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1.(grow)up is not always easy.When we face difficulties,a spirit of depending on yourself is more useful than 2.(cry)for help.That’s what Hong Zhanhui’s story of growing from boy to man with family hardship 3.(tell) us.

Hong 4.(bear) in 1982 in a poor family in Xihua County(县),Henan Province.When he was only 11,his father 5.(become) badly ill and one day he came back with an unwanted baby girl.A year later,Hong’s mother left home.She no longer wanted 6.(live) such a poor life and face her sick husband.So everything hard fell onto the young boy’s shoulders:to take care of his father and the sister Chenchen,and to go on to study.

Although his life was hard,Hong 7.(never go) away from his father and sister.He worked in part—time jobs to feed his family.He climbed tall trees to get birds’ eggs for his sister. He walked two hours at weekends to the market to buy different things to sell around his school.He said that he 8.(make) a good life in the future. A few years later,he studied at a college.To take care of Chenchen,he had worked hard to rent(租)a room near his college for several years.

After Hong’s story went public,he became a hero in people’s eyes.But Hong refused offers from others.He said he 9.(feel) encouraged by kind offers,but he could depend on his own work.

Through his hard life,he 10.(grow) up from boy to man.

1.Growing 2.crying 3.tells 4.was born 5.became 6.to live 7.had never gone 8.would make 9.felt 10.has grown 【解析】试题这是一篇记叙文,文章通过洪战辉在贫困家庭自强不息担起整个家的故事,说明面对困难要勇于担当自强不息的道理。 1...

科目:初中英语 来源:2018年江苏省无锡市毕业升学考试英语试卷(十)含答案 题型:单选题

I can hardly hear the radio. Would you please ________?

A. turn it on

B. turn it down

C. turn it off

D. turn it up

D 【解析】句意:我几乎不能听到收音机声,请你开大点好吗?A. turn it on打开; B. turn it down关小; C. turn it off关上;D. turn it up开大;根据I can hardly hear the radio.我几乎不能听到收音机声,可知是开大;故选D


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年中考阅读模拟测试(二) 题型:填空

Father seemed to have no hobbies but just took care of his family.

Since I left home for college, my father called me every Sunday at 9:00 a.m.

He was always interested in my life--how my family was doing. The calls even came when he and my mother were in Australia, England or Florida.

Nine years ago I bought my first house. My lather, 67 years old, spent three days painting my house, eight hours a day. All lie asked was a glass of iced tea, and that I hold a paintbrush for him and talk to him. But I was too busy with work to take the time to hold the paintbrush, or talk to my father.

Five years ago, my 71-year-old father spent five hours putting together a swing set (秋千) for my daughter. Again, all he asked was that I get him a glass of iced tea, and talk to him. But again, I had other jobs to do.

On the Sunday morning, 16 January 1995, my father telephoned me as usual. This time seemed forgetful. I had to get to church, and I cut the conversation short.

The call came at 4:40 a.m. which said father was sent to hospital in Florida. I got on a plane immediately. I vowed(发誓)that when I arrived, I would make up for the lost time, for I owed()him a nice long talk.

I arrived in Florida at 6:00 a.m., but my father had passed away hours before. This time he did not have time to talk, or time to wait for me.

1.What did Father use to do at 9:00 on Sunday mornings?


2.What did Father do for me when I bought my first house?


3.Father didn't have chances to have a face-to-face talk to "me", did he?


4.What happened to Father shortly after 'T' hung up on 16 January 1995?


5.Put the underlined sentence into proper Chinese.


1.He used to call me. 2.He painted the house for me. 3.No, he didn' t. 4.He was sent to hospital and passed away. 5.我发誓在我赶到后,我会弥补那些失去的时间,因为我欠他一次好好的长谈。 【解析】 这篇文章讲述了我和父亲之间的小故事,也重点突出了作者...


科目:初中英语 来源:山西省2018届九年级中考信息冲刺卷压轴卷英语试卷(二) 题型:单选题

It's December now.Some people prefer to travel in Thailand ________ it's warm there.

A. unless B. before C. because

C 【解析】句意“现在十二月份了,一些人更喜欢去泰国旅游,因为那里很温暖”。A.除非(引导条件状语从句);B.在……之前,引导时间状语从句;C.因为(引导原因状语从句)。根据前后文关系可知,表示原因,故选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八年级下英语期末考试专题练习-完成句子 题型:完成句子


The doctor thought that the patient__________________________________________


As soon as we arrived there, _____________________________________________ visit it.


She __________________________________________________ of women.


When _____________________________________________?


Most eye problems can be cured since ____________________________________________.


When will the school __________________?


Waste used to ___________________ rivers carelessly.


It's not wise of you___________________________________


He is______________________________________________ by writing letters


We didn't realize the importance of training ___________________________.

1. should carry on with his treatment 2. we were invited on board to 3. has made up her mind to work for the rights 4. were these books handed out 5. modern medicine is developing fast ...


科目:初中英语 来源:重庆市南区学校2018届九年级中考模拟英语试卷 题型:完型填空

Lifts are very useful. Why? Think about a _______ building. You work _______ the thirtieth floor. Maybe you can walk up all the stairs _______. But can you climb thirty _______ to your office every day? Of course not.

In an old lift, a worker is needed. He or she operates it _______. In a modern lift, there is no _______. People can operate it _______.

Do you know _______ to use a lift? OK, let me tell you. _______, you want to go to the twelfth floor from the ground floor. First, you must press the button , then the door opens. After that, you can ________ the lift. Third, you press the button, and the __________ closes. Fourth, you press the number 12, then the lift takes you up to the __________ floor. When the door opens again, you can get out of the lift. If you want to ________ down to the first floor, you must press the button, then do the __________. It will take you down there. It is very easy and ________. Now can you use it?

1.A. small B. tall C. long D. nice

2.A. for B. to C. of D. on

3.A. one time B. much time C. all the time D. on time

4.A. building B. meters C. steps D. floors

5.A. in and out B. up and down C. on and off D. here and there

6.A. worker B. student C. teacher D. farmer

7.A. himself B. herself C. themselves D. ourselves

8.A. how B. what C. where D. when

9.A. In the end B. By the way C. For example D. As usual

10.A. get into B. get up C. get out of D. get off

11.A. window B. door C. gate D. box

12.A. twelve B. twenty C. twelfth D. twentieth

13.A. run B. take C. walk D. go

14.A. first B. different C. next D. same

15.A. slow B. hard C. fast D. free

1.B 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.A 11.B 12.C 13.D 14.D 15.C 【解析】试题这是一篇说明文,介绍了电梯的重要作用及它的使用方法。 1.句意:为什么?想想一座高楼吧。考查形容词辨析题。building建筑物,名词需用形容词修饰。根据下文Y...


科目:初中英语 来源:重庆市南区学校2018届九年级中考模拟英语试卷 题型:单选题

_______ interesting the news is !

A. How an B. What an C. How D. What

C 【解析】句意:多么有趣的新闻啊!考查感叹句。英语中感叹句有两种形式:1.what引导的感叹句,其构成:what+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!/ what +形容词+可数名词复数+主语+谓语!/ what +形容词+不可数名词复数+主语+谓语! 2. How引导的感叹句,其构成:how+形容词/副词+主语+谓语!本句interesting是形容词,需用how引导,即how+...


科目:初中英语 来源:北京市八区2018届九年级二模英语分类汇编--写作含范文 题型:话题作文



提示词语:success, hope, decide, leader, help, try, satisfied, happy


Why is it important to be responsible?

What experience did you have and what did you do?

What have you learned from the experience?

Everyone has to take on responsibility._________________________________________

Everyone has to take on responsibility. A responsible person is ready to take on responsibility in critical situations and helps achieve success. As a responsible teenager, I try my best in everyth...


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版英语八年级下册Unit 3 Could you please clean your room 测试卷 题型:单选题

The students needs ______ their room by themselves.

A. to cleaned B. cleaned C. cleans D. to clean

D 【解析】 句意:学生们需要独立打扫他们的房间。need to do sth需要做某事,故为to clean,故选D。

