  ]

Ain    Bat    Con    Dof


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:054


 Peter was ten years old. One day his friend Paul said to him.I'm going to    1  a birthday party on Saturday, Peter.    2  you   come?

 Peter asked his mother, and she said, Yes, you    3  .

 Before Peter went to the Party on Saturday afternoon, his mother said to him,   Now, Peter, don't forget  4  . Don't ask for food. Wait until    5   gives it to   you.

 “All right, Mum, Peter answered, and he went to Paul's house  6  his bicycle.


 There were a lot of children  7   the party. They played together for an hour, and then Paul's mother gave them some food, but she forgot to give Peter    8  . He waited politely for a few minutes, and then he held his plate up    9  and said loudly,   Does  10  want a nice clean   plate?


(1) A.       hold


B    take


C    have


D    give


[  ]


(2) A.       Can


B    May


C    Need


D    Much


[  ]


(3) A.       can come


B    can't


C    can go


D    can't go


[  ]


(4) A.       be polite


B    polite


C    to polite


D    to be polite


[  ]


(5) A.       anyone


B    someone


C    everyone


D    on one


[  ]


(6) A.       on


B    in


C    by


D    with


[  ]


(7) A.       on


B    in


C    by


D    at


[  ]


(8) A.       some


B    any


C    much


D    enough


[  ]


(9) A.       on the air


B    in the air


C    out of air


D    through the air


[  ]


(10) A.       someone


B    everyone


C    anyone


D each one


[  ]



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:054


  Mr. Black has a company(公司)in New York. His workers are building a (1) over a river near a town. He's strict with the workers and tells them to work hard and get to the building site(工地) on time. And several of them (2) because they were late.

  One summer afternoon it was very (3) outside. Mr. Black came to the building site. He got off his car and found all the workers working hard in the sun. He was happy and told to buy enough (4) for them. Suddenly he saw a young man sitting under a big tree and drinking tea there. He became (5) and came up to him. The young man didn't (6) him, keeping on sitting there.

  “How much (7) you (7) in a month, young man?

  “One thousand eight hundred dollars, sir. was the answer.

  Mr. Black (8) his secretary(秘书)and said Take him to the office and pay him two thousand dollars and let him go! I'll never see him!

  Soon after the young man (9) , a foreman(工头) came and asked, Where' the young man gone?

  “Who's he? said Mr. Black.

  “I'm sorry I don't know, Mr. Black. said the fore-man, I was told he had come to bring a (10) for me.

(1)                      [  ]











(2)                      [  ]



Atook     to a hospital


Bwere     taken to a hospital


Csent     away


Dwere     sent away


(3)                      [  ]











(4)                      [  ]











(5)                      [  ]











(6)                      [  ]



Asay     hello to


Bsay     goodbye to


Claugh     at


Dsmile     upon


(7)                      [  ]



Ado,     pay


Bdo,     lend


Care,     paid


Dare,     lent


(8)                      [  ]





Bturned     to






(9)                       [  ]









Dstood     up


(10)                      [  ]












科目:初中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:054

I'm Tom. I'm a student of a middle school. I'm glad to meet you here. First(首先)let me say __1__about my family.

There are five people in my __2__:my mother, my father, my sister, my brother and I.

My father is an __3__ worker. My mother is a teacher __4__ English. My sister is eighteen and my brother is sixteen. I'm fourteen. We __5__ are in the same school. We all study hard.

My __6__ is at West Hill. There is a big tree and some small trees around my house. The big one is a pear tree and the small ones are apple __7__, _8__ there aren't any pears or apples on them.

__9__ a photo of my house. In the photo, you can see three cats are in my house. One is white, _10__ two are black and white. We all like them very much.

1. A. anything                           B. something

C. thing                                 D. anyone

2. A. school                              B. house

C. home                                D. family

3. A. good                              B. small

C. young                               D. old

4. A. of                                 B. in

C. for                                  D. on

5. A. two                               B. five

C. three                                 D. all

6. A. bedroom                           B. house

C. room                                D. place

7. A. trees                              B. rivers

C. houses                                 D. schools

8. A. but                                B. and

C. so                                   D. or

9. A. He's                                 B. Here's

C. It's                                 D. There's

10. A. other                              B. any

C. the other                           D. some



科目:初中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:054

Lucy: Hello, Kate. Ann is ill. Let's go and see ____1____ .

Kate: ___2_____ ! Let's go. (Now they are ____3____ Ann's room. )

Lucy: Hello, Ann, are you better?

Ann: Hello. I'm ___4_____ , thank you. It's very kind of you to come and see me.

Kate: Ann, we're going to visit a factory tomorrow.

Ann: Oh, are you? Are you going by bus ___5_____ by bike?

Lucy: We're going by bike.

Kate: We're going to see ___6_____ old worker. He ___7_____ to us.

Lucy: He's going to tell ___8_____ his hard life in the old days and his happy life today.

Ann: It's a pity. I can't go.

Lucy: ___9_____ . We are going to tell you all about it.

Ann: That's OK.

Kate: Well, it's time ____10____ go now. Look after yourself(你自己).

Ann: Thanks for coming. Goodbye!

( )1. A. she        B. his               C. he               D. her

( )2. A. That's all right                 B. Right

C. All fight      D. That's right

( )3. A. on       B. in                C. at                D. to

( )4. A. very better                    B. much better

C. good            . best

( )5. A. or        B. so               C. but              D. and

( )6. A. an       B. /                C. a               D. the

( )7. A. talks                       B. going to talk

C. is going to talk          D. is talking

( )8. A. us       B. us with            C. about             D. us about

( )9. A. Thanks goodness              B. Don't worry

C. very good       D. Don't be late

( )10. A. go       B. for us to          C. for           &n?"Tx佧 Roman"; mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"'>( )3. A. herself     B. yourself           C. himself            D. itself

( )4. A. health      B. healthy           C. not ill             D. not bad

( )5. A. In        B. At                C. To               D. On

( )6. A. and        B. doing             C. with              D. does

( )7. A. Watching   B. To watches        C. Watches           D. Watch

( )8. A. exercises    B. eye exercises        C. sport             D. sports

( )9. A. day        B. week             C. month            D. year

( )10. A. helps      B. helping           C. things            D. he


bsp;    D. for us



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

“I’m really thankful to our government, for it provides us with such a good training program. The training greatly helps us live well. I will certainly study hard and learn the skills. Then I can 41] my family difficulties and do good to other people.” a learner on the job training program said, feeling 42:

The learner’s grandfather is nearly 80 years old, and his mother is 43] in bed. So his father, who is a father, is the main 44] of the family. The family is poor. The learner graduated from high school and did not 45] the college entrance exam. The job training program helps him learn the skills that he’ll 46] in the workplace.

The story reminds me of another 47: It goes like this: Once upon a time, there was a man who liked fishing very much, and was 48] to catch lots of fish every day. The man was a kind-hearted person, so he always 49] his fish with his neighbors who did not know how to fish. One day, he thought that it would be 50] if he taught them how to fish. So he 51] his neighbors tighter and showed how to fish. Everybody was very happy that they could 52] the fish they themselves caught.

At present, there are still a lot of poor people throughout the world. But it’s not good if we give only 53] to them. 54], we should give them a chance to learn new skills. Therefore, a technical training is very important to people in need, and they will learn the ability to 55] money. People can learn a lot of useful things in the training program and what learn can help them on the way to find jobs.

41:A. solve              B. change           C. study           D. find

42:A. surprised B. excited C. relaxed D. interested

43:A. ill             B. excited           C. silent            D. dangerous

44:A. problem           B. example          C. relatives          D. support

45:A. pass              B. copy            C. know               D. mind

46:A. repeat         B. forget            C. need             D. test

47:A. story              B. learner           C. family           D. program

48:A. afraid             B. lucky            C. sorry            D. able

49:A. shared         B. cooked           C. exchanged            D. weighed

50:A. easy              B. great            C. useless           D. crazy

51:A. drove             B. stopped          C. called            D. searched

52:A. feed              B. save             C. touch               D.eat

53:A. time              B. fish             C. food             D. clothing

54:A. Next              B. Instead           C. Luckily           D. Especially

55:A. pay               B. give             C. use             D. make

