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Few kids today are taught the value of sympathy(同情心). It seems so hard for people to show their love and care towards others and to actually understand what others are going through.
As a child I was taught to go out of my way to make someone else happy. My mom told me to say at least one kind word to someone else every day. I admit(承认) that it wasn't very easy to do. But as soon as you see the look of happiness in that person's eyes, you just want to do as much as you can do.
I had an experience with a guy whom people were always making fun of. Every time I saw that happening, I knew in my heart that it was wrong. I decided I would try to be his friend. I started walking with him and introducing him to people around us. I was making him happy by just doing that. And I loved the fact that I was making a difference in his life.
After a while I realized that he wasn't the kind of person everybody thought he was. We are still good friends today. People have almost completely stopped making fun of him. But he is still what he was. What changed was the attitudes of others towards him.
From this experience I've learned to be more loving toward other people. What I did for my friend was so easy. And at the same time I had a lot of fun. So I hope that everyone can say a kind word to someone else at least once a day. I can promise you it will be the best feeling you can ever get.
One kind word can make someone's day brighter.
(1)According to the writer, more kids should be taught the value of.
(2)When I was young, my mom taught me to.
A.study hard
B.make more friends
C.make someone else happy
D.fight for my own
(3)What was NOT the way I chose when I saw a guy who was being made fun of?
A.I made up my mind to be his friend.
B.I started walking with him.
C.I introduced him to people around us.
D.I helped him talk back.
(4)Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the passage?
A.It was very easy for me to say at least one kind word to others at first.
B.I realized that the guy was the kind of person everybody thought he was.
C.The guy changed himself to make others stop making fun of him.
D.What changed was the attitudes of others toward the guy.
(5)What does the writer want to tell us?
A.We can't change others easily.
B.One kind word can make others happy.
C.We can change ourselves to change others.
D.We don't need to teach the kids sympathy.

(1)细节理解题。根据Few kids today are taught the value of sympathy(同情心)可知,孩子很少被教育要有同情心,所以作者认为应该教孩子有同情心。故选A。
(2)细节理解题。根据As a child I was taught to go out of my way to make someone else happy.可知,作者小的时候,妈妈教自己用自己的方式使其他的某个人高兴。故选C。
(3)细节理解题。根据I decided I would try to be his friend. I started walking with him and introducing him to people around us.可知,作者当看见有人被嘲笑的时候,他决定做那个人的好朋友;作者和那个人一起散步;作者把那个人介绍给周围的人。没有提到选项D,故选D。
(4)细节理解题。根据People have almost completely stopped making fun of him. But he is still what he was. What changed was the attitudes of others towards him.可知,通过作者这样帮助那个被嘲笑的人,使周围的人改变了对他的看法。故选D。
(5)作者意图题。根据第二段中作者提到他的母亲曾经告诉他say at least one kind word to someone every day,然后作者通过自己的经历说明他是如何做到的,最后一段作者提出希望:everyone can say a kind word to someone else at least once a day,故作者写此文的目的是号召更多的人友善地对待他人,使其他的人高兴。故选B。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(1)There are always soldiers (守卫) outside the gate of the government buildings.
(2)We can (使……满意) our basic wants more easily than in the past.
(3) (以,凭借) his efforts, Edison successfully made so many useful inventions.
(4)The Chinese government has decided to do further research on that (未知的) areas as soon as possible.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 假如你是李华,你的英国笔友杰克春节期间要来一个中国家庭做客。他想知道中国人常送什么礼物以及在春节期间需遵守哪些特殊的习俗。请根据所给的提示写封回信,给他一些参考意见。




Jack’s questions

about gifts

about Spring Festival

1. small gifts like fruits, ...

2. accept... with both hands

3. ....

1. try not to break things

2. say nice words

3. ...

Dear Jack,

I’m very glad to hear that you’re coming to China for a short stay. I wish you a good time

with the help of my advice.

I hope what I say can help you. Enjoy your stay!

Love from,

Li Hua


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:



________ ________,we have learnt over 1,000 English words.


John and Tom have________ ________ ________.


________ ________,we should help mother with housework.


Children were ________ ________ joining the football club.


Many people become ill because of the________ ________ sleep.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(1)The man is a teacher who (have) many teaching skills.
(2)He decides to make an (努力) to achieve his goal.
(3)Mum, the beautiful card I made last night is just for your(四十) birthday.
(4)Whenever Mary reads an interesting story, she can't keep it to (she), and wants to share it with her friends.
(5)Alice, please turn down the music, I (answer) an important phone now.
(6)Every year many trees (plant) along the streets to make our city more beautiful.
(7)So far, we (borrow) the two books for a week.
(8)I'm looking forward to (hear) from you.
(9)For your health, you'd better eat (little) meat and more vegetables.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Anna used to wake you up on Sunday morning when you wanted to stay in bed,but now you feel strange if she gets up before lunch.She used to be very quiet,but now she talks all the time—but not to you.She used to hold your hand when you went to visit your friends.Now she doesn't even want to be seen with you when you go to visit your friends.Your Anna might spend hours on the phone or in the bathroom now.At the same time Nick next door has become quiet and dirty.He used to be very polite.Now a simple conversation with Nick becomes very difficult.You've gone from a hero to the most embarrassing adult in the world.Your child has become a teenager!

What makes adolescence(青春期) so difficult?Physical(身体上的) and emotional changes are the reasons that make them change so much.When they are young,children live in a safe and simple land called “childhood”.Parents organize their lives.Parents choose children's clothes,take them to places,and spend time with them.They're there with the children when there is a problem.As children get older,however,they learn about another land—an exciting land,called “adulthood”.Sooner or later their hormones(荷尔蒙) push them into the open sea—away from the safe land or childhood.Adolescence,then,is the journey from childhood to adulthood.Some find the journey quite easy.For others,it's very difficult.

1The article is probably written about ________.

A. teachers??? B. teenagers??? C. parents??? D. students

2When Anna was a child,she used to do the follo-wing things EXCEPT ________.

A. speaking little??? B. getting up early

C. staying with her parents in public??? D. spending hours on the phone

3When children get older and older,________.

A. they don't go to visit friends with their parents

B. they stay away from their parents

C. they change physically and emotionally

D. all of the above

4Why are Anna's teenage years so different from her childhood?________

A. Because her appearance(外表) has changed.

B. Because the hormone in her body changes her.

C. Because parents look at Anna differently.

D. Because teachers look at Anna differently.

5What is the best title for the article?________.

A. The changes from childhood to adolescence

B. A teenager's life

C. Parent's attitudes towards teenagers

D. Difficult adolescence


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


A: Hello! May I speak to Mary?

B: Speaking.

A: This is Lin Tao.? _____

B: I am watching a soap opera at home.

A:? _____

B: In fact, I don't mind it.

A: I don't like soap operas, either. So, do you want to go to a movie?

B: ____ I went to the beach last weekend. It made me feel tired.

A: How was your weekend?

B: ____ The beaches were beautiful, the food was delicious, and the people there were friendly.

A: Really?I want to go there. But my parents don't.

B: Don't mind ____. Just do what you like to.

A: OK, I will. Bye.

B: Byebye.


A. Where are you???? B. Are you watching TV?

C. Are you at home???? D. What are you doing now?


A. Do you like them?

B. What do you think of?

C. What do you think of them?

D. What do you like it?


A. Yes, I do.??? B. Sorry, I'm afraid not.

C. Yes, I'd like to.??? D. No, I don't want to.


A. Fantastic.??? B. It's tiring.

C. It was terrible.??? D. Just so-so.


A. what do they think??? B. where your parents are

C. what they think??? D. how do they like


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】今天早上, 有人在一家工厂里发现了一具尸体。被害者是一名工程师, 男性, 40岁, 被刀所刺因流血过多而死亡。根据警方的推断, 此案发生于凌晨三点至四点之间, 而且工厂不是案发现场。目前, 警方悬赏十万元人民币寻找破案线索。请根据以上提示, 用英语写一篇80词左右的短文描述这起案件。

写这篇短文时, 你可以从以下四个方面构思:


2.被害人性别、 年龄、 职业等信息;




科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:









3.提示词汇:achieve one’s dream,hold on to,difficulty,give up

China dreams are made up of all Chinese people’s dreams.As a middle school student,what’s my dream?

???????????????????? _______________________________________________

???????????????????? _______________________________________________

???????????????????? ______________________________________________

???????????????????? ______________________________________________

If everyone does so,I strongly believe our China dreams must come true and China will get better and better.

