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If your friend said          about you,you could keep silent.

A.something bad                      B.bad something                      C.good something


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Something is wrong with his ears.He can’t _______anything.

A.hear             B.see               C.watch               D.touch


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


A:Linda,do you like your job?

B.1.__________I think teaching is a lot of fun.


B:I feel happy when the students do better jobs.

A:Anything else?

B:3_____________They make me feel younger.

A:That’s amazing!4.______________

B:No,not at all.


Do you feel bored sometimes?

You’re really a good student.

Yon are really a good teacher.

Why not?

The students are full of energy.

No,I don’t.

What fun?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:









do well in the exams

like to help others


do more sports


Dear ZhangXu,

  You’re one of my favorite students.In my eyes,____________________________________



Mrs. Guo


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


    In many big cities in the world,the overuse of cars is thought to be one of the major causes of air pollution.What will cars be l 1  in the future?

    Some experts think that today’s cars are in trouble b  2  they use too much petrol(汽油).They say the car of the future will be much,much smaller.The car of tomorrow will be m3    without a motor or air conditioning.It’ll have no radio and no lights.Tomorrow’s car will be an  o  4  air car with no doors or windows.It needn’t have a pollution control system because it  w  5   use petrol.In fact,this new car will be pushed by the driver’s feet.Very few people will be killed in accidents,because the top s  6   will be five miles per hour.However,we are also warned not to ask for pretty c 7   ,because the ears will come in grey only.

    Other car experts do not hold the same idea.They are s  8   that the future will be happier.They think that all our problems will soon be solved by car companies with the production of the Supercar.Tomorrow’s car will be bigger,faster,and more comfortable than    b  9   .The Supercar will have four rooms,TVs,running water,heat,air conditioning,and maybe a swimming pool.Large families will travel on l  10  trips comfortably.If petrol is in short supply(供应),the Supercar will run on water.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

         he is ill,         he goes to school.

A.Although; but         B.Because; so            C.Although; /         D.Because; /


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

On the first day of class,Smith's foreign students fill in forms and give the information about themselves.

Name:Claude    Country:Germany(德国)

Native Language(本族语):German

Time in the USA:9 months

Family:I live with my parents.

Work:I used to be an art teacher in Germany.But now I'm working in a company.

Interests:I love painting.I like music,too.

Name:Li Ming     Country:China

Native Language:Chinese

Time in the USA:2 years

Family:I have one son.He is studying in China.My wife is an English teacher.

Work:I was a math teacher,but now I'm a cook.

Interests:I like cooking.I also like sports,such ads basketball,table tennis and so on.

Name:Carolina       Country:Russia

Native Language:Russian

Time in the USA:4 years

Family:I live with my husband and 2 children.

Work:I was a basketball player,but now I'm a teacher.

Interests:I love sports.I like traveling.

Name:Kalumi      Country:Japan

Native Language:Japanese

Time in the USA:3 months

Family:My family,my parents and 4 brothers and sisters,all live in Japan.I'm here by myself.

Work:I worked as a nurse in my country.Now I'm a shop assistant.

Interests:I like such activities as reading,drawing and watching TV.

1.         has lived in America for the longest time among the four persons.

A.Kalumi                               B.Carolina                             C.Claude

2.         used to be teachers in their own countries.

A.Li Ming anti Claude                B.Li Ming anti Carolina              C.Kalumi and Claude

3.Of the four persons,         has a big family.

A.Claude                               B.Carolina                             C.Kalumi

4.         like sports.

A.Claude and Li Ming                B.Carolina anti Kalumi

C.Li Ming and Carolina

5.These persons will         together.

A.draw pictures                      B.study in the same class                C.teach English


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

He could hardly believe her words,         ?

A.did he                                B.couldn't he                         C.could he


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

--Where is my umbrella? Must I take it with me,Mum?

--It's fine today.You          take it with you.

A.can't                                  B.needn't                               C.mustn't

