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小题1:She looks much _______ (health)than she used to be because she takes exercise every day.
小题2:Our English teacher has offered us some useful _______________ (suggest). I think they will help us a lot in our English study.
小题3:Please tell me the           (lady) telephone numbers, I want to interview them.
小题4:You can see the _______( happy) on her face because she can't find her lovely dog.


小题1:此题考查固定句型结构look +adj表示看起来怎样,根据语境可知要选用比较级。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Sam is a very good man. He always tries __________ best to help others.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:The book isn't mine. It belongs to ________ (he).
小题2:Everyone should treat the disabled with __________ (kind).
小题3:The people in London are busy preparing for the __________ (thirty) Olympic Games.
小题4:All the teachers devote most of their time to ____________ (educate) the children.
小题5:It’s the _______________(meaning) experience I have ever had. I’ll never forget it.
小题6:All of them dress up in new clothes on ___________ (child) Day.
小题7:His sudden _______ (die) made his friends very sad.
小题8:It's ________ (correct) to hunt or fish in nature reserves.
小题9:The students have no choice but _____________ (do) the endless homework every day.
小题10:I’m _______ (true) sorry about it. I won’t do it again.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

--Peter, is this your pen?
--Yes, it' s __. Many thanks. I looked for it everywhere.
A. mine                   B. me                  C. I


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Japanese people often ask people what blood group they are. This is b  1    they believe that a person’s blood group says a lot about their character and personality. The Japanese also believe that k  2    blood group can help them decide that if a person will be a person’s good friend. It is strange that this idea is so popular in Japan because it is not a traditional idea, but a m  3    one. Blood groups were only d  4    in 1901 and in 1916 a Japanese doctor suggested that blood groups were related to temperament (气质、性情).
In 1927, a writer did a large study of people and wrote a guide to blood groups. He said that people from blood group O are calm, patient and in c  5    of their emotions (情绪). They are f  6    of self-confidence but are also quiet. People from blood group A are gentle and careful, worry a lot, find it hard to make a d  7   , and do not like arguments. People from blood group B are cheerful and “independent”(独立). They can talk and do things w  8    needing help from others. Blood group AB is quite a strange group. These people may seem like people from blood group B but they are actually more like people from blood group A. They are shy and confident, trustworthy (可信赖的) and like to help others. The Japanese also think that your blood group a  9    your choice of job and even your choice of m  10    partner!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

根据句意, 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。
小题1:Will people live                 100 years old?   ( be )
小题2:Mother               (sweep) the floor when I             (leave) home.
小题3:My friend Eve told me she                (be) going to buy a new computer.
小题4:It’s necessary for young people                    (experience) different things.
小题5:My dream is to be a                   (profession) athlete.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:When a fire__________(发生), you should keep calm and go out of the building as quickly as possible.
小题2:She is careless, she often makes some m________ in her homework.
小题3:It’s our duty to help people when they’re in t__________.
小题4:I want to i_____________my English.
小题5:This team we are_____________(感到轻松的)about our homework.
小题6:They’re______________(成功)in business.
小题7:My father enjoys___________(读)newspapers every evening.
小题8:Study hard and you will a___________your dream.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:There are more than two _________(千) students in our school.
小题2:He didn’t go to bed ____________(直到)his father returned home.
小题3:My mother was busy cooking in the ____________(厨房).
小题4:It is ______________(可能) for us to finish the work in such a short time .
小题5:Tonny has been ______________(收集) seashells for four years..


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—Where is my bag? I can’t find it.
—Don’t worry. It must be         in your room.
A.somewhereB.anywhereC.everywhereD.some where

