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5.(106)BThe answer for most people would be yes.But where does our rubbish go?
It doesn't just sit in the rubbish bin.Every day,workers come to take the rubbish from our rubbish bins.They put it into a big truck and carry it to landfills (垃圾填埋场).At the landfill,people sort(分类)the rubbish.They recycle some,burn some and bury(埋)some of it underground.(107)DIt means that less rubbish ends up in landfills.Landfills can also be bad for the environment.
So many Chinese cities encourage everyone to sort out their rubbish before throwing it away.Put the food in one bag.Put the plastic bottles in another.And throw them in the right rubbish bins.In this way,we can help save a lot of time,money and energy for all of society.
(108)ESo they have higher recycling rates(比率).In Sweden,only 4 percent of household waste ends up in landfills every year.In Japan,people recycle nearly 50 percent of all rubbish.
There is still a lot to do when it comes to rubbish sorting in China.People in the country make about 300 million tons of rubbish every year.(109)AThe rest of it ends up in landfilols.Most of it is unsorted.The good news is that many cities are trying different ways to make things better.Beijing will start a new program to improve rubbish sorting next year.If people sort out their rubbish,they'll get WeChat bonus points.(110)G.

A.But they only recycle less than a quarter of the waste.
B.Did you throw something away today?
C.Most foreign countries do not have sorthing systems.
D.The more rubbish gets recycled,the better.
E.Many foreign countries have good sorting systems.
F.Parents should educate kids to throw away less food.
G.They can exchange the bonus points for shopping cards!

分析 这篇文章主要介绍了对人们每天制造的垃圾的处理办法,如他们回收一些,烧一些,在地下埋一些.许多国家对垃圾有良好的分类系统.北京将计划在明年提高垃圾分类.如果人们整理垃圾,他们会微信加分.兑换购物卡.

解答 答案:106.B  根据下文The answer for most people would be yes.But where does our rubbish go?大多数人的答案会是肯定的.但是我们的垃圾去哪里?可知前边应是一个一般疑问句,B选项的意思为你今天扔掉东西了吗?与下文相吻合.故选B.
107.D 根据上文They recycle some,burn some and bury(埋)some of it underground.他们回收一些,烧一些,在地下埋一些.下文It means that less rubbish ends up in landfills.这意味着更少的垃圾最终在垃圾填埋场.D选项意思为垃圾被回收得越多越好.和下文相吻合.故选D.
108.E 根据下文So they have higher recycling rates(比率).所以他们有较高的回收率.可猜测应该是对垃圾有较好的分类.故选E.
109.A 根据上文People in the country make about 300 million tons of rubbish every year.这个国家的人们每年约制造3亿吨的垃圾.下文The rest of it ends up in landfilols.剩下的都最终在垃圾填埋场.可猜测应该是但他们只有不到四分之一的废料回收.剩下的在垃圾填埋场.故选A.
110.G  根据前一句If people sort out their rubbish,they'll get WeChat bonus points.如果人们整理垃圾,他们会微信加分.可知他们可以兑换购物卡来加分!故选G.

点评 在通读全文的基础上,根据全文大意,展开逻辑思维,瞻前顾后,认真观察选项,仔细推敲,确定最佳答案.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

Excuse me,here is your pen.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

16.He goes to work by bike.(用on foot改为选择疑问句)
Does hegoto work by bikeoronfoot?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

13.My brother joined the army in 2014.Hebecame (become) a young soldier.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.He was very sorry for his mother's         .(  )


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.10million reptiles (爬行动物),such as snakes,crocodiles,tutles,are killed every year.Their skin is used to make fashion items,like handbags and shoes.
The whales are in danger because man kills them for their meat and oils.
Orangutans(猩猩) live in rainforests.They want to live in peace,but people are cutting down the trees for wood and farming.This is a big problem because the trees are the orangutan's homes.They are very difficult to find and study because they are shy animals.They are also our cousins!
There isn't enough bamboo for pandas to eat because man has cut down nearly half the bamboo forests.Research has shown that there are only about 600pandas in the wild world.Most of them live in China.
Some people take the turtle's eggs to eat.The skin of the turtle is used to make some jewelry.
In the Far East,rhinoceros'(犀牛),horns(角)are used to make medicines.They are also used to make ornaments(饰品).
There are only abuot 2500manatees in the US.They are endangered because some of the swamps have become polluted.Also,there sometimes isn't enough food for all of them.
So what you you do to protect them?
•Try not to buy jewelry made from them?
•Try to keep the planet clean and free from pollution.
•Tell other people about what you've learned.

75.任务(二)用英语回答问题.(1分)How many kings of animals are mentioned in the passage?Eight/8.
①People are cutting down the trees for wood and farming..
②Man has cut down nearly half the bamboo forests.
77.任务(四)请将文中They are also our cousins! 翻译成中文.它们还是我们的近亲呢!.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.Television has a huge influence on our lives.It is one of the most important ways of getting information.People spend part of their spare time watching television,and much of what they learn comes from it.
What we see on TV-movies,news shows,sports shows,advertisements and so on have increased our knowledge and have changed the way we learn about the world today.However,not everything on TV is true.
Most of the viewers are children.Television sometimes is like a baby-sitter.It spends more time with children than parents do.But it keeps them in the living room away from healthy outdoor activities.They spend less time playing soccer or walking in the park or playing games in the yard.
Of course,there are some programs on TV that are good for children.But there are also some shows which are bad.Children should not watch unhealthy shows.Maybe we can't change what is on TV,but we can choose what we watch.Do you agree?

56.Why is television sometimes like a baby-sitter?B
A.Because television can take care of children.
B.Because children spend more time watching TV than staying with their parents.
C.Because television spends time looking after children.
D.Because television keeps children from going out.
57.Which is not one of the good influences television has on our lives?A
A.It stops children from attending healthy outdoor activities.
B.It provides a lot of information.
C.It changes people's way of learning.
D.It increases people's knowledge.
58.We can learn from the passage thatC.
A.parents shouldn't let children watch TV
B.We should believe everything on TV.
C.we can choose TV programmes
D.parents shouldn't watch TV
59.What's the writer's attitude(态度) towards television?C
A.消极的    B.积极的    C.中立的     D.愤怒的
60.The passage is mainly aboutD.
A.children spend too much time watching TV
B.people spend their time on TV for information
C.TV programmes attract children
D.the great influence TV has on our lives.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Sometimes people call ours a"throwaway society".That means that we're always throwing away old things and buying new ones.Many times,you no longer need something,but someone else may just need to buy one.For example,if your baby doesn't like his toy car any longer,why not give it to a nearly family who has a little kid?That's one less plastic toy car that they need to buy.It's also one less plastic toy that needs to be produced,packaged and shipped to the toy store.
Here arc some other ways to help save resources (资源)for the society:
★Use the other side of the paper.
★Use rechargeable (可再充电的) batteries for your electric toys,MP3players,cell phones,and cameras.
★Choose reusable travel cups instead of disposable (一次性的) paper or plastic cups.
★Take your own cloth shopping bags when you go shopping.
★Drink tap water instead of buying bottled water.
And there are some things you can exchange with your friends,for example,books,toys,even clothes.It's a way for everyone to get something new without spending any money and without throwing many things away.

56.The underlined word"ours"in the passage refers to (指代)A.
A.our society                      B.our old things
C.our life                         D.our throwaway things
57.According to the writer,if we give a second-hand toy car to a neighbor kid,we canD.
A.buy another new one              B.help toy business develop
C.make the family very thankful to us  D.help save resources for the society
58.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?C
A.We should buy things that can be reused in our daily life.
B.We can exchange some things with others for further use.
C.It's good for us to throw away old things and buy new ones.
D.We are supposed to give the things we no longer need to our neighbors.
59.What should we do in our daily life after reading the passage?A
A.Try to throw as few old things as we can.
B.Use as many disposable things as possible.
C.Drink bottled water even though there is tap water around.
D.Buy everything we need instead of exchanging them with others.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Your home is safe place,right?Think agaia Many serious accidents happen in people's homes.
Could you please prevent these accidents?Yes.Many accidents happen because people are careless.So be careful!Here are some tips about safety.
★Don't stand on chairs.Many people may fall off chairs and hurt themselves.
★Keep the floor dry,and you won't slip(滑)or fall.
★Be away from matches.Even a cigarette(香烟)can easily start a fire.Don't use water to put out fires.Use salt instead.
★Be careful with knives!Many people cut themselves in the kitchen.Never touch the broken bottles,doors or windows.Glass can also cause the most serious cuts.
★Don't keep poisons(毒药)in the kitchen.
★Never use electrical appliances (电器设备)in the shower.Dry the floor before you use them.Or electricity can hurt you!
★Keep children away from hot water and hot drinks.They can be dangerous.But adults often forget it.
★Look through the peephole (门镜)when you hear the knock on the door.Don't let strangers in.
In a word,we should learn to protect ourselves and stay away from danger.

71.Why do many accidents happen in people's homes?Because people are careless.
72.Is it right or wrong for us to put poisons in the kitchen?It is wrong.
73.How to use electrical appliances?Don't use them in the shower.
74.What should you do when a stranger knocks at your door?Don't let her/him in
75.How many tips about safety does the article tell us?Eight.

