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On my school trip,our class went to Beidaihe Beach, Hebei p1    . It is not f2     from

Beijing. First, we t3     a bus to Beijing Railway Station. From there, we took a train to Beidaihe. Beidaihe is a very good place for v4     . We v5     the aquarium. It is in the c6    of the city. We saw seals, sharks, octopuses, and dolphins, too. And all kinds of fishes!I love swimming. Some of us s7    in the sea. It was great!The beach is clean and it is comfortable walking on the sand. We s8     there for3 days. The people there are f9     . And traveling there is not too e10 .

1.        2.         3.         4.         5.       

6.        7.         8.         9.         10.       

1. province 2. far 3. took 4. vacation 5. visited

 6. center/centre 7. swam 8. stayed 9. friendly 10. expensive

题目来源:初中英语丢分题每周一练七年级下册 > 能力训练21


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

It's a fine Sunday morning. There are m 1    children in the park. They are p 2    happily. Some are playing g 3    under a big tree. Some girls are s 4    and dancing. Some b 5    are running up the hill. Wang Hui is sitting n 6    the lake. He's reading a storybook. W 7    is Li Lei? He's standing over t 8    . What is Jim doing? He's r 9    after a nice butterfly(蝴蝶) .He w 10    to catch it.

1.        2.         3.        4.         5.       

6.        7.         8.        9.         10.       


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Dear Pen Pal,

My name is Robert. I am fourteen years old. I,m s 1    ,and I have a m 2    build. I have short c 3     brown hair. I don't wear glasses. I usually wear T-shirts and j 4    .

I want to be a m 5    when I grow up. I want to play the d 6    in a rock band. Can you play any instrument? My favorite rock singer is Bad Boy. He is very p 7   Do you know him? I like his music very much. He also p 8    the guitar and dances very well. He's tall and very thin. He has a black b 9    . He sometimes wears funny glasses. He often wears T-shirts and jeans, too. Who is your favorite singer?

What do you look like? Are you tall? Is your hair long or short? Do you wear glasses? Write soon and tell me about y 10   


1.         2.         3.         4.         5   

6.         7.         8.         9.         10   


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Hi!My name is Ken. I am thirteen years 1    . I'm too short and too fat,so I need to lose 2    . Every morning, I have yogurt and one apple. I have rice,beef,and oranges for lunch and dinner. Besides (此外) ,I swim 3    half an hour every evening. I must keep fit(保持健康) ,4    I like my dad's job. I want to be a 5   player. My dad is quick and makes good shots(投篮《艮准) .He has long arms and long legs. His hair is short and his eyes 6    big. My dad has a basketball game 7    seven o'clock this evening!I will go to 8    the game. Oh,it's six o'clock now. I can't talk to you 9   ,I have to go out 10    dinner. Bye!

(   ) 1.A. old   B. young   C. short   D. tall

(   ) 2.A. tall   B. weight   C. keys   D. face

(   ) 3.A. as   B. for   C. to   D. at

(   ) 4.A. so   B. because   C. or   D. but

(   ) 5.A. tennis   B.guitar   C. piano   D. basketball

(   ) 6.A. are   B. is   C. am   D. was

(   ) 7.A. in   B. on   C. at   D. of

(   ) 8.A. look   B. listen to   C. miss   D. watch

(   ) 9.A. usual   B. any more   C. any long   D. some

(   ) 10.A. to   B. have   C. for   D. make


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Ayers Rock is right in the center ofAustralia. It's nearly two thousand kilometers away1    Sydney, so we flew most of the way. It was very cloudy2    . But after we left the mountains behind us,there was hardly a cloud in the sky. Most of the land below3    sand,though Dad told me it was greener than you think. "There are a lot of sheep down there",he said, "but there are4    people living there!" Ayers Rock is a large, low mountain. The day after we arrived,we got up early in the morning before the sun5     We started climbing up before it was light. It got too hot for climbing later. Lower down,6    Ayers Rock,most of the ground is covered with forest and grass, and there are even7    small rivers. But when you climb higher,you will find nothing grows there at all. We didn't reach the top8    it was too hot.9    is sand. In the evening, when the sun goes down,the sand is almost red. The sky is red too,so it is very beautiful.10    we only stayed there for a few days,we had a great time.

(   ) 1.A. near   B. from   C. away   D. for

(   ) 2.A. at first   B. at last   C. first   D. in the end

(   ) 3.A. looked   B. looked as   C. looked like   D. liked

(   ) 4.A. almost some   B. almost many   C. nearly much   D. hardly any

(   ) 5.A. rose   B. rises   C. risen   D. was rising

(   ) 6.A. at the top of   B. on the top of

   C.at the foot of   D. on the foot of

(   ) 7.A. a little   B. few   C. a few   D.little

(   ) 8.A. so   B. and yet   C. though   D. because

(   ) 9.A. Around all it   B. All around it

   C.It around all   D. All it around

(   ) 10.A. Since   B. For   C. As   D. Though


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

You want to know about life in the past. Right? I can tell you. When I was a boy,things were different. I had to get up at six every morning. That was not very bad in summer, but in winter it was cold. And we didn't have any hot water in the house. We had to wash in cold water. We didn't have a bathroom(浴室) .My dad had some chickens. I had to feed them every morning and then I had to walk to school with my little sister. It was about two miles to school and about two miles back in the evening. But it always seemed longer in the morning when we were going to school. There was a bus,but we didn't have any money. And we had to go to bed at eleven o'clock every night because I had too much homework and housework to do. We couldn't watch TV because there wasn't any. On Sundays we had to go to church(教堂) three times―morning, afternoon and evening. And we couldn't play outside on Sundays. But it wasn't all bad. We had some good times(时光) .We could go out and our parents didn't have to worry about us. There weren't so many cars on the roads then,so the streets were safe to play in. And there were not many robbers and thieves in those days. We had to work hard and we weren't able to buy all those things in the shops today. Life was hard,but it was simple(单纯的) and people were happier. I don't think I'd like to be young today.

(   ) 1. The writer usually went to bed        every night.

   A. at six   B. at eight   C. at nine   D. at eleven

(   ) 2. The writer walked about        every day.

   A. two miles   B. three miles   C. four miles   D. five miles

(   ) 3. Every morning the writer had to feed        .

   A. his little sister   B. his lovely dog

   C.  his chickens   D. his father's chickens

(   ) 4. The writer had a        but        family.

   A. rich;happy   B. poor;happy

   C.  hard;poor   D. rich;hard

(   ) 5. Which of the following is NOT true?

   A.The writer had a little sister.

   B.The writer and his sister never had any good times.

   C.Life in the writer's family was hard,simple but happy.

   D.The writer had a very poor childhood.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

One night, Mr and Mrs Black went to a restaurant for dinner. There were many people in the street. Mr Black couldn't find a place to park(停放) their car. Finally, he came to a bus stop. He parked their car at the end of the bus stop. There was still room for a bus.

Mr and Mrs Black went to the restaurant. They had a wonderful dinner. Two hours later, they left the restaurant. They walked arm in arm along the street to their car. But their car wasn't there!

"Did I park our car here?" Mr Black asked.

"Yes," Mrs Black said.

"But where is it?" asked Mr Black. He was very worried.

"It must have been stolen(偷) ”,Mrs Black said in a low voice.

But it hadn't been stolen. Do you know what had happened to the Blacks'car?


(   ) 1) Why couldn't Mr Black find a place to park their car?

   A.He didn't know the way.

   B.There were many people in the street.

   C.He didn't bring his glasses.

   D.We have no idea.

(   ) 2) Where did he finally(最后) park his car?

   A. In front of the restaurant.   B. Next to the restaurant.

   C.  Near the shop.   D. At the end of the bus stop.

(   ) 3) How long did they stay at the restaurant?

   A. For half an hour.   B. For one hour.

   C.  For two hours.   D. For three hours.

(   ) 4) How did they walk along the street?

   A. They walked really fast.   B. They walked with books in arms.

   C.  They walked arm in arm.   D. They walked in a hurry.

(   ) 5) How did Mr Black feel when he saw the car was missing?

   A. He was angry.   B. He was not worried.

   C.He forgot their car.   D. He was worried.


1) Why did Mr and Mrs Black go out?

2) Were there any people in the street?

3) Was it easy or difficult to find a place to park their car?

4) Where did Mr Black park their car?

5) Do you know what had happened to the Blacks' car?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

6.She's been studying French and Japanese       (late) .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 2. ―Hi,Lucy!Do you have any difficulty in Chinese?

―Yes, but I try to make myself.

   A.to speak;understood


   C.to speak;to understand


