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11.-Is your key in the bag,Lisa?
-No.It's on the chair.Let me __________ it.(  )

分析 --丽莎,你的钥匙在包里吗?--不.它在椅子上.让我帮你拿来.

解答 答案:B.考查动词词义辨析.句意"--丽莎,你的钥匙在包里吗?--不.它在椅子上.让我帮你拿来."have有;get拿、取;spell拼写;meet遇见.根据题干Is your key in the bag,Lisa?-No.It's on the chair.丽莎,你的钥匙在包里吗?--不.它在椅子上.可知是让我帮你拿来.故选B.

点评 理解各个选项的含义,分析句子结构,根据具体内容作答.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Many animals do strange things before an earthquake.This news may be important.Earthquakes can knock down homes and kill people.Animals may help to save lives.
Some animals make a lot of noises before an earthquake.Farmers have told about this.Dogs that are usually quiet start to howl (吠).Horses on farms run around in circles.Mice leave their holes and run away.Cows give less milk.
In a town in Italy,cats raced down the street in a group.That happened only a few hours before an earthquake.In San Francisco,a man kept tiny pet frogs.One Sunday,the frogs jumped around more than ever.They made loud noises,like bigger frogs.That night,an earthquake struck the city.

41.This story is mostly aboutA.
A.how animals act before an earthquake
B.how an earthquake starts
C.how mice leave their homes
D.when an earthquake begins
42.What does the underlined word"struck"in the third paragraph probably mean?B
B.Took place in.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

2.Bob was very happy,because it was histwelfth(twelve) birthday.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

19.I borrow this book two days ago.(同义句)
Ihavekeptthis book for two days.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:句型转换

6.I′d like some dumplings.( 画线部分提问)


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

16.Helen's schoolbag isblack.(对划线部分提问)
Whatcolor is Helen's schoolbag?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.Bicycles in China
Bicycles are very popular in China.In our country you can see bicycles almost everywhere.When you walk on the road,you will find a lot of people riding bicycles to school,shops and anywhere else.Therefore(因此),China is known as"the kindom of bicycels".In China,many families have one or two bicycles.
Compared(与…比) with cars,bicycles have many advantages.First,they are much cheaper than cars.Most Chinese can't afford cars,but they can afford bicycles.Second,bicycles are small enough to park anywhere,while cars need a larger piece of land to park.What's more,with lower speed,bicycles are safer than cars.
However,bicycles also bring some problems.Some riders don't obey the traffic rules and some riders don't think about others'safety.So they ride too fast.During rush hours,too many bicycles may cause traffic jams.We still have a long way to go to solve the problem.
56.Where can you see bicycles in China?D
A.In the big city.
B.In the town.
C.In the country.
D.Almost everywhere.
57."The kingdom of bicycles"here is sayingA.
A.China has a large number of bicycles
B.China makes bicycles
C.bicycles are a kingdom
D.only China has bicycles
58.Which of the following is NOT an advantage of bicycles?C
A.Bicycles are much cheaper than cars.
B.Bicycles are easy to park.
C.Bicycles are more beautiful than cars.
D.Bicycles are safer than cars.
59.What problems can bicycles bring?D
A.Bicycles are more and more expensive.
B.Riding bicycles is more dangerous than driving cars.
C.There are no places for so many bicycles.
D.Too many bicycles may cause traffic jams.
60.What does the last sentence mean?D
A.We should drive cars instead of riding bicycles.
B.It's too far to ride bicycles.
C.Bicycles are safe enough.
D.We still need to do much to solve the problem.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.New rules and behaviour standards(行为规范) for middle school students came out(颁布) in March.Middle schools are going to use a new way to decide who the top students are.The best students won't only have high marks.The following are some of the new rules.?
Tell the truth.Have you ever cheated(作弊) in an exam?Don't do it again!That's not something honest students should do.
Do more at school.Good students love animals and care for other people.April is?Bird?loving?Month in China.Is your school doing anything to celebrate it?You should join!In that way,you can learn more about animals and how to protect(保护) them.?
Be open to new ideas.Have you ever thought people could live on the moon?Maybe you'll find another earth in space in the future.Everyone's new ideas are important.?
Protect yourself.Has a thief ever taken money from one of your classmates?Don't let it happen to you.If you have to go back home late,you should let your parents know.?
Use the Internet carefully.The Internet can be very useful for your study.But some things on the Internet aren't for kids,so try to look at the good web pages(网页).You can use the web pages for fun or homework.
36.What should the best students do in an exam?They should not cheat.
37.What should you do if you have to go back home late?We should let our parents know.
38.What can the children use the good web pages for?For fun or homework.
39.When did the new rules come out?In March.
40.Which new idea do you think may come true?People could live on the moon in the future..


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Internet is educational.Many people think children should be allowed to surf the Internet as they wish.In this way,they can look through different subjects on different kinds websites according to their own interest.But in my opinion,children should always be watched while surfing the Internet.
Many websites have information and pictures that children should not see.There are many things that children don't understand.All of these may have some bad influence on children's development.Also,it is more dangerous to let children use rooms by themselves.Many parents tell their children not to talk strangers on the street,so they should be careful of whom their children talk to on the Internet,too.What's more,sitting in front of a computer for a long time isn't good for children's eyes,so parents should monitor(监视) the time that children spend on the Internet.
In a word,children should be kept away from anything that could be bad for them.I strongly believe that it is necessary for parents to watch their children when they use the Internet.
66.Is the Internet educational all the time?No,it isn't.
67.What do parents tell children to do when they meet strangers on the street?The parents tell their children not to talk to strangers on the street
68.Why shouldn't children sit in front of a computer for a long time?Becaue it isn't good for children's eyes.
69.Who can help children stay away from the bad influence on the Internet?Their parents.
70.What does the writer want to tell us in the passage?The writer wants to tell us it is necessary for parents to watch their children when they use the Internet..

