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The first lady of America Michelle Obama visited China not long ago. During her trip, she went to Chengdu No.7 High School. She gave the students a wonderful speech(演讲) to tell them about her own experience. She said she was born in a common(普通的) family. There were four people in her family and they lived in a small house. Her father was a worker and didn’t make much money, but the little home was filled with love. They took care of each other and liked to share their stories during dinner time. Although her parents were only at high school education level, they still sent both Michelle and her brother to universities. Life at that time was not easy for them, especially for her father because he was ill. No matter how tired he was or how much pain he got, Michelle’s father hardly ever missed a day of work in order to give a better life to his two children. Every day, like so many of us, Michelle felt the weight of her parents’ hope on her shoulders. She wanted to make them proud, but it wasn’t easy. Whenever she got tired, she would just think about how hard her parents were working for her. And she always remembered what her mother said, “A good education is something that no one can take away from you.”

1.Michelle Obama gave the speech at a High School in ______.

A. Beijing B. Chengdu

C. the UK D. the USA

2.In Michelle’s family, ______ went to university.

A. only Michelle

B. only Michelle’s brother

C. both Michelle’s father and mother

D. both Michelle and her brother

3.Michelle’s father worked really hard because ______.

A. he never felt tired

B. he wanted to go to university

C. he didn’t want to miss a day of work

D. he wanted to give a better life to his children

4.From the passage, we have learned that ______.

A. Michelle always lives in a big house

B. Michelle was born in a rich family

C. a family with love is important for children

D. a better life is quite important for children


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年安徽淮南潘集区八年级下期中质检英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Could you tell me the way to the nearest KFC? —Sorry, I don’t know, _______.

A.too B.also C.yet D.either


科目:初中英语 来源:2015年江苏南京市秦淮区中考一模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Winston Churchill was born on 30 November 1874, in Blenheim Palace near Oxford. He was Britain’s prime minister for most of World War II. He was famous for his speeches. He never gave up even when things were going badly. People all over the world remember Churchill as a war leader. He loved history and in his life he made history.

Wars and adventures

In order to be a soldier in the cavalry (装甲部队), Winston went to the army college at Sandhurst in 1893. 1895 was a sad year. His father died. Winston went to America and Cuba. He started writing for newspapers about his adventures (冒险经历). In 1898, he went as a newspaper reporter to South Africa. He came home as a hero. In 1900, he was chosen as a member of Parliament (议会). In 1911 he became the chief leader of the Royal Navy. At this time, Britain had the world’s biggest navy.

In 1914, World War I began. But in 1915 his plan for an attack on Turkey went badly wrong. Churchill himself decided to fight in France as a soldier.

By 1917 he was back in the government. He was excited by the new tanks. Tanks helped win the war by 1918.

World War II began in 1939. In May 1940, Winston Churchill became the British prime minister. Churchill used radio to tell the world Britain was not beaten. His speeches helped keep up people’s spirits. “We shall never give up,” he once said. Churchill led his people through the fight of Britain and the Blitz. Everywhere he went he gave the “V for Victory” sign. The war in Europe was over in May 1945. People cheered Churchill. He stood with the King and Queen.

Churchill’s last years

Churchill kept busy. He wrote books and made speeches. He went back to 10 Downing Street as a prime minister. At that time he was 76.

In 1953, Churchill was given the Nobel Prize for Literature, for his history books.

Churchill passed away on 24 January 1965. Many world leaders came to his state funeral (葬礼). People lined the streets and lots of them couldn’t stop crying. Many famous British people are buried in Westminster Abbey or St Paul’s Cathedral. But Churchill’s grave (坟墓) is in a country churchyard near Oxford.

Winston Churchill —— a great British prime minister

General introduction

● One of the most famous people in Britain.

● Be 1. by people around the world as a war leader.

Wars and adventures


● In 1893, he studied at an army college because he2. to be a solider in the cavalry.

● In 1895, he began to write articles for 3. after his father’s death.

● In 1911, he was the leader of the world’s biggest navy.

During the World War I

● His plan to attack Turkey 4. .

● Later he became a solider to fight in France.

● He led his country through the war because of 5.new tanks.

During the World War II

● In 1940, he became a prime minister.

● He made speeches to 6. people not to give up.

● The war in Europe 7. in 1945 and he was cheered by people as a hero in the country.


8. years

● He still kept busy and 9. to 10 Downing Street as a prime minister at 76.

● At the age of ninety-one, he passed away and left his people great10. .


科目:初中英语 来源:2015年江苏南京市秦淮区中考一模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—I think using Wechat every night is a waste of time.

—Yes. In fact, there are ______ meaningful things to do.

A. less B. more

C. the least D. the most


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年重庆第七十一中学校九年级3月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:句型转换



1. Jenny has already washed her clothes.(改为否定句)

Jenny ____________ washed her clothes ____________.

2.They will go to a concert the day after tomorrow. (对划线部分提问)

____________ ____________ they go to a concert?

3. It took him an hour to write a letter in English yesterday.(改为同义句)

He ____________ an hour ____________ a letter in English yesterday.


Please ____________ ____________ the lights when you leave the classroom.


Wu Jia said, “We haven’t Ma Kai for a long time.”


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年重庆第七十一中学校九年级3月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

-Could you please help me ______ when the plane will take off?

-With pleasure.

A. look up B. send up

C. take out D. find out


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年重庆第七十一中学校九年级3月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

He still went to school on time ______ it rained heavily.

A. because B. so C. though D. But


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年上海市松江区中考二模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

---A: Sorry, I didn’t return your book on time.

---B: _______.

A. I agree with you. B. It doesn’t matter.

C. You’re welcome. D. That’s a good idea.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东泰安市九年级阶段性评估英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


某英语报开展“How to Deal with the Exam Stress”征文比赛,请你根据图片和表格中提示的内容,简要描述并适当发表自己的观点,写一篇英语短文。



(proper stress)




(too much stress)





…… (至少2条)

How to Deal with the Exam Stress

Everyone may have the exam stress. A little bit of stress can be a good thing to us.

