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Scotland lies in the northern part of Britain, with England in the south, the North Sea in the east and the Atlantic Ocean in the west.The country is made up of(由……组成)the mainland and many islands.Tourists come to Scotland from all over the world.The capital of Scotland, Edinburgh, is a popular tourist center.Tourists also come to see Scotland’s beautiful scenery:the Loch Ness Lake, and the Gramplians Mountains, with their highest peak, Ben Nevis(1343m).The most important river in Scotland is the Clyde, which runs through Glasgow.Although Scotland is part of the United Kingdom, it has its own currency(货币), a separate educational and legal system(制度)and its own parliament.


6.Does Scotland lie in the south of England?


7.Can we that Scotland is between the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean?


8.Is Scotland a country next to the United Kingdom?


9.Where do the tourists to Scotland come from?


10.From this passage, how do you know the United Kingdom has more than one type of currency?




  6.Does Scotland lie in the south of England?

  No, it doesn’t.

  7.Can we that Scotland is between the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean?

  Yes, we can./Yes, you can./Yes, it is./Yes, of course.

  8.Is Scotland a country next to the United Kingdom?

  No, it isn’t.

  9.Where do the tourists to Scotland come from?

  They come from all over the world./They are from all over the world.

  10.From this passage, how do you know the United Kingdom has more than one type of currency?

  Because Scotland is part of the United Kingdom, but it has its own currency.

  Although it is part of the United Kingdom, Scotland has its own currency.

  Because Scotland has its own currency./Scotland has its own currency.


科目:初中英语 来源:2006-2007学年度第一学期初三年级期中考试英语科试卷 题型:050


Which of your hands do you use most?Very few of us both use both of our hands well.Most of us are right-handed.Only about five people out of a hundred are left-handed.New-born babies can take things with either of their hands, but in about two years they like to use their right hands.Scientists don’t know why this happens.They have studied it.They think our animal ancestors(祖先)were right-handed, but this may not be true.Monkeys are our closest relations in the animal world.Scientists have found that monkeys like to use one of their hands more than the other.But it can be either hand.Next time you visit the zoo, watch the monkeys carefully.You’ll see that some of them will swing with their right hands and others will use their left hands.But most human-beings use their right hands better, and most things are designed for the right-handed people.This makes life difficult for the left-handed ones.


Very few of us use both of our hands well.It means ________ use one hand as well as the other.

[  ]


most of us can’t


none of us


many people can


each of us can


New-born babies ________ well at first.

[  ]


can only use their right hands


can only use their left hands


can use both of their hands


can’t use either of their hands


Which of the following is TRUE?

[  ]


Monkeys are all left-handed


Monkeys are all right-handed


Some monkeys are right-handed, some are left-handed


Monkeys using right hands are most than those using left hands


Left-handed people are difficult in life because ________.

[  ]


they can’t use their right hands at all


most things are designed for the right-handed people


they can’t use both of their hands


they are not cleverer than right-handed people


“Human being” in the passage means ________.

[  ]








科目:初中英语 来源:湖北省荆门市2010年初中毕业生学业考试英语试卷 题型:050


Below are some suggestions given by the English children posted on the website about how to help Africa.Which one do you think is the best?


Which two children share the similar opinion?

[  ]


Mary and Rebecca.


Bethany and Mary.


Rebecca and Bethany.


Rebecca and Robert.


Who pays more attention to Africans' health care?

[  ]










What does Rebecca mean by saying“We need to help people to help themselves”?

[  ]


We should help the teachers in Africa to improve their teaching ways.


We should help people in Africa how to build a good government.


We should help the African people develop skills to make a living.


We should help the African people build more schools.


What is Mary's opinion?

[  ]


Everyone should do what we can to help the African people.


It is not good for people to give so much money to the African people.


It is very important to have a good government.


We can send more teachers there to help the African people.


Where are these suggestions posted?

[  ]


In the textbook.


On the website.


In the guidebook.


In the magazine.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011年四川省广安中考英语试题 题型:050


  We use the Internet for many things:business, shopping, writing letters, talking to people, finding information and so on.In recent years a new kind of English has grown on the Internet.There's no real word for it yet, so we'll call it e-talk.People don't like typing too much.To save time, they turn phrases into a few letters called acronyms.Acronyms are often used in chat rooms.Some of them are.

  BTW(by the way)BRB(be right back)

  LOL(laughing out loud)IMO(in my opinion)

  People also use many abbreviations(缩写), They are shortened forms of words.Some common abbreviations are:



  We usually don't see people when we communicate(交流)on the Net, so people have new ways to show feelings.Most people use their keywords to draw “feeling”.such as:

  ∶-)(happy) ∶-p(joking) ∶-((sad) ∶-0(surprised)

  These days, many forums(论坛)have picture feelings.For example,

  There are even whole new words, like” newbie's”(someone who is new on a chat board or forum).

  It takes time for people to get used to(适应)e-talk.Also, different groups on the Net have their own special ways of communicating.Newbie's have to ask other people what they mean.As the Internets grows, e-talk will continue to grow and change.


What does the underline “acronyms” mean?

[  ]








Why do people type acronyms?

[  ]


to show their feelings.


Because people can type them quickly.


In this way newbie's won't understand them.


What does BTW, my purer is not working well.∶-(mean?

[  ]


The person is angry at somebody.


The person is happy about getting a new computer.


The person is sad that his computer is having problems.


E-talk wills probably ________.

[  ]


keep changing.


be easy by people on the telephone


be used by people on the telephone


What's the best title for this passage?

[  ]


E-talk language


Picture Feelings


How to Use Abbreviations


科目:初中英语 来源:2008年江苏省宿迁市初中毕业升学统一考试、英语试卷 题型:051


  When we compare ourselves with great people, we may feel very ordinary(平凡的)and unimportantHowever, we must remember that those great people were extraordinary(卓越的)The world has more than 6 billion people, so it is difficult for all of us to be extraordinaryWhat can we do?We can try to be the best people that we can possibly be

  ①think this means that we need to be honest and hard-workingWe also need to be open-minded and kind to other peopleMost importantly, we need to be ambitious(有雄心的)We need to always set goals for ourselves and work hard to achieve these goals

  Madam Curie and Thomas Edison were hard-working, kind and ambitious, and they worked hard to achieve their goalsCurie gave her life toease(减轻)human suffering”.Edison spent his life as an inventorHe invented a camera that showed movementLater people used cameras to make modem films

  A famous writer from Ireland once wrote,We are all in the gutter(社会底层)but some of us are looking at the stars”②I often come up with this when I am unable to achieve somethingIt reminds me that we are all at a lower level and that we all have a higher goal to work towardsIt makes me try to be the best person that I can possibly be

1Is it difficult for all of us to be extraordinary according to the passage?

2What did people use cameras to do later?

3What is the best tide of this passage?(within ten English words)


科目:初中英语 来源:2007年湖南省怀化市初中毕业学业考试英语试题 题型:051


  Once upon a time, there was an island.All the feelings lived there such as Happiness, Sadness, and Love.One day the feelings heard that the island would sink(下沉).They all repaired their boats and left except Love.Love wanted to stay until the last possible moment.Just as the island began to sink, Love decided to ask for help.

  Miserliness(吝啬)was passing by Love in a big boat.Love said:“Miserliness, can you take me with you?”Miserliness answered:“No, I can’t.There are a lot of silver(银子)in my boat.There is no place for you here.”

  Love decided to ask Vanity(虚荣)who was also passing by in a beautiful bo at.“Vanity, please help me!”“I can’t help you, Love.You are all wet.You’ll make my boat dirty,”Vanity said.

  Sadness was close by, so Love asked for help,“Sadness, let me go with you.”“Oh…Love, I am so sad that I need to be alone by myself!”

  Happiness passed by Love too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear Love call her.

  Suddenly, there was a voice,“Love, I will take you.”It was an old woman.Love felt so lucky that he even forgot to ask for her name.When they got to dry land, the old woman went away.Love asked Knowledge, another old woman,“Who helped me?”

  “It was Time”, Knowledge answered.

  “Time?”asked Love.“But why did Time help me?”

  Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom(智慧)and answered,“Because only Time can understand how great Love is.”

1.Where did the feelings live?

2.What was there in Miserliness’s big boat?

3.How many feelings did Love ask for help?

4.All the feelings refused to take Love with them, didn’t they?

5.Why did Time help Love?


科目:初中英语 来源:2007年山西省太原市初中学业考试英语试卷(附答案) 题型:051


  Grownups are always telling kids what to do. Do you listen to them7 Usually they know what is best for you, but sometimes they can be wrong.

  So, many countries have a special law(法律)to keep people under 18 safe.

How the law works

  Teachers can punish bad students, but they cannot just do anything they 1ike.If a teacher tries to kick(踢)you out of class, you can go to the headmaster and tell him you have the right to stay in school.

  School buildings and playgrounds must also be safe for children.If the things you use in P.E.class are unsafe, the law says the school must fix them or get new ones.

  Do you know anyone who can’t go to school because their parents aren’t willing to pay for.it? This is also against the law, which says Parents must have their kids in school.

  Kids have a right to privacy(隐私)under the law, which says parents and teachers cannot read children’s own letters.

  The law also protects children’s health.It says there should be no smoking in schools and other places where many teenagers go.

  Have you ever wondered why tickets for parks and museums are cheaper for students? It’s also because of the law. It says that kids need to have lots of chances to learn.

1.Who can you get help from when your teacher tries to kick you out of class?

2.What can you do if the things you use in P.E.class are unsafe ?

3.Is it right if your parents don’t pay for your schooling?

4.Why are the tickets for parks and museums cheaper for students according to the law?

5.What’s the purpose of making this special law?


科目:初中英语 来源:北京市朝阳区2008年初三二模英语试卷 题型:051


  In late April, 33-year-old Li Yang climbed into her new car, Suzuki Alto and headed west.She“just kept going to see how far I could get by myself.”Six days and 2,575 kilometers later, she arrived in Lhasa, the Tibetan capital.Happy and tired, she wrote an article and put it on the Internet after she had a good sleep, talking about her travel experience to Lhasa with photos.

  As people become richer and richer, new car prices are falling down quickly, and the government builds new ways, many Chinese people think it is enjoyable to have their own cars instead of bicycles.The large number of cars has started a new cultural revolution(革命), changing the life and society just like what happened in America 50 years ago.

  In Shanghai, more and more cars have appeared on the roads since 2002.At rush hour, a taxi ride from one side of Huangpu River to the other can take more than an hour.Although the government has done a lot to make the traffic condition better and prevent more traffic accidents from happening, the number of cars on the roads is multiplying(成倍的增加).

  Private cars have brought about a new class of society, who drive to their offices from large, modern homes in the suburbs(郊区).“I enjoy the drive,”says a big company manager, of the 30-minute-trip to his office in the centre of Shanghai.“I know the cost of driving is much higher than travel by bus,”he said.“But this way, I feel more comfortable and it is much faster.”

1.Did Li Yang go to Lhasa by herself?


2.What did Li Yang talk about in her article?


3.Who think it is enjoyable to have their own cars according to the passage?


4.What is the traffic like in Shanghai now?


5.What are the disadvantages(缺点)of driving cars in Shanghai?



科目:初中英语 来源:题网八年级上英语译林版 译林版 题型:051


1.How many kinds of animals does the writer introduce to us?


2.How much does Mr Smith have to pay if he visits the zoo with his son of three?


3.When can we visit the zoo on Friday?


4.What must we do in the zoo?


5.Are the giraffes tall or short?


